I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 13-I'm afraid I raised a monster

Raising a cat is actually not a difficult task. After Xia Ruo talked to her parents, they all agreed. Very simply, Tom cat became Xia's cat.

There is just a cat in the house, as if life has not changed, but this is also the beginning.

On the fifth day of adopting Tom Cat.

in the afternoon.

The Xia family is eating dinner, all the family are there except for sister Xia Yue. Dinner is a daily routine, and today is no exception. However, the head of the Xia family, Xia Ruo’s father, Xia Zhengzhi is at the table. , Fell into contemplation again.

How did that happen?

Xia Zheng turned his head and glanced at Tom Cat, who was still watching TV in the living room. The look on his face was very wonderful, but he glanced at his beloved family members and saw that they were all very calm.


Do you think it’s strange that cats watch TV?

Xia Zhengzhi felt that some things must be said, otherwise there might be some unpredictable consequences. Instead of maintaining a false peace like this, it is better to let yourself break this peace.


Xia Zhengzhi first coughed twice, attracting the attention of his wife and children, and at the same time he scanned his family.

"There is one thing that I want to talk about for a long time. This issue is very serious. I don't know if you have noticed it. You... don't anyone think Tom is a little abnormal?"

Xia Ruo's mother was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect such a problem.

"It's not normal? What's not normal? Tom, I took it to the pet hospital. There is nothing sick, isn't it just a cat?"

Xia Ruo and Xia Meng also nodded in agreement, saying that there was nothing abnormal.

Will cats watch TV normally like this!

Xia Zhengzhi glanced at Tom, who was still watching TV, and found that Tom hadn't noticed the situation here, so he spoke again.

"Tom can watch TV by himself, change channels by himself, and choose programs by himself. Is this really normal? Also, after I just watched him and finished his meal, I brushed his little rice bowl."

"I know!"

Xia Meng spoke first, "These are what I taught Tom, the use of the remote control, and the place to wash the dishes after meals and go to the toilet. These are all taught by me. After all, cats should pay attention to hygiene."

"Yes," Xia Ruo's mother agreed, "Tom can learn these things, doesn't it prove that he is a smart kitty?"

Xia Ruo nodded, "Very ordinary."

Then continue to eat.


Is this normal?Xia Zhengzhi was lost in thought. He really didn't expect that his wife and children didn't even understand some basic common sense, how could the cat be so smart that he could learn so much and could still clean the rice bowl by himself.

Even if you have never raised a cat, you should know some basic common sense of cats.

Xia Zhengzhi didn't want to argue with them either, but planned to use actual actions to prove that his views were correct. He turned his head to the direction of the living room and shouted.

"Tom, get me a cigarette, right on the coffee table."

This is a test of Xia Zhengzhi. In the morning, he saw that Tom cat would respond when he heard his words. With some details, he guessed that this Tom cat might understand human words. .

It depends on whether it will expose itself.

Xia Zhengzhi felt that if it was really the kind of clever monster that could understand humans, he might pretend not to understand, so even if Tom Cat did not come over when he heard his words, he could not take it lightly.

Be sure to think about it.

However, the Tom Cat in the living room moved his ears, and when he heard Xia Zhengzhi's words, he first pressed a few times on the remote control with his small paw to pause the Internet program on the TV.

Then he jumped to the coffee table and grabbed a pack of cigarettes with his small claws. After thinking about it, he took the lighter with him.

After holding the things, Tom cat walked on two short legs with a cigarette and a lighter in two small paws, just like a human, walked slowly over, and passed both the cigarette and the lighter to Xia Zhengzhi. Only then went back to watch TV.

Pick up the remote control and continue playing.

The reputation of TV rang again.

At this moment, there was a strange silence at the dinner table.

Four faces are confused.

Xia Ruo was also blinded. He didn't expect that after only five days, Tom could even understand the Chinese language of'carrying a pack of cigarettes'. He was really a genius cat.

Xia Zheng looked straight at the pack of cigarettes and lighters in his hand, the expressions on his face were ever-changing. When his thoughts were confirmed, the complicated feeling was hard to describe in words.

To make an analogy, it is like ordinary daily life, but one day, when I wake up, I find that the cat next to me is a monster.

It's amazing, but I feel a little cold behind my back.

Xia Zhengzhi looked at his family again.

"Is Tom so good? Maybe Tom is a trained cat. It's also possible. Isn't that the kind of dog who can help the owner with things? It shouldn't be a strange thing."

Xia Ruo's mother said uncertainly that she had never raised a cat or a dog.

"Such a clever cat is much easier to raise."

"Tom, so smart and cute."

Xia Meng murmured to herself, and her mouth began to drool.

"Cough cough cough--"

Xia Zhengzhi heard these answers and coughed violently with anger.

what?This cat is like this, how cute?

"Xiao Ruo, what is going on with the cat you brought back? Why is it... so strange?" Xia Zhengzhi directly began to question Xia Ruo.

After Xia Ruo heard her father's question, she reacted.

"Oh, Tom, it’s just an ordinary cat. In fact, it’s a bit smart, but it’s still a cat in essence. Don’t worry, dad. It’s okay. Besides, raising a smart cat is not very troublesome. Don’t worry too much."

Xia Ruo didn't worry about his father driving Tom away, because he knew his father, although he was almost forty, he was still a teenager, and he liked to challenge the wall and have all kinds of new things.

Tom is so smart, don't look at him worrying about Tom, but maybe he still wants to keep Tom.

"Is that right?"

Is it really an ordinary cat, just a little smarter?

Xia Zhengzhi didn't believe his son's nonsense, and the cat's cleverness was limited.

Xia Zhengzhi has never raised a cat before, but he still knows it. I heard that there are some particularly smart cats who are psychic and can understand what their owners mean, but even the legendary cats are not as exaggerated as Tom.

"I'm afraid I raised a monster."


Xia Zheng sighed straight.

Tom is too smart, but Xia Zhengzhi also paid attention to this smart cat. It seems that apart from playing, eating, drinking and watching TV, he really has no other small actions. Inertia is the same as a normal cat.

There is a high probability that you will become a cat demon with your wisdom.

Now that the cause and effect have been established, if Tom is driven away at this time and Daxian is angered, then there may be serious consequences.

It seems that Tom can only be raised temporarily.

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