Qin Hongyu smiled faintly: "It's not your fault." As

he spoke, he intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Li Hongda, who was covering his face.

Seeing this, Li Feiyang glared at Li Hongda again with a dark face.

Li Hongda didn't know what the security group meant at all, and saw that Li Feiyang, who almost represented authority in his eyes and represented the top figure of the second generation in Nansha City, made such a big gift to Qin Hongyu, and because of Qin Hongyu's look, he did this to himself, and his face suddenly changed: "Cousin, you ...... Uncle is still lying on the hospital bed, and the bullet in his head has not been taken out yet!" He

wanted to say that there was no need to treat Qin Hongyu like this just by saying that he was leaving, but then he thought of Li Feiyang just now because he slapped himself in his big ears, and immediately changed his words again.

Li Feiyang naturally didn't forget this stubble, and subconsciously glanced at his father on the hospital bed and Dean Hu on the side of the bed.

"It's beyond my capabilities. Dean Hu shook his head and said sincerely, "If this operation is handed over to me, I will be at most 10% sure of success." As

he spoke, he looked at Qin Hongyu.

Seeing this, everyone in the Li family also looked at Qin Hongyu.

Li Feiyang bowed again: "Divine Doctor Qin, my father's injury ......

" "If it weren't for the face of 'leaving'." Qin Hongyu glanced at Li Hongda again, "When I meet this goods at the gate of the small courtyard tonight, I will definitely turn around and leave."

Everyone in the Li family suddenly looked at Li Hongda with cold eyes.

Li Hongda only felt like sitting on pins and needles, like a man's back, and the cold sweat on his forehead suddenly came down.

Li Ze glanced at Qin Hongyu intentionally or unintentionally, slightly surprised in his heart.

Originally, in her opinion, Qin Hongyu was just a child, even if he knew kung fu and medical skills, he was just a child who had just left school. But I didn't expect that Qin Hongyu was quite good at being a person?

At this time, saying such things in front of so many people was quite flattering to her face.

Qin Hongyu nodded to the end, and after saying this, he walked directly to the operating table: "Dean Hu, you can help me later."

"I can't ask for it. Dean Hu was excited.

Li Feiyang immediately understood that Qin Hongyu was willing to help his father with treatment, and immediately overjoyed, and bowed deeply to Qin Hongyu again: "Doctor Qin, no matter what the result of today's treatment is, our Li family owes you a great favor!"

Qin Hongyu had a good impression of him, glanced at him, and said without hurry: "During my treatment, there can be no noise interference." "

Understood!" Li Feiyang said, the first to look at Li Hongda.

Li Hongda felt very aggrieved, but he quickly covered his mouth.

Qin Hongyu began to disinfect the silver needle, and at the same time whispered how Dean Hu should cooperate with him later.

After listening carefully, Dean Hu repeated it to Qin Hongyu again for fear of missing it, and only after he was sure that he had completely memorized it, did he begin to cooperate.

When they saw Qin Hongyu quickly put a needle on Li Weimin's body and didn't move the wound for half a day, everyone in the Li family was stunned.

They all know that acupuncture is amazing, but they really have never heard of the use

of acupuncture to treat external injuries? Moreover, Li Weimin was shot

! The bullet is still stuck in the skull?

Relying on acupuncture, how can he look unreliable?

Li Hongda wanted to question two sentences, but when he thought of Li Feiyang's warning eyes just now, he immediately did not dare to say anything.

Moreover, I don't know if it's an illusion, he vaguely felt that Dean Hu seemed to have glanced over here a few times.

Li Hongda secretly glanced at Dean Hu's side, and when he found that he was indeed staring at him, he hurriedly retracted his gaze.

Seeing this, Dean Hu turned his attention to Qin Hongyu again.

At this moment, Qin Hongyu's speed of getting down the needle was already extremely fast, and between the ups and downs of his hands, the rhythm was quite subtle, and there was actually an unexpected beauty.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being a special expert of the security team, and this acupuncture technique alone is estimated to be invincible in the world. Dean Hu was amazed.

Qin Hongyu didn't realize it at all, and after dozens of stitches one after another, he subconsciously looked at Dean Hu despite the fact that a layer of fluffy fine sweat had appeared on his forehead.

According to his request, Dean Hu had already prepared a complete set of surgical tools, and when he saw him at this moment, he immediately pushed the surgical tray over.

Qin Hongyu quickly glanced at the surgical tools on the tray, and then took out a scalpel and flat-headed tweezers.

Dean Hu knew that this was about to be a key stage, so he immediately raised his head and made a boo gesture to the surrounding people.

Seeing this, Li Feiyang and the others all held their breath and concentrated.

In the huge hall, it immediately became audible for a pin drop.

Qin Hongyu secretly took a deep breath and began to operate.

Although he got the inheritance of Hua Tuo, he learned the medical skills in the Qing Capsule Sutra.

However, it was the first time he had operated on a human body, and it was an intracranial operation!

To be honest, he was also a little nervous.

Fortunately, there is a green capsule acupuncture method to help.

After five or six minutes, Qin Hongyu still took out the bullet from Li Weimin's skull with the help of flat-headed tweezers.

When he saw that the bullet fell into the plate, and Li Weimin's wound did not bleed heavily, and there was no decline in various physiological indicators, Dean Hu couldn't help but let out a long breath and clenched his fist fiercely.

He knew very well that Li Weimin was all right

! Moreover, the most important thing was that he had witnessed with his own eyes that someone had accomplished an almost impossible salvation!

Although Li Feiyang and the others did not understand the significance of various physiological indicators, when they saw Dean Hu's reaction, they knew that the operation had been successful, and they all subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Qin Hongyu, after taking out the bullet, continued to silently treat the wound, stitch it, and bandage ......

After he completed these surgical operations, Dean Hu subconsciously wanted to help him wipe his sweat.

Qin Hongyu stretched out his hand to interrupt him, and then quickly pulled out the silver needle, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and he put thirty-six stitches on Li Weimin one after another.

By the time the acupuncture was over, Qin Hongyu was already very tired, but he still sterilized and put away the needles, and then he walked off the operating table and smiled at Li: "Fortunately, I don't disgrace my life!"

Although Li knew that the operation was successful since Dean Hu clenched his fist, he still couldn't hide the excitement in his heart when he heard Qin Hongyu say these four words in person.

She looked at Qin Hongyu and said seriously: "Thank you!" Qin

Hongyu smiled tiredly, and looked at Li Feiyang again: "Director Li, within three minutes, you will be able to wake up." "

Really, Divine Doctor Qin?" Li Feiyang was overjoyed.

Although Qin Hongyu's operation was successful, he originally thought that with the severity of Li Weimin's injury, it would take at least three to five days to wake up, but he didn't expect it to be so soon?

Li Hongda looked at Qin Hongyu with some suspicion.

Qin Hongyu didn't pay attention to his reaction, looked at Li Feiyang and left: "I'm a little tired, go back and rest first." With

that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Li Hongda immediately felt more and more suspicious, and immediately shouted: "Mr. Qin, stay!" "

Since my uncle can wake up in three minutes, why is he in such a hurry to leave?"

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