After a while, Xiao Shuai suddenly came up and sent a few voices one after another: "Grass TM

!" "Xu Dong's son of a bitch, Lao Tzu wants to kill his ancestors for eighteen generations!" His

voice was sad and indignant: "Do you know what that Dogecoin thing is for?"

"He was obviously defeated by my second master, and my second master saw that he had surrendered, so he stopped at that time."

"Then, Xu Dong's Dogecoin thing, he actually pretended to shake hands with my second master, pretended to be modest to ask for advice and study, and then kicked my second master's knee while my second master was not paying attention

!" "The shoes that the Dogecoin thing wears have a mechanism and iron nails on the soles

!" "My second master was attacked by him and his knee was kicked with a few bloody holes!"

Just now, the results of the doctor's examination came out, the muscles were severely torn, the bones were poked out of three holes, and one tendon was broken

!" "Lao Tzu wants to kill this Dogecoin thing now!"


When he said this, Xiao Shuai seemed to be crying.

After Qin Hongyu heard this, he silently clenched his fists.

He can allow Xu Dong to be arrogant, but he must not allow Xu Dong to insult Huaxia martial arts, let alone allow Xu Dong to eat human blood steamed buns of Huaxia martial arts-especially, this bastard still relies on pit to abduct and hurt real martial artists, and then edit videos, take quotes out of context, and win eyeballs

! The most important thing is that this bastard hurts his friends!

On the side, Xia Tiantian and Su Mengmeng also heard Xiao Shuai's voice, and they were a little angry: " How can this person be so shameless

?" "It's so infuriating!"

Qin Hongyu nodded silently, and then asked directly into the WeChat group: "Did Xu Dong say anything else?"

Before leaving, he said that he would challenge again tomorrow, and when the time came, he would bring equipment for live broadcast. After Xiao Shuai finished replying, he quickly added, "This dog thing just sees the average level of several other boxers in our boxing gym, and wants to step on our boxing gym again and step on our Wing Chun again!"

Qin Hongyu was silent.

The little wolf immediately said: "This bastard is too vicious, he must also know that there will be many people who have a heart to find that the video has editing traces and flaws." That's why I'm going to do a challenge live broadcast tomorrow to gag these people.

"However, this guy is vicious, he has seriously injured Xiaoshuai's second master. In the boxing gym, except for Xiaoshuai's second master, the remaining boxers are not very smart. "Fat man analyzed, "Judging from his vicious style, tomorrow, it is estimated that he will deliberately make something like in the movie, so that your boxing gym will send people to fight wheels at will, and he will take all the scenes to create public opinion and attract attention!" "

In that case, the reputation of the boxing gym will really be completely ruined, and the name of Wing Chun is estimated to have become a laughing stock." The

group was silent for a moment again.

After that, Xiao Shuai sent a voice and said seriously: "I told the second master, if he can't go tomorrow, I will go up." Even if I fight for this life, I must bite off a bite of meat from Xu Dong and help the second master avenge this!"

"The little wolf, the fat man, and the second fish heard the voice, and were about to persuade him not to be impulsive, but Qin Hongyu suddenly spoke: "Xiaoshuai, what time is it tomorrow, and where is the specific location?"

"Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, on the side of my second master's Wing Chun gym, the address ......" Xiaoshuai quickly replied.

After Qin Hongyu saw it, he didn't say much, and directly closed the group chat.

He had long seen that Xu Dong was unpleasant, and it just so happened that the third uncle didn't like Xu Dong either, plus what this thing did to the little handsome second master today ......

It's time for him to accept the beating of socialism!"

"However, I can't be too famous now, otherwise it will be easy for people with good intentions to find out that there is a problem with the source of kung fu and medical skills...... Maybe it will be used as a guinea pig by some secret research institutions and taken back to slice and study......"

Thinking of this, Qin Hongyu and Xia Tiantian said hello to Su Mengmeng, and after separating from them, he went to buy a set of Bruce Lee's signature costumes and a Bruce Lee mask, and hurried home.

He now feels that he should be on par with Xu Dong's kung fu, but Xu Dong is experienced, and if he is at the current level, he is not sure.

Qin Hongyu was going to go home to study and see if there was any way to raise the level of the skill [Bruce Lee Technique] up a little more.


And just over ten minutes after he, Xia Tiantian and the others left, several Toyotas drove over in a domineering manner.

After the car drove to the gate of No. 3 Middle School, several cars were almost stable at the same time.

Then, Xu Fei was the first to jump down in a hurry.

After a quick look around for a week, he returned to Da Hei with some embarrassment and whispered, "Brother Da Hei, it seems that the person has left."

Da Hei's brow furrowed.

Xu Fei was worried, and hurriedly added: "However, you can rest assured, I have already arranged for someone to check his details, give me a day, at noon tomorrow at the latest, and promise to help Brother Da Hei find that kid


!" After returning home, Qin Hongyu clicked on the system interface, and after looking at it for a long time, he didn't see any way to increase the level of [Bruce Lee's Technique].

In the midst of his distress, he suddenly had an idea.

"After the last system upgrade, didn't you open the new function 'lottery' and haven't you tried it yet?Moreover, when you complete the advanced task for novices, the system also rewards three silver lotteries?"

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the lottery page.

"Bronze lottery (activated), every 100,000 RMB consumed in the lottery, the remaining number of draws is 0. "

"Silver lottery (activated), for every 1 million RMB consumed, the remaining number of draws is 3.

When he saw several lottery trays again, as well as the instructions next to the lottery trays, Qin Hongyu gritted his teeth: "Lottery!"

The silver lottery plate immediately turned quickly.

"God forbid, this is a million! I hope something good can come out!" Qin

Hongyu prayed secretly, the lottery wheel stopped turning, and a silver light flashed.

A second later, the system's prompt sounded: "Congratulations to the host, winning RMB 9999." "


" "Don't you want to be so cheating, a million lotteries, 9999 drawn, are you kidding me system?" Qin Hongyu was speechless and clicked on the lottery again.

As a result, this time it was even more cheating, and after a burst of silver light came out of the lottery plate, 6,666 yuan was drawn.

Qin Hongyu wanted to cry, "It's the last chance to draw the lottery, God, Dad, the system boss, it's okay, give me a prop that can be used, okay?"

While meditating, he used the last chance to draw.

When he saw that the silver turntable stopped again, and the silver light came out again, Qin Hongyu was desperate for a while, and then said viciously: "I, Qin Hongyu, am starving to death, dying outside, jumping down from here, and I will never touch this pit daddy's lottery again from now on

!" At this moment, the system's prompt sounded: "Congratulations to the host, draw two primary skill enhancement coupons

!" Qin Hongyu was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he smiled and said, "It's so fragrant!"

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