I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 1 Failed Animation

Midsummer, Tianbai City.

in the afternoon.

Xia Ruo is staying at home with her family. Except for her sister who is not at home, her parents and younger sisters are also there. A family of four has just finished eating and is sitting in the living room watching TV. But at this time, the atmosphere of the family watching TV is a little bit A solemn and weird atmosphere fills this space.

The TV at this time was an animation "The Story of a Good Student", and the source of this strange atmosphere was also in this animation.

"I'm so stupid, really."

Xia Ruo watched on TV with an arm bent to a weird level, and then stiffened, with a weird expression on her face, the 3D anime protagonist bowing to the teacher, and fell silent.


"Why did things become like this?"

"Where is the problem?"


I don’t know if it’s bad luck or luck, but it’s been 16 years since I crossed into this parallel world without knowing it.

The reason for the crossing was that I clicked on a game ad that looked very gorgeous. Even after crossing, Xia Ruo didn’t know what the game he clicked in at the time. It seemed to be a page game, and there were many big sisters with broad minds. , One by one, the hair is colorful, very two-dimensional.

But of course there are some very eye-catching characters in the page tour. Xia Ruo seems vaguely remembered. On the page tour, it says something like "big x big sister" beauty" breakthrough dimension wall" welcome to two thorn ape" Confusing advertising.

Perhaps my own travel is related to the page tour, and it seems to be an invincible type of page tour, but why the page tour will travel through this kind of thing is completely unclear.

Xia Ruo only knew that he had crossed into a parallel world similar to the previous life. The name of the planet here is also different from the previous life. It is called Blue Star. The level of technological development is actually similar to that of the previous life. This body is also called Xia Ruo. If there is any difference, That is, I couldn't find those cultural products from the previous life, otherwise Xia Ruo would really not notice that he had traveled to parallel time and space.

As an ordinary traverser, Xia Ruo also felt that she had good luck. He was an orphan in the previous life, but after the traversal, he has a family. The family financial conditions are good and he does not need to make money to make ends meet.

And there is a gentle sister and a lovely sister, such a perfect family, it can be said that crossing has changed its destiny.

Because he came here directly when he was in college, Xia Ruo realized that he had no special skills and no own skills. Thinking of the novels he had read in his previous life, some travellers were able to carry the works of the previous life.

In addition, there are no cultural works from the previous life in this world, and the level is not as good as the previous life, so it seems that I can also develop in this direction.

Because his father started an animation company, Xia Ruo first focused on the animation industry. The world's animation industry is even more sluggish than in the previous life. For him, he just has a stage to show his skills.

Being able to work as an ordinary copyist and earn money to support the family and help parents, this extra life will be satisfied.

the above.

They were Xia Ruo's first thoughts.

Who would have thought that things would develop like this?

Obviously I want to be a copywriter who can eat a meal. According to normal development, shouldn't it be praised by all people and then praised by countless people?

The next plot of "The Story of a Good Student" broadcast on TV should be the plot where the protagonist of the animation starts to help classmates clean up, and then the school teacher in Mu Leng'incidentally' saw the protagonist who consciously served the classmates, and he fiercely He praised him, then tidyed up his school uniform.

This scene was seen by the female classmates with weird and scary faces next to her. She silently looked at the protagonist's side face in the dark, and the female classmate's distorted face showed two more blushes.

Campus inspirational love comedy animation.

Xia Ruo can almost recite the plot.

This animation is the 3D animation masterpiece "Good Student's Story" that was sprayed to the whole network before. I don’t know why, my father took it out again. To be honest, this animation is simply insulting people’s eyes and IQ .

This animation is so bad that it goes into the annals of history, which is not an exaggeration at all.

The 3D characters are broken, the plot is not mind-blowing, and the production is so bad that even in the downturn of the animation industry, there is no more bad animation than it.

The story tells the story of the protagonist being a good student, helping classmates and teachers in the school, doing his best to be a good student story, helping the sick student review, taking notes, helping the old lady cross the road on the road, and then volunteer Work for the class and pay for the class silently.

His hard work and persistence also touched the surrounding classmates and teachers, and then won the title of best primary school student.

I have to say that judging from the outline of the story, it is still very positive, but...


Bad luck?

Xia Ruo glanced around, her father looked solemnly, staring at the TV all the time, her mother had a gentle smile, she didn't know how long it lasted, her face became a little stiff with a smile, and her younger sister He looked embarrassed, his eyes wandering around, but he dared not watch TV.


Someone has to break this weird atmosphere, and it's not a matter to continue like this.

"Stop watching this. We have watched it many times. How about changing to "The Story of Yangcun". Actually, I think the animation is pretty good." Xia Ruo still said, and he felt that if he didn't say anything. , No one should speak.

"Let's... look again."

Xia Ruo’s old father, Xia Zhengzhi, took out a cigarette from his cigarette case with a slightly trembling hand, and wanted to light it, but the cigarette was put to his mouth, only to find that it was at home and it was not easy to face the children. Smoking, helplessly put the cigarette back with a trembling hand.

Xia Ruo's old father went on to watch TV.

However, the atmosphere became more solemn.

That's right, the person who made "The Story of a Good Student", an animation that can be recorded in the annals of history, is not someone else, but Xia Ruo's father, Xia Zhengzhi, the head of the family.

Xia Zhengzhi originally studied directing, and then joined Tianbai TV station after graduation. He worked diligently for more than ten years. He was appointed for some unexplainable reasons and was responsible for the animation invested by this TV station. Xia Zhengzhi has never had any animation experience. Then it went into the pit.

He doesn't understand animation production himself, plus the director's innate despise of animation, he thinks it is for children, and there are some factors of insufficient funds. It is not incomprehensible that he has insufficient experience to cause such a failure.

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