I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 116 Magical Mapo Tofu

At this time, some diners who had not left heard the big news, and they all watched and discussed.

"It's going to be a match!"

"Cooking showdown, I haven't seen it for a long time."

"The people coming downstairs from Ju are going to compete with the top chef. There is a good show here."


The people who came downstairs by Ju were also sad.

"It's over, there is no chance of winning at all," Jin Ling covered her forehead with her hand, as if about to faint.

"The other party is a great chef. Even if I'm on it, it's completely incomparable. Although Xia Ruo has made rapid progress, it is still far behind." Master Liu on the side also looked sad. He is still a bit dissatisfied with the pig food, but for the top chefs, the dishes he cooks are really not on the table.

"No, it still depends on the theme, let's see what the theme of the cooking competition is," the little master on the side was still very calm.

Admiral Li, who was standing at the top, glanced at Xia Ruo and Shao An who were standing below, and said the subject of the competition.

"I will announce the theme now. I ask you two to try Mapo Tofu."

"Mapo tofu, actually compare to Mapo tofu."

When people on the sidelines heard the name of this dish, they all talked about it. The main reason is that the Mapo Tofu dish is too simple to try again, it's just a normal home-cooked dish.

Isn’t it too simple to compete with Mapo Tofu?

Admiral Li paused and continued to speak.

"But what I want you to make is not ordinary Mapo tofu, but magical Mapo tofu."


When the little master on the side heard this word, he didn't understand it.

Xia Ruo breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this theme, as long as it was the same as the original one. Trying magic mapo tofu means that she has the answer directly.

In the original game, the magic mapo tofu made by Shao An finally found the wrong direction. As long as he made the real magic mapo tofu, he would have a chance to win.

In the animation, this test is given a day to prepare. Shao An can only be regarded as an ordinary little villain in the early stage, and his cooking skills are not as good as those monsters in the later stage. The preparation time of this day is used well and there is a chance.

And the chance of winning is considerable.


Admiral Li nodded, "The authentic Sichuan cuisine emphasizes spicy, fragrant, color, hot, and hemp. The five flavors are combined into one. The combination of five flavors is the ultimate Sichuan cuisine, and the dreamy Mapo tofu , It is the unity of six flavors."

"Six flavors in one? What is six flavors in one?" Jin Ling on the side asked Master Liu.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of Liuwei Heyi," Master Liu also shook his head. He didn't know what magic mapo tofu is.

"So this time, going beyond the five flavors to make Mapo tofu with six flavors is the subject of this competition."

Admiral Li also talked about his experience back then. He had eaten this kind of mapo tofu in Sichuan. Admiral Li glanced at the chef below.

"Cooking right will decide at noon tomorrow, I hope you will do your best!"



Xia Ruo and Shao An responded at the same time.

"Go back and think about it, the answer to the magic mapo tofu may be in your hearts," After saying this, Admiral Li left.


The back kitchen of Ju downstairs, Little Master, and Jin Ling are all beside the stove. At this time, all the ingredients for making Mapo tofu are on the stove.

"What the hell is the so-called Six-flavored Mapo Tofu? What is the sixth flavor?" The little master kept putting his hand on his chin, as if thinking about it.

"Yes, Admiral Li said that he had eaten it in Sichuan, but I have never heard of magic mapo tofu," Jin Ling also looked sad, "By the way, Xia Ruoren, I just saw him, why? Suddenly disappeared."

"I'm here. I just went out for a while."

Xia Ruo appeared at the right time.

He just disappeared for a while. In fact, he found a place where no one was there and used his mobile phone to watch the animation of "The Little Master of China" and watched the episode of Magic Mapo Tofu. This is equivalent to copying homework directly.

I have to say that the cooking in the animation of Little Master has a complete analysis, and the details of the magic mapo tofu Xia Ruo have all remembered.

Moreover, in the original work, the little master didn't think about what the magic mapo tofu is all night, and made dozens of scraps, and finally realized it during the day, which is equivalent to wasting a lot of time.

Naturally, Xia Ruo didn't want to waste this time, so she directly said the answer to Magic Mapo Tofu.

"I already know the sixth flavor of magic mapo tofu."

"What, you know!" The little master shouted in surprise when he heard Xia Ruo's words, "What is the sixth flavor?"

"It's crisp, and the texture of crisp is the sixth flavor."

"Puff?" Jin Ling is not very good at cooking. She doesn't understand how Mapo Tofu can be crisp, so she can only look at the little master in confusion.

"Su, yes, it's Su, why didn't I expect it?" The little master clapped his hands and suddenly realized that the little master is a culinary genius, and he easily understood what Xia Ruo meant.

"This is not what I came up with. Actually, the chef who created the magical mapo tofu is Master Abbe. When I was wandering in the past, I heard this story. Master Abbe used soybeans instead of meat during the famine years. Made the sixth flavor of Mapo Tofu."

Xia Ruo didn't want to take this idea to herself.

"It's amazing, Xia Ruo, you even know this story, I almost lose my impression," Xiao Dangjia was still young at the time, and things were normal when he couldn't remember.

"It's okay, I also listen to the stories told by the old man, so I can only say that my luck is better."

"Use soybeans to replace the meat and create a crispy texture. Mom is really amazing." When he thought of this, the young master began to miss his mother.

"Master Abbe is indeed a very powerful chef. Admiral Li came out this exam question, I am afraid I just want to see, let’s go downstairs and Shao An, who really inherited Master Abbe’s craftsmanship," Xia Ruo At the same time, the purpose of Admiral Li was stated.

"You're right, the last sentence of Admiral Li, the answer is in our hearts, and that should be what it means. Now that we know the answer, let's start doing it. Brother Xia Ruo, tomorrow is your test. I will make one first. , And then show you it again," Xiao Dangjia said to Xia Ruo.

"Well, rest assured, I will look good."

Mapo tofu is a basic home-cooked dish, and Xia Ruo usually cooks it for the guests, but Xia Ruo still wants to see what other details are different in the magical mapo tofu made by the young master.

How can I reach the level of luminescence? How far is it from myself to luminescence?

After Xia Ruo talked about the process of making meat from soybeans, the young master quickly realized that, soon, the soybean meat to replace the ground meat was made.

Open fire and cook.


At the beginning, Xiao Dang’s family first put the ingredients and seasonings. During the period, Xia Ruo watched Xiao Dang’s sprinkle a lot of red peppers. Soon, the mapo tofu in the pot turned red.

"Spicy is the first taste, spicy!"

At the same time, all kinds of cooking details that Xia Ruo couldn't see before appeared in Xia Ruo's eyes. The young master is teaching cooking this time, so there are many details, and even Xia Ruo is explained from time to time.

"At the same time, stir-fry until the color is bright, add soup, add tofu... This time season with wine and seasonings, simmer for a while on low heat, add soy sauce, sprinkle the young leaves of garlic..."

In addition to the crisp five flavors, they also slowly appeared in front of Xia Ruo.

"Second taste, fragrance!"


"Third taste, color and taste!"


"No. 4, hot and delicious, hot!"


"Fifth flavor, hemp!"

With the last step, the magic mapo tofu made by Little Master is finally ready.

At the same time, at the moment when it was placed on the plate, Xia Ruo saw a red light appearing on the mapo tofu, and the whole back kitchen was shining red. This red light is reflected by the red pepper in the mapo tofu. Light.

"Brother Xia Ruo, have you learned it?" Little Master asked Xia Ruo who looked at him.


Xia Ruo nodded.

"No problem, it doesn't seem to be difficult."

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