When Qin Hongyu was about to get home, he saw an unfamiliar Toyota domineering car from a distance and stopped at the mouth of the alley.

And almost at the same time as he looked over, the car door opened.

The big black with the tiger's back stepped out of the car and looked at him directly.

came down with him, as well as Xu Fei.

Qin Hongyu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Looking for me

?" "Little friend, do you have such a bad memory?" Da Hei smiled, "A few days ago, I met you at the gate of Nansha People's Hospital with us.

Qin Hongyu seemed to have just remembered, and said lightly: "What's the matter

?" "Why am I looking for you, don't you count it yourself?" Da Hei sneered.

Qin Hongyu saw his attitude, turned around and was about to leave.

"Stop!" Da Hei made a quick move, and he put it on Qin Hongyu's shoulder.

Qin Hongyu had already been on guard, his shoulders sank, his body slipped, and he easily dodged.

Da Hei was slightly surprised when he saw that the blow actually missed, and then looked at Qin Hongyu's eyes, and subconsciously became a little more dignified.

Although he is half of Xu Dong's disciple, when it comes to actual combat, he is really not under Xu Dong.

But the hand-grabbed just now was actually dodged by Qin Hongyu, a high school student who looked ordinary?

This kid, except for his medical skills, is a bit weird, I'm afraid it's not easy!

Qin Hongyu had already turned around and looked at him coldly: "You want to arrest me?"

As soon as he said this, many nearby residents who were familiar with him stared at him in unison.

There were also some enthusiastic people who simply asked directly: "Over there, what are you doing?"

Da Hei noticed that many residents around him were looking at his vigilant eyes, and immediately didn't dare to mess around anymore, but said to Qin Hongyu with a loud urn: "We want to see you." "

So you're just going to come here and arrest me?" Qin Hongyu asked.

As soon as these words came out, many residents who knew him well began to lean in this direction.

Seeing that things were going to make a big fuss, Da Hei had to be more polite: "I am entrusted by him to ask you to go and see him." "

Most of you want to invite me to meet him, just like this, just when we meet, let you arrest me?" Qin Hongyu sneered.

When several residents who were familiar with Qin Hongyu heard this, some people had already begun to take out their mobile phones and prepare to call the police.

Although Da Hei is not afraid of the police, he also knows that he has done a bad job this time, if he really attracts the police and forces Liang Chen to go out to catch himself, he is afraid that he will be scolded by Liang Chen.

Thinking of this, he said quickly: "I brought the words, you can do it yourself! Anyway, as long as you don't cooperate, this matter is not over!"

After speaking, he got into the Toyota's domineering car, started the car directly, and quickly escaped from here.

Qin Hongyu looked at the domineering Toyota who was walking away, and a chill quickly flashed in his eyes.

He originally thought that the deterrence given at the gate of the Municipal People's Hospital and the Wing Chun Boxing Gym before was enough, but now it seems that some people are far more courageous than he imagined

! He has to find an opportunity to teach them some unforgettable lessons!

Thinking of this, Qin Hongyu retracted his gaze and thanked the surrounding neighbors before turning around and going home.


When he returned home, the third uncle was drinking a little wine at home, humming a small tune.

"What's so happy, Third Uncle?" Qin Hongyu asked casually.

When the third uncle saw him coming back, he smiled and said, "There was a call from the hospital, saying that your third aunt can be discharged from the hospital today." Originally, I was going to pick her up, but you know what the hospital said? They actually said that your third aunt was the first case of uremia being cured in Nansha City People's Hospital, and even in the entire history of Chinese medicine and world medicine, and President Hu and Director Wang of the Municipal People's Hospital wanted to send her back in person!"

Qin Hongyu also smiled when he heard this, and reminded: "Then the third uncle, you still have a lot to drink, if the third aunt finds out later, I have to talk about you!" The third uncle was stunned when he heard this, and then hurriedly put away the wine bottle, and said nervously: "Don't you say that I almost forgot, what your third aunt hates the most is that I drink! Don't sue her later, I'll open the window and the fan and get a taste!" Qin

Hongyu also

helped for a while, and then went into the third uncle's room.

Seeing that the third uncle had re-cleaned and sorted out the third aunt's daily necessities, he silently walked out of the third uncle's room.

The third uncle had already sat down in the living room again, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, there is another thing that is quite pleasant.

Qin Hongyu looked at him.

The third uncle took out his mobile phone, clicked on a video, and said with a smile: "Look at it."

Qin Hongyu was stunned when he saw it.

What is shown in the video is the whole process of him beating Xu Dong.

The third uncle was stunned when he saw him, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, the third uncle didn't bluff you, right? The master is in the folk, the Chinese martial arts world is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Xu Dong is just a clown who jumps off the beam."

"This Nansha Bruce Lee, at first glance, has real kung fu, his movements are fast and accurate, and his strength is enough! Very powerful!"

Qin Hongyu was still a little confused.

Although he had long thought that once he made a fake identity, there might be some oolong incidents.

But when the third uncle praised his fake identity in front of him, although he was very happy, he really didn't know what to react to.

Seeing that he was still in a daze, the third uncle didn't think much about it, just smiled and said, "This is scared?"

Qin Hongyu shook his head.

The third uncle patted him on the shoulder and continued, "It's normal, after all, you are still a recent graduate, and your vision is limited. It would be good if you have seen more and experienced enough. The world is very big, and there are many strange people.

Qin Hongyu nodded.

The third uncle seemed to suddenly think of something, and said with a smile: "Speaking of strange people, you must not know yet, your third aunt met a strange person." "

The third aunt met a strange person, when did it happen, why didn't I know?" Qin Hongyu was a little surprised.

The third uncle nodded, and then said, "I only heard from the hospital today." What the hospital means is that your third aunt's uremia was secretly cured by a miracle doctor without telling everyone.

"Moreover, your third aunt, who was cured by acupuncture and moxibustion by the miracle

doctor, shook the entire hospital and the medical community in Nansha City!" "It is said that in order to find that mysterious miracle doctor, Dean Hu also issued a high reward, which made the entire medical community in Nansha City full of storms!"

Speaking of this, the third uncle glanced at Qin Hongyu: " Moreover, you must not know, there are still people in the hospital who suspect that you are the mysterious miracle doctor, how can I and your third aunt help you defend that they still don't believe it.

Although he didn't know why there was another dark refresh in his heart, Qin Hongyu didn't know what kind of reaction to give.

However, at this time, the third uncle rubbed his head, as if he had heard some joke, and said: "Do you think they are funny? You grew up watching me and your third aunt, can they know you better than me and your third aunt

?" "I actually suspect that you are the mysterious miracle doctor, why don't you suspect that you are still Nansha Bruce Lee?"


". Qin Hongyu suddenly had an impulse to tell the third uncle that he was really the mysterious miracle doctor, and he also happened to be Bruce Lee in Nansha.

However, after a moment of deliberation, he decided to continue the secrecy for now.

The time has not come, he is afraid of scaring the third uncle.

Moreover, the fewer people who know about the system, the better!

He still understands the truth that the husband is innocent and guilty.

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger and making a fortune in a muffled voice is the last word!

Thinking of this, Qin Hongyu suddenly thought of being targeted by Xu Fei's people.

Although that stalking did not have any negative impact on him in the end, it really sounded the alarm for him.

At the very least, two points can be seen from that incident: one is that his anti-reconnaissance awareness is not enough; the other is that his perception of potential enemies is still relatively simple.

If he has a sufficient sense of anti-reconnaissance, with his strength, he will certainly be able to discover that he has been targeted at the first time and nip the crisis in the bud; and if he has sufficient knowledge of the potential enemy, he will certainly be a little more vigilant in his actions, and even when he teaches the other side a lesson last time, he will make the other party truly unforgettable and dare not make any more trouble!"

"It seems that we will have to be more ruthless in the future! Moreover, we must also get a good grasp of learning some reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance skills to prevent the recurrence of today's incident." After Qin Hongyu secretly reflected, he said hello to the third uncle and returned to the room.

After entering the room, he immediately opened the system interface, [God-level Library], the second-level book catalog.

But after looking around, I didn't find a classic book related to reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance.

In desperation, Qin Hongyu had no choice but to exit the system interface and search on the Internet with his mobile phone instead.

But after searching for several keywords such as "anti-investigation" and "anti-tracking", he found that these are all control-level materials and are not open to the public at all. Even if some information can be searched occasionally, it is only a scattered word, and it is not authoritative and systematic.

"I don't believe it, can a living person suffocate to death?" Qin Hongyu was a little unconvinced, so he simply took the line of saving the country in a curve, and turned to search for how to get the relevant information on "anti-reconnaissance" and "anti-tracking".

Don't say it! He searched so much, and he really found a way.

When he found a way, Qin Hongyu didn't delay at all, put down his mobile phone and rushed out of the door directly, and said tentatively to the third uncle in the living room: "Third uncle, can you teach me some anti-reconnaissance skills." The

third uncle was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something, and nodded: "It's okay." When do you want to start?"

"It's better to start today than to hit the day." Hearing this, Qin Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

The method he just found was to learn from

the third uncle! The third uncle used to be a top soldier in the army, and when it comes to counter-reconnaissance, he must be an expert! With him, what other anti-reconnaissance teaching materials do you need, and what kind of bicycles do you want?

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