
Hongyu was speechless for a while, and quickly typed a sentence: "It's not a problem." Later, during dinner, I will go to the rooftop to read, and you will continue to play games next to me. Remember, be lively. After the event, 800 red envelopes per person!"

He originally wanted to say that he would let a few people play in the classroom, but he thought that this would affect the revision of other students in the class, so he simply changed it to go to the rooftop.

The group immediately exploded: "Received, promise to complete the task

!" "Don't shout hoarse today, my Eryu's name is written upside down!"

"Do you have any special requirements......?" I can do it!"

"Fat man, you are a voice changer, don't scare Brother Qin!"


Qin Hongyu was defeated by the discipline of these people, and finally replied, "It's the same as just now, just play normally", and then quit the group chat page.

Xia Tiantian replied to the message: "It has been resolved." Also, I'll surprise you tomorrow. "

What surprise?"

After Qin Hongyu's message was sent, he saw that there was no response over there, so he added: The head teacher just came over, saying that the school had made a set of test questions, which contained a lot of sprint questions from the teacher who had written the questions in this year's college entrance examination, and I will help you sort out a copy when the teacher lectures later. He

had just finished sending the message when the math teacher came in, followed by the math class representative.

After the representative of the mathematics class handed out the test papers, the mathematics teacher went straight to the topic: "Everyone turns to the first page, the third question of the multiple-choice question, the knowledge points contained in this question are very important, according to experience, this year's college entrance examination must be a choice or fill in the blanks......"

He said while walking along the classroom.

Qin Hongyu couldn't read the book, so he could only listen carefully, and by the way, he marked the key topics mentioned by the teacher with a red marker, and annotated the knowledge points involved.

After that, the math teacher focused on a few questions one after another, all of which he felt were required or very likely to be tested in the college entrance examination.

After the math teacher finished class, the chemistry teacher, physics teacher, and biology teacher also took turns to teach and explained some key exercises and knowledge points.

Qin Hongyu concocted it in the same way, and after sorting out all the key points, he took a photo and sent it to Xia Tiantian.

On the other end of the phone, Xia Tiantian was holding the bank card she had just asked for from her father, a little absent-minded.

She also knew about Qin Hongyu's third aunt last night, and she began to pester her father early this morning, asking him to advance the reward for being admitted to a prestigious school, and she soaked it for most of the day before she got this card.

Kari is the 800,000 yuan that her father saved in her name in advance, and is going to be the first car she gave her after she was admitted to a prestigious school.

Xia Tiantian's surprise for Qin Hongyu was this card, but she knew very well that boys of this age were a little vanity and self-esteem, and she didn't know how to open her mouth to Qin Hongyu.

The sunlight outside the window and the shadows of the trees fell in together, sparsely falling, and the hour hand of the alarm clock on the table kept ticking and turning, like the sound of time passing quickly.

It's mid-May, and the three years of high school are coming to an end. The girl thought sadly, the idiot didn't seem to be enlightened.

Suddenly, the phone vibrates.

It was several WeChat messages sent by Qin Hongyu.

Xia Tiantian hurriedly clicked on it.

A smile bloomed on her face when she saw the titles marked with markers and the points written in the crooked and familiar handwriting next to them.

This nerd is not stupid!

"Thank you, super invincible and handsome tablemate!" she quickly typed a line and sent it over.

But the news seemed to have sunk into the sea, and there was no response for half a day.

What did this bastard do, why did he disappear again?

Xia Tiantian was sad again.


Nansha No. 3 Middle School, after Qin Hongyu sent a message to Xia Tiantian, he hurriedly called the fat man, Eryu, Xiaoshuai, and Xiaowolf to go to the rooftop.

In the afternoon, several teachers took turns lecturing, so that he could not read at all, and he wasted four hours of double income cards.

Now that there are less than 12 hours left on the double income card, he naturally has only one thing in his heart - studying!

The third year of Nansha No. 3 Middle School, which is different from the first and second years of high school, has an independent teaching building, a full seven floors high, and at the top of the building, there is an open rooftop, which is rarely visited by people in normal times, and it is a good place for many delinquent teenagers to secretly smoke and have trysts with young boys and girls.

The fat man was the first to step into the rooftop, and then reminded with a smile on his face: "Brother Qin, be careful of the steps."

Xiao Shuai was very smart and hurriedly rushed into the rooftop and occupied a good position: "Brother Qin, this place is secluded and spacious, with a wide field of vision, it is the most suitable for reading." Not

to be outdone, the little wolf and Eryu simply guarded Qin Hongyu on the left and right, following behind him majestically, like two loyal bodyguards.

On the rooftop, there happened to be three bad ones swallowing clouds and spitting fog.

Seeing Qin Hongyu and the others in such a posture, the bad guys were stunned for a moment, and then whispered to each other: "What is the origin of this? Reading a book on the rooftop is so

face-to-face?" "Which family's eldest and youngest, right?, why haven't you heard of it before, and it looks a little eye-catching

?" "Made, you can really do whatever you want if you have money!Why isn't my dad Ma Yun?"


While talking, the three of them secretly looked at Qin Hongyu with envy and hatred.

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