I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 104 Chef Tom, Master Soup?

The physical fitness and comprehension of lv2 are quite obvious for the improvement of learning things. Ordinary people need to practice constantly and a lot of exercises to make the muscles memorize in order to slowly find the feeling, but as long as the talented people find the skills, they can make rapid progress. .

And Xia Ruo's savvy is obviously very high.

Xia Ruo kept eating the shredded pork with green pepper, the more satisfied she ate.

It's so delicious.

According to this progress, it won't be long before she can really make shining dishes, Xia Ruo is full of expectations for her future.

However, just as Xia Ruo was tasting the dishes she made, a cat swaggered in from the outside of the kitchen.

Before Tom was busy in the back kitchen, cats were forbidden to enter, so Tom was put outside by Xia Ruo and let him play by himself, but now there is no one in the back kitchen, and Tom naturally returned.

Tom jumped on the table, grabbed Xia Ruo's fried shredded pork with green pepper with his small claws, and tasted it. Then he tapped his head lightly and shook his head again.

It seems to be saying, you can't.


Tom called out suddenly, and then ran to the place where the master had just cut vegetables, and stood in front of the kitchen knife that the master had just used.

"Tom, what are you going to do?" Xia Ruo looked at Tom in a puzzled way, but when she saw Tom's claws reaching towards the kitchen knife, Xia Ruo had a bad feeling.

No way.

Xia Ruo seemed to have guessed what Tom was going to do, and the corners of her mouth began to twitch.

The little master on the side looked at the blue cat and was a little stunned. He knew that this cat was Xia Ruo's pet, but little master did not know what the cat was going to do.


Although Tom was rushed outside, he still likes food. He is at the window outside, watching the scene inside the back kitchen and smelling the fragrance from the back kitchen.

Tom's eyesight is good, everything in it can be seen clearly, not only Xia Ruo learns the details of knives, but also other chefs' cooking skills.

Everything was in Tom's mind.

Tom kicked the kitchen knife with his little foot, and with a sigh, the kitchen knife flew up and fell into Tom's hands after spinning seven or eight times in the air.

Yes, it was Tom who held the big kitchen knife with his small claws.

If Xia Ruo looks through the illusion, he can see Tom in the second element image holding a knife, but in reality, a little cat holding a knife is really weird.

Tom picked up the ingredients on the side and moved the knife.

Da Da Da Da Da!

The knife in Tom's hand turned into a phantom, and the crisp and smooth voice didn't have any pause. It seemed that it was much better than the knife skills after Xia Ruo's promotion, and it was even no different from the little master.

Tom was very fast. In less than a minute, all the ingredients were cut, and the neat ingredients were laid aside. Tom even cut the bamboo shoots and put them up neatly.

It seems that Tom really cut all the ingredients without difference.

Xia Ruo: "..."

What can I say, it is worthy of Tom, and Xia Ruo clearly felt that Tom was showing off to himself, this bastard cat.

"Brother Xia Ruo, this..."

When the little master saw this scene from the side, his mouth opened slightly, and he looked a little surprised.

"Ahem, this is the cat I adopted when I was in the rivers and lakes. It came from the west. Look at this hair. This is a foreign cat. It is a rare and mutated breed. It has the same wisdom as a human and has a strange behavior," Xia Ruo explained.

"Foreign cats, that's amazing," Little Master suddenly realized, nodded to express understanding, and didn't ask any more.

The conversation in the two-dimensional world, click to the end, there is no need to excessively pursue reality,

After all, there is a legendary kitchen utensil in the world of Little Master, which is almost bizarre like magic. He has not been surprised, and there is no need to entangle whether the cat can cook.

Tom didn't stop after he finished cutting the dishes, but started to cook, acting like an old cook, Xia Ruo didn't even know that this was what Tom knew or just learned.

With Tom's stir-frying, the aroma quickly floated out. From the aroma alone, Xia Ruo could feel it. Tom's stir-fry was much better than her own.

When Tom put the dishes out, Xia Ruo really doubted whether it would shine.

Fortunately not.

Just like ordinary shredded pork with green pepper.

After he was done, Tom put the plate in front of Xia Ruo, then folded his arms around his chest, looking very confident.

"Mao Mao is cooking," Little Master looked a little dazed. Although he is a cook who is devoted to cooking, he still cares about the cat can cook.

What is the taste of a cat’s dish?

"I'll try it."

The little master couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, put a chopstick dish into his mouth, and tasted it carefully, but in an instant, little master opened his eyes.

"Well, it's delicious, it's delicious."

Xiaodangjia said two delicious foods.

"I'll try it too," Xia Ruo was a little curious. Tom's dishes can be praised by the little master. What kind of taste and the same ingredients will make the difference.

Xia Ruo took a bite with chopsticks and put it in her mouth, the moment her tongue touched after the teeth were bitten down.


A flash of lightning appeared in Xia Ruo's mind.

this is--


Illusion cuisine.

Tom’s dishes are really delicious. They are also shredded pork with green pepper, but the feeling is completely different. The taste of biting down, and the feeling of impact from the taste buds to the mind, it’s really like lightning. Keep hacking in the brain.


Xia Ruo couldn't help but glance at Tom. Did Tom fit into this worldview so quickly?It’s amazing to be able to cook phantom dishes for the first time.

Just now Xia Ruo was a little bit proud of his rapid progress, and immediately disappeared without a trace. If you say genius, Tom is the real all-round genius.

However, although Tom’s dishes elicited illusions, they are also the simplest lightning illusions. They only have a simple impact. They did not reach the shock of the volcanic eruption or the natural disaster illusion of the tsunami, nor did they let people hear the fairy music. The happy experience of seeing the top phantom surrounded by fairies.

But if Tom has studied for a longer period of time, maybe the animation "China Little Master" will not have anything to do with Xiao Master, and become "Chinese Master Soup".

Xia Ruo shook his head and stopped thinking about this matter. Tom learned that it is Tom all the time, and he still needs to be strong. Xia Ruo did not give up the idea of ​​learning cooking because Tom's cooking is delicious.

He has just made progress with satisfaction and is ready to rest, but now he has changed his mind.

Practice more knife skills at night.

Even if you have talent, you have to work hard. Xia Ruo is really serious.

In the evening, when the little master left, the back kitchen still heard the sound of'DaDaDaDa'.

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