At the same time, in a Volvo S60 car outside the door, Hu Liangping sat quietly in the back seat, closing his eyes and recalling the contact with Qin Hongyu just now.

In the driver's seat, Director Wang saw that he was silent, and he didn't dare to speak, just silently waiting for his instructions.

After a long time, Hu Liangping finally opened his eyes, looked at the direction of the house again, and then said: "Xiao Wang, you find a few clever people, go to Nansha No. 3 Middle School to inquire, and see if there are any teachers who usually understand Chinese medicine." Also, after you go back today, you will send me the surveillance video of all the people who enter and leave Qin Hongyu's third aunt's ward.

Director Wang didn't think much about it, and hurriedly responded.

"Drive, go back. After Hu Liangping finished speaking, he closed his eyes again.


Qin Hongyu didn't know at all that his medical skills were about to be exposed, and at this moment, seeing that the third aunt had successfully attracted the attention of the third uncle, he hurriedly took the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief.

After the third uncle finished explaining to the third aunt, the three of them simply celebrated at home and welcomed the third aunt back in good health.

After the celebration, the third aunt habitually went to clean up the house, and Qin Hongyu followed the third uncle out and began to learn anti-reconnaissance skills.

Before he walked out of the house, Qin Hongyu was a little impatient.

The third uncle took a taxi without hurry, went straight to the nearest square, and on the way there, he also sent a few text messages mysteriously.

After arriving at the square and merging into the dense crowd, the third uncle began to teach: "Generally speaking, if you want to talk about counter-reconnaissance, you must start with the usual reconnaissance methods. Because, only when we know what it is, can we know why it is.

"However, the investigation methods involve some secrecy regulations, and they are also a double-edged sword, and the third uncle doesn't want you to learn it for the time being, so he will only teach you some anti-reconnaissance methods."

Qin Hongyu nodded.

Seeing this, the third uncle walked forward with Qin Hongyu and said: "From the moment you said that you wanted to learn counter-reconnaissance, the third uncle was thinking, what are the key points of counter-reconnaissance, and how to teach you in the shortest time and the fastest way......" Qin Hongyu

listened quietly.

"The third uncle has no culture, racking his brains, and summed up five words, which are called 'listen, stop, look, turn, and return'!" The third uncle said this, stopped, and listened carefully, "The so-called 'listening' is to listen to what movement, what people say, and whether there is a special sound." "

'Stop' means that after discovering something abnormal, we use the method of stopping first. If you are walking or if you are always around with a few strangers, you can stop in a safe place. Because, once you stop, if the other party is an ordinary pedestrian, they will definitely go on their own, but the person who can be followed will also linger nearby. At this point, you'll be able to determine that there is something wrong with him. "

'Looking' is to pay attention to the environment and people, including whether there are abnormalities in the dormitory, corridor, and near the door of the house. This requires you to pay more attention and develop more habits. "

'Turn' means that when you suspect that someone is following, you can wander around in a safe area, such as repeatedly switching positions on the left and right sides of the road to see if there is a stranger always nearby, generally the person who is following you is on the right side of the street, he will also go to the right, and when you detour to the left, he will also go to the left, so that you are always in his sight.

"'Hui' is similar to 'turn', which means that once you find something wrong, you go back. The person who is following you will definitely follow you back. Once you find an abnormality, you can confirm whether the other party is really following you by repeatedly 'replying'.

After the third uncle finished speaking, he suddenly paused, "Have you memorized these five words?"

Qin Hongyu nodded subconsciously.

Only then did he realize that since the god-level reading system had improved his 'memory' ability, not only had his memory ability improved a lot when reading books, but also his memory of reading and listening to things had also improved a lot.

It's like the third uncle just now obviously only talked about the anti-tracking skills once, but he wrote them all down without any mistakes.

The third uncle looked serious, "You repeat it to me."

Qin Hongyu didn't think twice: "Anti-reconnaissance, just keep in mind

the five words 'listen, stop, watch, turn, return'......" said, and he also repeated the third uncle's explanation of these five words.

The third uncle was slightly surprised when he saw that he had really memorized it word for word, and then said with relief: "You kid is not very good at learning, but he is quite talented in learning these things." As

he spoke, he took Qin Hongyu around the square again, and while strolling, he told Qin Hongyu some anti-reconnaissance skills according to local conditions.

Qin Hongyu remembered it silently.

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