Early in the morning, Xia Ruo sent Tsubaki back to the shrine.

During this period, Xia Ruo comforted Chun for a long time, and Chun recovered quickly, as if nothing had happened.

However, before leaving, Chun told Xia Ruo some recent events, mainly related to Platycodon grandiflorum and the jade of the four souls.

Nowadays, Kikyo owns the jade of the four souls, the gem that can realize his wishes, and the news is not known why it has spread. Now endless monsters want to kill the jade of the four souls and snatch the jade of the four souls.

Most of the monster era has fallen into desire and fighting, and the center of the whirlpool is the bellflower and the jade of the four souls.

And Kikyo deserves to be Kikyo, the strongest witch of that amazing era.

She is fighting against all the monsters who are staring at the jade of the four souls because of greed. Every day, she kills countless monsters who want to snatch the jade of the four souls.

Maybe Kikyo can hold it now, but there will always be a day when she can't hold it.

The plot has already begun to turn, Xia Ruo feels that now that he participates in, he can start the second season of "Banji", but before that, he wants to ask Tsubaki's thoughts.

"Then what do you think?"

"Me?" The expression on Tsubaki's face was very flat, "I am not strong enough now, and I am going to continue practicing at the shrine for a while. When I learn all the techniques with my master, I might go to help Kikyo, and by the way see if she has There is no right to guard the jade of the four souls. If the bellflower can't hold it, let her give me the jade of the four souls."

Uh, sure enough, such a tone of speech is worthy of being Chun.

Kikyo certainly couldn't give her the jade of the four souls.

Xia Ruo nodded, "Then you continue to practice first, don't be too hasty. According to your statement, all the little monsters appear now, and there should be no problem with Kikyo. I have to prepare during this time. I will accompany you. You go together."

"it is good."

The two made an agreement.

After the agreement was made, Tsubaki overcame the wall and returned to the shrine. At this time, the genius had just been brightened, and Tsubaki would not be found when he returned.

However, with this agreement, it seems that the second season of "Banji" will be released.

After Xia Ruo returned to the real world, he began his own preparations. His reputation is still too short. It takes 10,000 reputation to upgrade to lv3. Even now the fan animation is becoming more popular because of the ending of "Cat and Mouse" and "Light Tone Girl". , Xia Ruo’s prestige is rising very fast now, her prestige can increase by about 300 a day, but it also takes time to accumulate.

It takes about a month to upgrade. After lv3, Xia Ruo can become stronger again, but it seems that she can’t do it when she upgrades one level a week like the previous one. It’s like playing a game. The upgrade starts quickly, but the level is high. Now, the upgrade speed will naturally slow down.

However, if the prestige needed to upgrade is increased by 10 times, Xia Ruo can't stand it, and she doesn't know how much prestige will be needed to upgrade later.

Xia Ruo always has a feeling, it should be intuition, he feels that if he arrives at lv3, he or the system will definitely have some changes. I didn’t feel it when I upgraded before, but now it’s about to reach lv3. This feeling becomes stronger.

These are no longer considered, the only way to increase strength is to increase reputation.

Xia Ruo turned on the computer in her room, and now Xia Ruo is serializing only one animation "Inuyasha", and it has entered the later stage, and it is estimated that it will be over in a month.

At this time, Xia Ruo didn't hesitate anymore, and started uploading "China Little Master", first to warm up his animation fan works.

Let the stalk of the luminous dish become hot first.

After uploading, because there were many viewers who followed the official account, the clicks of "China Little Master" soon went up, and there were even a lot of barrage.

the first

the first

After Xia Ruo took a look, she closed the page and went back to the world of Little Master to learn cooking.


In a very two-dimensional room, a girl with a ponytail and pink pajamas is playing with a mobile phone on the bed.

This girl is called Lin Chuyu. She is Xia Meng's best friend and classmate. She likes two dimensions and animations very much. She has always liked chasing "Inuyasha" before, and she cried because of the tragic fate of Kikyo.

The only thing that made her uncomfortable was that she never watched Amway animations to her girlfriend. This is also a special phenomenon. There is a kind of person who doesn't eat Amway. The more Amway she dislikes.

But when she was playing with her mobile phone and swiping Moe Station, she seemed to notice something.

"Huh? Rising has actually updated the animation again?" Lin Chuyu's eyes lit up. She has always liked this animation company, not only for its high quality, but also for fast updates and large quantities.

"The introduction of "Chinese Little Master" is... Gourmet animation? Gourmet animation? Well, there is actually this type of animation?"

There are still too few types of Japanese animation in this world, mainly hot-blooded fighting animation. This kind of gourmet animation has never appeared before.

Lin Chuyu opened the animation, and then saw a very Chinese-style scene and picture.

"Character, pretty good."

Lin Chuyu nodded. The characters designed in the Rising Animation are very good, as can be seen from "Light Sound" and "Inuyasha".

The plot of the animation is very simple. At the beginning, the narration introduced this period of cooking during the Warring States Period. After that, he introduced a state-owned restaurant called Juxialou.

Soon, the conflict of animation came.

A group of villains who looked like the killers in the ancient mysterious organization came to Juxia, and after taking a bite of the food that Ju came downstairs, they began to do miscellaneous and curse that the dishes were unpalatable.

It's obviously here to make trouble.

Lin Chuyu later learned through dialogue that the leader named Shao An was the original disciple of Ju downstairs. He had betrayed the teacher before and took away the money from the restaurant, leaving Fairy Abbe to die from exhaustion. Now he is here to take it. Go downstairs.

"It's too bad, this villain," Lin Chuyu frowned.

Afterwards, under the witness of an official named Admiral Li, the protagonist Xiaodang had to confront Shao An. Whoever wins can inherit Ju downstairs.

Until here, there is no problem.

Lin Chuyu felt that it was a very ordinary animation, and there were no highlights in the opening. The barrage is also in the shape of the villain chef in the Tucao.

Then, there was a problem with the egg fried rice that I tried.

The egg fried rice cooked by Shao An was very delicious, and even the admiral Li kept praising it, and there were even special effects of tsunamis and volcanoes, which made the audience feel bad.

No, I really have to lose.

According to reason, it is impossible for the protagonist to lose, but these audiences are still less insightful. Looking at the magical illusion special effects, I am really worried.

Lin Chuyu was also thinking about what kind of egg fried rice the little master would make.

It seemed simple when Xiaodangjia cooked, but when Xiaodang opened the lid, a golden light erupted from the egg fried rice.

"Light? Why did it shine?"

Lin Chuyu decisively opened the barrage at this time, and sure enough, the barrage was also full of complaints.

[Something flashed my eyes.

[Ah, golden legend!

[Aren’t you competing for cooking skills?Why does egg fried rice glow!

[Although I don't know what this light is, I know that the outcome is divided.

[It's phosphor, he added phosphor!

[Can't the ancient food safety department come out to take care of it?What to do if this egg fried rice ate to death.

[I know I know that according to the setting of Xianxia novels, this is called "Eating into the Tao", and the young master is going to cultivate immortals.


After Admiral Li ate the "Golden Egg Fried Rice" made by Xiao Dang, he thought of "" bgm in his ear, and he cried when he was moved.

Lin Chuyu watched this animation and couldn't help laughing with the barrage.

The little master won, and the episode ends.

But the storm is not over.

This animation is really too much to complain about. The exaggerated skills, the expression of sand sculptures, the acting skills of S2, and the cooking that will shine. There are many points, but it is unexpectedly interesting. This makes "China Little Master" this The animation has just started to have a lot of fans.

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