The man in black didn't answer, but just walked to Qin Hongyu and stood at a distance of about five meters, and said calmly behind him: "Qin Hongyu, born on September 28, 2002, has ominous parents, and was raised by three uncles and three aunts since childhood. "

I studied in the eighth class of Nansha No. 3 Middle School, and Xia Tiantian, Xu Xiaoshuai, and Zhang Eryu in the class...... has a good relationship with others, and there has been friction with Gao Qiu.

"Beginning in May 2019, academic performance began to explode. "

In the same month, I suddenly became rich, not only paid millions of medical expenses for my third aunt, but even changed my aunt to a special care ward and special gold medal care; I acquired four iPhone XS Max and several pairs ......of AJ sneakers

" "Since June 2019, I suddenly learned mysterious medical skills, and has cured my third uncle's cold, Xia Tiantian's dysmenorrhea at the same table, as well as the late stage of uremia of the third aunt, created a miracle in the history of medicine, and even caused a shock in the Nansha People's Hospital and the medical community in Nansha City. But for a variety of reasons, you chose to hide it.

"On the same day, there was a conflict with Liang Chen, the eldest young man of the Liang family, and he used unknown means to make Liang Chen mute. In

the same month, he suddenly learned Jeet Kune Do, and used Jeet Kune Do to teach Xu Fei, who was entangled with Xia Tiantian's best friend Su Mengmeng. "

On June 22, after dressing up, he assumed the pseudonym 'Pretty Boy Gang, Nansha Bruce Lee', and fought against Xu Dong. "


When Qin Hongyu heard this, he couldn't help but feel a storm in his heart.

Some of these materials can be excavated if you have the heart. But about treating the third aunt, about going under the pseudonym 'Nansha Bruce Lee' after dressing up, and about making Liang Chen mute, these are all his personal secrets!

Obviously, no one knows about these things except himself.

However, the mysterious cold girl in front of her actually knew it clearly.

Not only that, but when did you suddenly become stronger and richer...... At

this moment, Qin Hongyu suddenly had the illusion that he was completely transparent in front of the other party!

"You, who are you?" He unconsciously stood on end.

You must know that even a person with great powers like Liang Chen, the eldest and youngest of the largest family in the entire Nansha City, spent a full week without figuring out these information about himself. But this cold girl in front of her, obviously only meeting her for the first time, actually found out

all of them clearly! This shows that her energy is definitely far above Liang Chen, or the entire Liang family! It is impossible for Qin Hongyu not to be vigilant.

The cold girl still had that cold attitude, and said without hurrying or slowing: "Member of the national security team, leave." "

National Security Group?" Qin Hongyu heard the name of this organization for the first time.

"Referred to as the security team, responsible, safe!" When he said this, a sharp glint flashed in his eyes.

At that moment, an awe-inspiring aura emanated, and the night sky seemed to be pierced.

Qin Hongyu's heart was shocked, and he suddenly thought of the novel he had read before and the national mysterious organization that everyone talked about when they were chatting: "Is it a special organization like the Dragon Group and Jinyiwei?

Li nodded, and said expressionlessly, "Did you hear what Liang Yin said on the phone just now?"

Qin Hongyu didn't understand why she found her, and he didn't understand why she suddenly asked this, but he still nodded.

"Do you understand?" asked Li.

Qin Hongyu was a little puzzled: "Isn't it just to let Da Hei lead the way?"

Li glanced at him: "It seems that you didn't understand."

Qin Hongyu became more and more puzzled.

His call was split into two parts. "In the first part, the Liang family is eyeing you and your third uncle and three aunts, and you, your third uncle and three aunts will be very dangerous;

Qin Hongyu thought so, but he was still a little puzzled: "So, why did you find me, why did you check my information, and why did you let me zoom in on the black."

"The answer to question 1, I need your help, the answer to question 2, I want to know what help you need from me, and the answer to question 3, the Liang family has a problem, but it is too deep, and I have not found a breakthrough, and today's big black is a good breakthrough." "An explanation at a glance.

Qin Hongyu probably understood what was going on, but he was still a little uneasy: "Why me?" "

I've checked your information. Li glanced at him, "After getting rich, the first thing you did was to pay the medical bills for your third aunt, and then it was to repay the people around you who had been kind to you; After learning Jeet Kune Do, you only used it three times

, the first time was for self-defense, the second time was for your friends, and the third time was for self-defense...... "Similarly, I have also checked the information of your third uncle and three aunts, and they are very clean and innocent, and they will definitely not be able to withstand the Liang family's open guns and hidden arrows."

"So, you're the best candidate.

Qin Hongyu probably understood what she meant: "You mean, if I help you, will you find a way to protect my third uncle and third aunt?"

Qin Hongyu was a little moved, but soon thought of another question: "We're just meeting for the first time, how do I know if what you said is true or false?"

Away from a rare smile, "The first thing I need your help with today is to treat a patient for me."

After speaking, she didn't pay attention to Qin Hongyu's reaction and walked directly into the night.

A moment later, two lampposts lit up, and a roar of engines rang out.

After that, a Land Cruiser drove up to Qin Hongyu's side.

Roll down the window from the cool one: "Get in the car."

Qin Hongyu hesitated for a moment, but still opened the car door and jumped into the passenger seat.

After he fastened his seatbelt, he stepped off the accelerator and the Land Cruiser sped out.

Qin Hongyu saw that the car quickly drove out of his familiar range, and subconsciously asked, "Where are we going?"

She seemed to be in a hurry, driving hard, and almost always maintaining a speed of more than 120 miles per hour.

Qin Hongyu was a little puzzled, but it could be seen that she didn't want to say more, and she didn't ask more.

Soon, the car drove into the Nansha City Armed Police Detachment. After that, he stopped in front of a small detached house in the middle of the family courtyard of the armed police detachment.

"The patient is from the police?" Qin Hongyu vaguely guessed something, and looked at Li with some surprise.

Moreover, since the other party can live in a small detached house in the family courtyard of the armed police detachment, I am afraid that he is still the leader of the police?"

"You will know if you follow me in." He didn't explain much and got out of the car first.

Qin Hongyu immediately followed and got out of the car.

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