Dean Hu was also a little confused, and subconsciously asked: "Your uremia was cured by acupuncture by a miracle doctor, don't you know?"

The third aunt's expression became more and more dazed: "I don't know any miracle doctors, and besides, no outsiders have come to me these days."

Dean Hu subconsciously glanced at Director Wang.

Director Wang was also a little stunned, and he didn't know what to say at all.

Seeing this, Dean Hu retracted his gaze, stood in place and pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Then among the people you know, who knows acupuncture? Also, who has come to see you during your hospitalization?"

Who is that miracle doctor, this matter is too important to Dean Hu!

In other words, this matter is too important to the Chinese medical community, and even the world's medical community, he must find out and even visit him!

"Among the people I know, it seems that Lao Wu in the outpatient clinic at the mouth of the alley knows a little acupuncture. However, his level is quite ordinary, and he is always inaccurate in pricking needles, and he is often laughed at by a large group of our old acquaintances. The third aunt recalled for a moment, and added, "During the hospitalization, my man and my nephew Qin Hongyu came to see ......"

Dean Hu did not speak, but directly excluded Lao Wu.

Although he also knows that the master is in the people, but like a guy who stays in the outpatient clinic at the entrance of the alley and is not even allowed to prick a needle, it is impossible for him to be a hidden master.

Seeing this, the third aunt thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, my nephew, that is, Xiaoyu, also taught me a set of massage techniques, and the effect is very good." "

Your nephew, is he a Chinese medicine doctor?" Dean Hu's eyes lit up.

"Dean Hu, you're joking, he's still a high school student, and he just finished the college entrance examination. Listening to him, he just learned a few tricks from a teacher. When the third aunt mentioned Qin Hongyu, there was a hundred satisfaction and pride on her face. However, she didn't think that the child she watched grow up would be a miracle doctor who shocked the entire hospital management.

Dean Hu's eyes also dimmed again.

A child who has not grown all his hair has not even studied Chinese medicine, let alone is impossible.

He was a little unwilling, and continued: "Think about it again, is there anything missing?" "

No, although I am older, my mind is still clear. The third aunt shook her head, "That's all."

When Director Wang heard this, he was dumbfounded: What kind of situation is this, a miracle doctor who no one knows, saved a person without anyone knowing, and the most important thing is that the rescued person didn't know anything

about it? This Nima is the rhythm of a headless unsolved case?

Dean Hu held his forehead, frowned and thought for a moment, and then said aloud: " Since the patient has been in the ward, and the miracle doctor has left traces of acupuncture, it is clear that he has been in and out of the hospital, and even in and out of the patient's ward.

"It's still the dean's fierce eye, and he has grasped the key to the problem at once!" Director Wang gave a thumbs up.

Dean Hu ignored it, looked directly at the backbone of the hospital at the scene, and said loudly: "Immediately go to check the monitoring, inquire about the relevant staff on duty, and at all costs, we must find the miracle doctor who has created miracles without leaving a name

!" "That is not only a rare miracle doctor, but also more likely to be another true Chinese medicine inheritor in our Chinese world for hundreds of years - the last inheritor of Chinese medicine in the world!"

Everyone should have more snacks and mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized, even if they dig three feet into the ground, they must

find him!" "If anyone can find him, I will give him a private reward of 1 million! Even if he can't find it, if he can provide favorable clues, he will be rewarded at least 50,000 yuan at a time

!" "This reward is not only valid for you, but also for all the staff of our hospital, and even the entire people of Nansha City!"

As soon as these words came out, Director Wang was all shaken, and immediately took action, and began to check the monitoring, check the entry and exit records of the third aunt's ward, and ask the staff on duty ......

And with their dispatch, soon, the staff of the entire Nansha People's Hospital, and even the well-informed people in Nansha City, knew about President Hu's reward.

For a time, not only the Nansha People's Hospital shook, but even the well-informed people in Nansha City also shook.

The matter of "searching for a mysterious miracle doctor" quickly fermented and spread in Nansha City!

At the same time, some related posts also appeared in some professional forums in the medical field.

As soon as the post came out, one stone shook a thousand waves!

"If this matter was not a reward issued by Dean Hu, I would definitely think that it was a marketing method by some unscrupulous doctors, but since Dean Hu personally issued a reward, and even launched the whole hospital to search for a miracle doctor, it can be seen that the credibility is extremely

high!" "Acupuncture cures the late stage of uremia, but does good deeds without leaving a name, this miracle doctor is really a high wind and bright festival, and can be called the Lei Feng of the world!"

However, at the moment when Chinese medicine is in decline, I really hope that everyone can come to the front of the stage, instead of hiding behind the scenes. "

Chinese medicine needs hope, and he can obviously make Chinese medicine shine with ten thousand rays of light

!" "If you find him, Chinese medicine will probably be able to really rise!" "

Looking for a miracle doctor who does good deeds without leaving a name

!" "Divine doctor, do you see, we are looking for you! We need you, Chinese medicine needs you!"


At the same time, after Liang Chen entered the hospital and ran for most of the day, he suddenly found that God seemed to be deliberately targeting him -

in the huge hospital, it seemed that few people were willing to deal with him.

He went to several departments one after another, trying to do an examination, but those departments either had no one on duty at all, or a group of people gathered around to inquire about someone, and they didn't have time to talk to him!

Finally, he found the nephrology department, and finally a doctor was on duty, and he was still a blonde gringo, the kind that showed him a face as soon as they met.

The gringo is none other than Stark King.

Originally, he was invited by President Hu to come to the Municipal People's Hospital to work for a few days, and he was an absolute guest. Moreover, in fact, in the first two days he came, he did enjoy the hearts of everyone in the hospital.

However, since Qin Hongyu's third aunt began to recover, his status seems to have plummeted.

At first, it was the medical staff who were originally enthusiastic about him and even had some awe of him who were perfunctory to him; then, the several chief physicians who originally took the initiative to accompany him throughout the whole process suddenly became busy and no longer revolved around him; and today, after Qin Hongyu's third aunt has completely recovered, the entire hospital seems to have simply treated him as air.

What made him feel most aggrieved was that before leaving, Dean Hu actually asked him to instruct the grassroots staff to work, and simply let him be in the class of Director Wang of the Department of Nephrology. And in the nephrology department, now there is not even a medical staff except himself, and he instructs a ghost to work

? However, when he is angry, Liang Chen and Da Hei actually don't even knock on the door, so they just break in and let him do a physical examination?

As for his little temper, it must not be bearable!

So Stark King not only blackened his face, but also gave Liang Chen a dead fish eye: "Are you sick?"

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