Outside the Imperial Hall of the Nansha Clubhouse.

Li Hongda and Dean Hu were discussing whether to go in and cheer for Qin Hongyu's girlfriend.

Although Li Hongda has given a lot of things, it will never be wrong to please one person and do a little more.

As soon as the two decided to knock on the door, the door was suddenly opened.

"Divine Doctor Qin, it's really a coincidence. We're getting ready to knock on the door. Li Hongda immediately showed a smile.

"Thank you for your hospitality. Qin Hongyu smiled faintly.

Although there was an unpleasantness with Li Hongda before, it was all in the past, and everything Li Hongda did today, in other words, thank you, it should be.

Li Hongda felt flattered: "Doctor Qin is polite. "

Just the name of the divine doctor is enough for him Li Hongda to lick it, not to mention that Qin Hongyu is also a special expert in the security team.

If you can get closer to him, no matter how much you pay, it's worth it!

Qin Hongyu is not good at this kind of polite words, so he directly changed the topic: "I came here this time, in fact, there is one more thing, my identity and background, please keep it secret from you and Dean Hu." Li

Hongda and Dean Hu glanced at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

If they were at Qin Hongyu's age and had such an awesome background, they would definitely be eager to go on TV to hype it. Even if they are at their current age, have experienced countless ups and downs, and have a stable and sophisticated mentality, they still will not be low-key.

Power, but enough to arouse the desire of men, and even everyone.

They didn't expect Qin Hongyu to have such a mentality at such a young age.

It's no wonder that Qin Hongyu can have such a status when he is less than twenty years old!

The surprise in their eyes turned into admiration.

"No problem. "

The stakes are high and it should be. The

two agreed.

Qin Hongyu chatted with them casually and was about to go to the bathroom.

Dean Hu suddenly said with some mystery, "Doctor Qin, please take a step to speak."

Qin Hongyu was a little suspicious, and walked directly to the lounge outside the Imperial Hall.

"Doctor Qin, I won't twist and pinch anymore, that's the case, I want to ask you to hang the name of a special expert in our hospital - it will not delay your usual time, only when you encounter unsolvable cases in the hospital, it will trouble you. In return, this side will give you a registration fee of 50,000 yuan a month.

Dean Hu looked at Qin Hongyu nervously, waiting for his reply.

He knew that the conditions he offered might not have any temptation for Qin Hongyu.

The specially appointed experts of Nansha People's Hospital are indeed very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but Qin Hongyu is a special expert of the security group, and compared with it, it is simply trivial and not worth mentioning.

Moreover, 50,000 yuan is full of temptation for ordinary students, but Qin Hongyu is obviously not an ordinary student.

But the embarrassing thing is that such a condition is the best that Dean Hu can give.

Qin Hongyu was a little surprised by this, but he was soon relieved. After all, any hospital is hungry for famous doctors, let alone miracle doctors?

At first, he wanted to refuse. He is not short of money.

But after thinking about it, the identity of the special expert of the security team can help him explain a lot of unreasonable things, but this identity is inconvenient to show and let the people around him know.

However, the identity of the special expert of Nansha People's Hospital is different, in the eyes of ordinary people, he has a social status, and at the same time, he can make the three uncles and three aunts feel that they have the ability and are not so worried.

Thinking of this, he nodded in response.

Seeing this, Dean Hu, who was originally hopeless, had a kind of surprise when he went out to win the lottery.

But he was still a little unconvinced, "Doctor Qin, have you agreed?"

"I will ask Dean Hu to take care of me in the future." Qin Hongyu laughed and joked.

"Doctor Qin, don't be kidding. Distinguished experts are not bound by anyone, and no matter where we are in the future, we will be called friends.

Dean Hu's words cleverly brought the relationship between the two closer.

Qin Hongyu naturally heard the meaning, but he didn't refute it. He still has a good impression of Dean Hu.

"Although I know that you may not like to hear such words, I still want to say that on behalf of all the people of Nansha People's Hospital, thank you for coming. It is a blessing for the patient to have you there. Dean Hu said seriously.

"You're welcome. After Qin Hongyu finished with a smile, he walked out of the lounge.

Li Hongda, who was waiting outside, watched the two of them come out talking and laughing, a little surprised and envious.

Dean Hu was able to get closer to Qin Hongyu in just ten minutes, and he must have given the latter what he needed, or gave him help.

Originally, he also wanted to find an excuse to ask Dean Hu quietly, but he didn't expect Dean Hu to leave in a hurry after answering the phone.

Without Dean Hu present, even if he forcibly sticks a cold face to his hot ass, it is estimated that he will not be able to say a few words to Qin Hongyu.

After all, sycophants are also a science.

Sure enough, because Dean Hu was not there, Qin Hongyu also stayed soon, said hello lightly, and went to the bathroom.

Seeing this, Li Hongda sighed with great regret.

After slowing down, he instructed his men to be smart, keep an eye on the Imperial Hall, and report to him if there was any trouble.

After doing all this, he also sat down on the couch in the lounge area and began searching online for what high school students like.

After all, they are at their age, and there are very few opportunities to come into contact with high school students.

And in the search results, an answer attracted him: "High school students nowadays love singing, dancing, rapping, basketball." "

Singing and dancing, rap, basketball?

Li Hongda felt that something was wrong, but the following comments were all brushing +1.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

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