I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 130: The Old Woman Who Greeds Money and Stingy

"I signed it."

After signing his name on the contract, the contract in Xia Ruo's hand flew up and floated straight into the hands of Granny Tang.

Beside Xia Ruo, the three ugly pets with head-like heads raised by Granny Tang kept beating, and the scared Tom on Xia Ruo's shoulder shrank into Xia Ruo's collar.

Xia Ruo patted Tom's body and glanced at the three heads squintly.

As if feeling the badness in Xia Ruo's eyes, the three heads immediately jumped away. They themselves were so bullying and fearful of hardship.

"It's signed, let me see, um," Granny Tang took the flying contract, scanned the signature on the contract, and nodded, with a sly smile on her face again, "Xia Ruo? The name is not very good. In the soup house, just change the name. From now on, you will call it'Xia'."

With a stroke of Grandma Tang's finger, in the name on the contract signed by Xia Ruo, the word'Ruo' flew from the paper and disappeared into the air.

This is also Granny Tang's method to deprive her of her name, this is how she dealt with Chihiro and Bailong in the original work.

There is a rumor in the soup house that people who have forgotten their name cannot find their way back home. Granny Tang also wants to use this to restrict Xia Ruo. However, Granny Tang's other purpose is to test it. , Can Xia Ruo crack her own magic?

When Xia Ruo watched the modification of his signature in the contract, something important seemed to disappear from his mind.

"My name is...'Xia'?"

At that moment, Xia Ruo suddenly felt that'Xia' was his real name.

He has completely forgotten his real name.

However, he had seen the original work, and naturally knew that it was Tang Po's magic. He understood the hands and feet, modified his memory, made himself forget the real name, and now he experienced it personally, only to realize that it was terrible. This kind of magic is almost invisible.

This magic is too abnormal and must be limited. Xia Ruo frowned and glanced at the contract book. He guessed that the key to the magic of Tang Po should be his own'signature', only through the name written by herself. Only the medium can be used to initiate brainwashing. This is a holistic technique.

As expected, the old woman was still dishonest.

The power of reality was activated, and Xia Ruo injected the power of reality into her brain.


It was as if the sound of the technique being deciphered appeared, Xia Ruo deciphered the brainwashing technique that Grandma Tang had just done, and at the same time, she also remembered her name.

Xia Ruo glanced at Granny Tang with a flat tone, "Sorry, I still like to use the original name, my name is Xia Ruo, Granny Tang, I hope you don't use this little trick again next time."

The signature'Ruo' that had disappeared in the air appeared again and flew back to the contract.

The magic was cracked again.

Granny Tang's face became a little more serious. At this moment, she finally realized that the human in front of her was different from the men she used to handle at will, and her magic was completely ineffective on him.

I don't know if such a guy is good or bad for the soup house, but Granny Tang is the owner of the soup house after all, for her, this is just a little trouble.

"It looks like I have recruited an incredible subordinate," Tang Popo couldn't help but leaned on the chair, and said after taking a breath of cigarette.

"It's just cooperation, I believe you won't let the mother-in-law disappoint you in the future."

"hope so."

Xia Ruo, at this moment, he has officially joined the soup house.


It was still during the day and the soup house was not open normally, but all the employees in the soup house were messed up. In the soup house, most of the male employees were frog monsters with huge faces, and most of the women had strange faces. The big unknown banshee, of course, there are also many beautiful banshees, such as Xiaoling.

Now, they are all exploded because of a new news spread from above.

"Have you heard? Granny Tang has let a human work in the soup house!"

"Humans, how is it possible! How can humans work like this, even if it's Tang Po's order, I don't want to work with humans."

"Yes, that's right, the smell of humans is too bad, so I don't want to work with humans."

"Yes, we are here as a soup house for gods, how can we let lowly creatures like humans come in and work."

"When that human being dare to work with me, I must teach him a lesson."


No matter how these soup house employees discussed, Xia Ruo followed Grandma Tang and took the elevator from the top floor to the bottom. At this moment, Xia Ruo had changed into soup house costumes.

This was given to him by Mrs. Tang.

Xia Ruo's clothes are different from the employees on the bottom of the soup house. The clothes on her are azure blue kimono-style clothing with purple mysterious patterns on them, which looks much more noble than ordinary employees.

The difference in clothing is the difference in identity.

Soon, the monster employees of the soup house were gathered by Granny Tang. The soup house is also considered to be a big enterprise in this fantasy world. There are many employees underneath. All together there are hundreds of monsters. Granny Tang stands on the high ground. , Began to introduce Xia Ruo in front of all employees.

However, when talking to the employees at the bottom, Grandma Tang's tone became much harsher.

"Listen to me. This is Xia Ruo who just joined the soup house next to me. You will call him Mr. Xia in the future. Remember, he will be the top chef of the soup house from now on. If anyone dares to treat him Disrespect, I know, just wait to be turned into black coal and go to the boiler-like briquettes."

When the monster employee underneath heard the words of Granny Tang, there was silence.

Granny Tang naturally wouldn't care about the reactions of the employees below. She turned her head to look at Xia Ruo, her tone became kind, "Follow me, I will show you around the soup house."

"Thank you Granny Tang," Xia Ruo replied politely.

Regarding talents, Granny Tang still seemed to care very much, and took Xia Ruo around some of the facilities and structures of the soup house.

At the same time, I took Xia Ruo to the kitchen and food room of the soup house. In fact, it was enough for other staff to introduce Xia Ruo, but Grandma Tang chose to come by herself.

"This will be your workplace in the future. Of course, just let other people do ordinary cooking. You are only responsible for luminous cooking. Although we receive a large number of guests from the gods every day, there are not many distinguished guests. If a distinguished guest comes, I will send someone to notify you."

"Yeah," Xia Ruo said he understood.

After the introduction of the kitchen, Mrs. Tang took Xia Ruo to some other places in the soup house.

In general, the soup house is a super hotel with hot spring facilities, which is specially used to entertain the gods. Most hotels have service soup houses, and the most famous soup house is their exclusive medicinal bath hot spring. A hot spring bathed with noble medicinal materials, it is definitely a great enjoyment to be able to soak once.

Moreover, this world is a fantasy world. The medicinal bath hot springs dedicated to gods must be unusual. If this medicinal bath is given to ordinary people, what effect will it have?

Even if it can't be reborn, the effect of strengthening the body will always be there, Xia Ruo is wondering, would she get some medicinal materials here and use it for her family.

Xia Ruo looked at the hot spring water in the big pond, and was a little moved.

Granny Tang seemed to have seen Xia Ruo's thoughts and couldn't help but slammed, "Don't think too much, employees are not qualified to take hot springs, even you are the same, these are for the gods, in the medicinal bath. The medicinal materials are very precious. These are not things you can enjoy."

Employees are not qualified?

"Can't give money?" Xia Ruo turned to look at Granny Tang.


"As long as you pay the bill, you are the guest. You can take whatever you want in the medicinal bath here," Tang Popo changed her face when she heard that Xia Ruo could pay.

Ha ha.

A greedy and stingy old woman.

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