Three or four minutes later, a Wuling Hongguang came speeding up.

When the car stopped in the nearest sea of cars, Daikoku jumped off the passenger seat first.

Immediately after, fourteen or fifteen strong men walked out with steel pipes and iron rods in hand.

Da Hei glanced at the small alley that Qin Hongyu had to pass through, and then looked at his mobile phone, looking confused: "Say! Drop the chain at the critical moment! Xu Fei, that kid, why did the mobile phone suddenly turn off?"

Lao Ma, you take five people and go to the alley to lay out and block the kid's way; Lao Gou, you take five people, find a place to hide, and as soon as the cub enters the alley, you rush over and fight the old horse on both sides!" "Remember, this is not far from the residential area, so you must fight quickly! It's best not to give the cub a chance to speak

, and control the people!" Lao Ma and Lao Gou immediately nodded, and led people into the alley, or hid nearby.

Da Hei looked at the remaining three people and said with a cold face: "You three follow me as the finale lineup." As

he spoke, he was also preparing to find a place to hide.

But at this moment, I saw a black shadow crawling out of the alley.

The big black people didn't see it clearly at first, and they thought they were hell, and they were all scared.

When he saw clearly that it was a Taoist figure, and there was not a single wisp on the figure, Da Hei was stunned again.

After a while, Da Hei swallowed his saliva, took a quick look at the back, and after making sure that Qin Hongyu hadn't come back yet, he said to one of the three people behind him, "You go over and take a look." The

one was visibly frightened, and stood there with some hesitation.

"Damn, so many brothers are here, afraid of a bird?" the big black kicked him.

The little green hair moved slowly in that direction.

"Hurry up!" the big black kicked again.

The little green-haired man trotted over.

After seeing that the naked man crawling on the ground was Xu Fei, he was stunned for a moment, and then said to Da Hei: "Brother Hei, it's Xu Fei."

Da Hei was stunned for a moment, and then ran over with two people quickly.

When he got close to Xu Fei and looked Xu Fei up and down, he found that he looked panicked, and after his smooth body was still injured, Da Hei seemed to want to hold back a smile but couldn't hold back, and his face was strange for a while before asking, "What are you so ...... Could it be that he met a dead, was sodomized and raped?",

he said, and lowered his body to help tear off the clothes that blocked Xu Fei's mouth.

And at this moment, a black shadow fell from the sky.

At the same time, a whip leg was whipped on Da Hei's shoulder like Tarzan's top.

Although Da Hei noticed something strange at the moment when the black shadow landed, and at the same time tensed his muscles, but under

this whip leg, he knelt directly! It really knelt

! Poof, his legs and knees slammed

on the ground! Not only that, but his waist was also whipped up by the whip legs

! At this moment, a stream of blood rushed straight to Da Hei Tianlinggai!

Although he is only half of Xu Dong's disciple, although he is only an elite bodyguard of the security company, and although he has martial arts skills, he is only on par with Xu Dong! However, he is also a member of the Liang family, Liang Chen's personal bodyguard, and he has to give three points of face to everyone

! But now, in front of so many people, he was actually whipped to his knees

! Still in such a humiliating posture

! This is humiliation! This is humiliation! It is even more death!

Da Hei slowly raised his head, and his eyes suddenly became extremely terrifying.

At this moment, he was no longer a human, but a raging beast, a terrible ghost in the dark

! He wanted to completely tear

apart the one who brought him shame! When he raised his head and saw that it was Qin Hongyu who was striking at him, he let out a strange laugh like a puppet, and then said slowly: "Okay! You are good!"

Lao Gou probably discovered the situation here, and walked out of the alley and the bunker with people respectively, faintly forming a siege of Qin Hongyu.

Qin Hongyu's face did not change.

Da Hei's face was cold and stiff.

Slowly stood up from the ground and straightened his waist again, before he squeaked again: "Originally, I just wanted to catch you back and heal Da Shao's throat." But now, I've changed my mind.

"The doctor's legs are probably useless, aren't they?" Da Hei seemed to say to himself, "Then crush it to slag!" "

And your third uncle and aunt, they will definitely be sad when they see your legs ruined, and life is worse than death." In order for them to suffer less torture, I will do you another favor and send them to death. "

You're looking for death!" Qin Hongyu's eyes moved.

The dragon has reverse scales, and those who touch them die

! And the third uncle and three aunts are his reverse scales!

Since curing the third aunt's uremia, he originally just wanted to make a fortune quietly, earn him 100 million, and then find a way to improve the social status of himself and the third uncle and three aunts, so as to improve the lives of the three uncles and three aunts.

But now, this guy in front of him actually threatened himself with the third uncle and three aunts?

The moment his eyes moved, he moved.

Move like thunder

! Li Sanjiao

! He wants to make Da Hei pay the price for his stupidity, which one will be unforgettable and unforgettable! Lest he forget the pain of his scars and continue to be stupid

! Therefore, this time, he didn't spare his hand at all, and kicked out a burst of anger with his first kick!

Not far away, Lao Ma and Lao Hei, who led the team, immediately showed sympathy when they saw this.

In their cognition, Qin Hongyu

was not the first to move towards Da Hei, but he was destined not to be the last! Because those who took the initiative to move their feet towards Da Hei were basically abolished! Moreover, it was very cruel

! Although Da Hei's kung fu foundation was on par with Xu Dong, the difference between him and Xu Dong was that he had really killed people

! Therefore, he had a primitive and violent aura like a beast!

That kind of breath will play a surprise role when facing the enemy. In addition, Da Hei himself is ruthless enough, so if he really talks about actual combat, his level is definitely above Xu Dong!

And Qin Hongyu, a child who has just graduated from high school, has not grown his hair, and he actually dares to run in front of Da Hei arrogantly? Is Qin Hongyu

too floating, or do you think that Da Hei is too old to wield a knife?

Lao Gou and Lao Ma secretly shook their heads.

But he didn't notice it at all, almost at the moment when Qin Hongyu moved his feet, Da Hei's originally dark face changed color

! Because, he could see that Qin Hongyu was very strong!

So, his eyes, which he didn't recognize, suddenly became a little more afraid.

Subconsciously, his posture of preparing to teach Qin Hongyu head-on quickly turned into dodge.

However, it was still a beat slower.

Almost at the same time as he dodged, Qin Hongyu's first kick hit his spleen.

The next two feet, almost like a horse stepping on a swallow, were also impartial, and they all kicked on the same point.

Da Hei's huge body flew out directly upside down, and finally hit Wuling Hongguang who originally carried him here, and then, slowly leaning his back against Wuling Hongguang's car shell, slowly slid and collapsed on the ground!

Almost at the moment when Da Hei collapsed, more than a dozen figures that were originally surrounding Qin Hongyu all stopped in unison.

The scene suddenly became deathly quiet, except for the cold moonlight and the rustle of leaves in the night.

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