I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 10 It's not difficult to raise a cat


After a panic of confusion, Tom found himself in an unfamiliar environment, and it was pinched by a big hand on the nape of the neck.

Where is this place?

The sudden crossing made Tom the little cat panicked, but at this time, a familiar voice came from above Tom.

"Okay, we're home."

Xia Ruo hugged Tom in his arms and stroked Tom's body with his hands, trying to comfort the cat. With Xia Ruo's comfort, Tom quickly calmed down.

After all, Xia Ruo's favorability has actually been brushed to a high level. It is not difficult for Tom to settle down. Soon, Tom also discovered that there is no danger here, it is just an ordinary room.

Tom slowly dropped his vigilance.

"Tom, this will be your home from now on, and you are also a member of this family."

Xia Ruo said softly, while taking Tom out of her room, but after searching for a long time, she found that there was no one in her house.

It's weird, it doesn't matter if my parents go to work, why isn't even Xia Meng here? Did something go out?

But this is nothing, Xia Ruo first began to take Tom to familiarize himself with this home.

In the beginning, it was naturally to introduce her family. Xia Ruo found a family portrait from her bedroom. This photo was taken during the Chinese New Year.

"Little Tom, recognize the people here. These are my family members. Now they are all your family members. This is my father, my mother, and my sister Xia Meng..."

Tom listened carefully, and while listening, he nodded to indicate that he had remembered.

After confirming that Tom recognizes the people at home, he is familiar with the home environment.

"Little Tom, let me introduce this home to you. This is the living room... this is the kitchen... here... and here..."

After all, my father is a rich second generation, Xia Ruo's house is a small two-story house with a total of about 300 square meters, which is actually quite large, and many rooms are empty.

I heard that it seems that my dad has an inexplicable obsession with a big house, so I bought this one. It is worthy of him. It is really willful.

"Tom, this is your home now, so don't spoil it for me. I don't want to hear about your spoiling things. And, remember, I will be your master from now on."

Xia Ruo knew that Tom could understand, so he put Tom on the ground, and said to Tom like this, but I thought, without the interference of mice, Tom wouldn't destroy it at will.

Standing on the ground, Tom nodded frantically, as if to indicate that he would never destroy things.

But seeing Tom's movements, Xia Ruo frowned.

Because Tom is standing now, just like a human being, it always feels a bit strange.

By the way, can a normal cat stand up?

After staying with Tom for too long, Xia Ruo suddenly didn't know what kind of attributes a normal cat had.

"Tom, usually in front of others, don't just walk on two legs, won't you crawl?"


Tom tilted his head and didn't understand why he couldn't walk on his feet, but he was still very obedient. He put his front legs on the ground. For the cat, he could walk any way.

Now it looks like a normal cat, Xia Ruo nodded, seemingly satisfied with everything.

He took Tom home, just simply like cats, like cats, and Xia Meng also likes cats, so Xia Ruo decided to raise one.

But Xia Ruo doesn't like cats that are too stupid, and Tom is a perfect cat that fits Xia Ruo's ideals, plus some childhood feelings, so Xia Ruo brought Tom back.

And Tom is still an all-purpose tool cat, but Xia Ruo has no intention of letting Tom be a tool cat for the time being. It is enough for him to be cute.

Xia Ruo placed an unused plastic basin for Tom in a corner of the living room, and then threw a piece of cloth on it, which was used as Tom’s makeshift den.

"Tom, you can go to sleep here at night. Although it is simple, you can make do with it. You didn't prepare before, and I will give you a new nest someday."

Xia Ruo pointed to the'simple' cat litter and said.

"Meow meow!"

Tom looked at the broken pot contemptuously and meowed a few times, but he got in helplessly and lay down in it.

Well, it's very hard, it makes the cat litter comfortable without the original duck down pillow.

Tom looked at Xia Ruo pitifully.

This kind of humanized eyes appearing in the eyes of cute cats is really hard to resist.

"Don't you like it?" Looking at Tom's eyes, Xia Ruo was not spoiled by Tom's eyes, but sighed slightly, "It's really troublesome to keep a cat."

He swept around, really could not find anything to make a nest, but he thought of a good idea.

"Then you can usually sleep on the sofa at night, but you just came back from outside, so let's take a shower first."

Xia Ruo pointed to the bathroom.

"I just introduced you to it. Go and wash it yourself."


Hearing Xia Ruo's words, Tom knew that he didn't need to sleep in this broken basin at night, and jumped out of the basin happily, and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

As a cat, you really have to bathe by yourself.

Are cats afraid of water?

Just kidding, when fighting sharks in the sea, the sharks couldn't catch up with it.

Xia Ruo looked at Tom's stumbling back, and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, after taking a shower, remember to clean up your cat hair, and I'll find you a dry towel and a hairdryer for you."


It's just Tom's response, it should be said,'it knows'.

In fact, raising a cat is not very troublesome, Xia Ruo thought.

Tom's learning ability is very strong. Although the uncomplicated things in the bathroom are different from those in the original owner's house, they can be seen at a glance.

Cats love to be clean. Tom washed his body many times. After confirming that he was completely clean, he wiped his body with a towel, and finally dried the cat's hair with a hair dryer.

Supple and silky, just so confident.

Tom still remembers what the owner said just now, and honestly cleaned up the cat's hair that he fell.

Xia Ruo was watching TV outside, and then he saw Tom coming over, and then he took Tom to his arms and rubbed the little cat's face with his face.

The clean kitty is so cute.

It feels so good.

Ah, this gentle and silky touch, this feeling, is really amazing...

"You finished washing, eh?"

Xia Ruo smelled Tom's body, there seemed to be a faint fragrance, this kind of smell...

"Have you used Xia Meng's shampoo? Your cat still uses this kind of thing?"

Tom meowed in embarrassment. He just smelled the thing good, so he poured it a little bit to himself. The owner wouldn't be angry.


Is this shampoo harmful to the cat? Xia Ruo thought about this for the first time, but in an instant, Xia Ruo reacted. Tom seemed to be immortal.

"Forget it, just use it if you use it, but it's not allowed next time. After all, it's Xia Meng's thing. You can use mine in the future."


Tom agreed again.

It’s great that cats can communicate.

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