After the matter was resolved, the soup house returned to normal. As for where the masked man came from, no one can tell. The world itself is not as calm as it was. It would not be strange for any kind of creature to appear.

At the dawn of the day, Granny Tang finally came back.

Of course, when Granny Tang came back, she found something wrong with the soup house. After finding the monster in charge and asking about it, she finally understood what happened.

"You mean, Xia Ruo took care of the intrusive monster alone? And he was the only one," Tang Granny confirmed to the monster in charge again.

"Yes, Mr. Xia was able to solve the intruder with only one person, and it seemed very relaxed," the monster in charge said honestly.

"Is it easy?"

Granny Tang's eyes narrowed slightly. She had known that Xia Ruo was capable. This incident confirmed this, but the stronger Xia Ruo became, the more disturbed Granny Tang became.

Too strong subordinates are not well controlled.

But now the two are still in a cooperative relationship, and there will be no conflict for the time being, and Xia Ruo is also very honest, and she does not seem to have any crooked thoughts. Granny Tang intends to continue to observe for a period of time. Now Xia Ruo has made friends with many gods, Granny Tang I dare not do too much to him.

"I see, go down."



The soup house during business hours.


An employee knocked over the plate in front of Xia Ruo, and shattered the luminous dish that Xia Ruo had just fried. After the luminous dish was sprinkled on the ground, it became dim.

The monster employee kept shaking as he watched this scene. Even if the dish was sold, he couldn't afford to pay for it. If something like this happened, Mrs. Tang would turn it into charcoal.


The imaginary scolding did not appear, Mr. Xia just made a booing gesture.

"It's okay, but the dish is spilled. I'll just make another plate." Xia Ruo comforted the employee with a gentle smile on his face. He was already about to leave, and then went back to let Tom fry again. A dish, brought it out.

"Thank you Mr. Xia."

The monster employee experienced a big ups and downs, and almost burst into tears.

"It's okay, just pay attention next time."


At this time, the employee felt that Mr. Xia was probably the best person in the world.

After the incident with the masked man, Xia Ruo's prestige has increased a lot. In addition, Xia Ruo usually does not have a superior attitude towards ordinary employees, so Xia Ruo's popularity in the soup house is very high.

Xiaoling also thanked Xia Ruo afterwards. Xia Ruo and Xiaoling said something, and finally they had some friendship.

The soup house returned to its daily routine, and nothing more troublesome happened after that.

The same process as before, Xia Ruo cooks some luminous dishes every day, practice cooking skills, and then enjoy a massage service in the hot spring bath in the soup house.

This kind of life is comfortable and leisurely. In addition to cooking, Xia Ruo can also accompany guests occasionally.

Sometimes, some female gods always like to order Xia Ruo’s dishes, and then let Xia Ruo accompany the wine or something. It feels that those female gods are very lonely, and Xia Ruo listened to their complaints, and then comforted when they accompanied the wine. The result was that those female gods often came to eat, and Xia Ruo began to wonder if their money was enough.

Granny Tang seemed very happy to see this situation. She also hinted that Xia Ruo would promote drinks when drinking with the guests, and even give Xia Ruo a commission, but Xia Ruo refused.

Xia Ruo is not short of money, and he always feels that there is something wrong with his work.

Keep your own chef's heart.

The days just passed by day by day.

During this period, Xia Ruo never stopped learning magic with Grandma Tang, but Grandma Tang seemed to be jealous of Xia Ruo. The magic taught to Xia Ruo was some very basic simple magic, such as life magic such as dust removal and item restoration. The offensive magic has been guarded very hard.

One day, the daily routine finally became a little different.

"Mr. Xia, Granny Tang is looking for you, please go to the top floor."


Xia Ruo glanced at the frog monster who had informed him, with a hint of surprise in her eyes. You know, Granny Tang doesn't always take the initiative to look for him once a month, so why would she think of coming to him today?


Xia Ruo nodded, and when he got on the elevator to the top floor, he saw an acquaintance in Granny Tang's office, a teenager in white.

Bai Long, the hero of Spirited Away.

Xia Ruo originally thought that the white dragon had disappeared because of his appearance, but why did it suddenly appear again.

"Xia Ruo, you are here." Granny Tang glanced at Xia Ruo who had just come up, and beckoned to Xia Ruo, with a kind smile on her face, "I will introduce you, this is my new disciple. It’s called Bailong. Starting today, he and I will learn magic."

"Hello, Mr. Xia, Granny Tang keeps mentioning you to me," Bai Long said after bowing to Xia Ruo. Although he looked polite, Bai Long's face didn't show the slightest expression.

"Hello," Xia Ruo nodded gently in response.

"Since you two also know each other, Xia Ruo, take Bai Long to get to know the soup house. By the way, introduce Bai Long to the people in the soup house. By the way, Bai Long’s main job is not in the soup house. It is to help me deal with some things," Tang Popo said to Xia Ruo.

"Okay," Xia Ruo nodded, and looked at Bai Long on one side, "Come with me."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

Bai Long followed Xia Ruo and left Granny Tang's room, but when he got off the elevator, Xia Ruo couldn't help but glance at Bai Long.

"Bailong, I can be considered your predecessor, I will call you Xiaobai from now on."


Bai Long’s indifferent face twitched. He had known before, this Mr. Xia is human, and he is not too old, he is a god, I don’t know how old he is, so he called himself Xiaobaizhen. All right.

"Xiaobai, by the way, what is your name, was it taken by Granny Tang?" Xia Ruo asked casually in the elevator.

"My name is Bai Long," Bai Long's tone was still cold.

"It looks like your name has been taken away. That old lady likes to take away other people's names like this, but it's okay, you can find your name one day," Xia Ruo said to herself.

Bai Long raised his eyebrows. He always felt that Mr. Xia was very strange and courageous. He dared to call the old woman Tang Po, he had never seen such a human being.

As for things like names, he didn't expect to find them back.

When he got downstairs, Xia Ruo summoned the staff of the soup house, just like when Granny Tang introduced him, he introduced Bailong in front of everyone.

"This is Bailong, Granny Tang's newest disciple, you can call him Mr. Bai in the future."


The people in the soup house responded.

At this point, Bailong officially joined the soup house.

However, Xia Ruo looked at the white dragon on the side with a puzzled expression on his face. Since the white dragon appeared, it proved that the plot was still going in the normal direction, but the white dragon appeared too late.

Even if he didn't know the specific timeline, Xia Ruo still guessed that when Chihiro came to the soup house, Bai Long had been in the soup house for at least one or two years.

Do you have to wait for Qianxun for a year or two?


After Bailong joined the soup house, it was almost a month or so.

During this period, Bai Long kept a straight face, always expressionless, so although the staff at the soup house called him'Mr. Bai', they secretly didn't like Bai Long very much.

Fortunately, Xia Ruo has been taking care of him, and Bailong is also strong, and his life in the soup house is pretty good, but he often goes out to help Granny Tang and comes back with injuries every time.

One month passed, Xia Ruo still didn't wait for Qianxun. Although she knew that this mission was set by the system, it would certainly not be smooth sailing, but she couldn't even see the heroine.

Couldn't Chihiro come, I have to wait like this forever.

Isn't it, what I thought was wrong.

Xia Ruo felt that he might have been trapped in a certain fixed mindset, ignoring some details, so he couldn't help but look at the mission requirements that the system had issued to him.

[Task requirements: The girl and her parents enter the fantasy world. The lost girl is about to encounter a major crisis and urgently needs your help. Your task is to send her back to the original world.

After reading it carefully several times, Xia Ruo really found some points that he hadn't noticed before.

The "girl" mentioned in this system mission did not say that it must be Chihiro Ogino, but she was too impressed by Chihiro after watching the animation by herself, so I felt that it must be Chihiro who strayed here.

Could it be that someone else has strayed into this world?


Sakuragaoka Girls' High School in Japan.

In the light tone department, a woman's scream suddenly came.


A young girl was so scared that she squatted on the ground holding her head because of a spider. It seemed that the girl was very afraid of such things.

"Mio, it's a toy, it's a toy," Tian Jing Zhongrui smiled and took the spider toy into his pocket. The spider just now is just a small toy with rough workmanship, not realistic at all. It is impossible for ordinary people to be scared by this kind of thing. Arrived.

However, looking at Tian Jing Zhongru's reaction, it seems that this situation will happen a long time ago.

"Liu-chan, why do you carry such a thing with you?" Yui Hirasawa asked strangely.

"This toy is a gift for my brother to buy snacks. I thought, Mio would definitely be scared, so I brought it over," Tiani Nakaru explained.


This is the light sound department of the light sound girl world. The walls of the light sound department at this time are all the posters they received from Xia Ruo at that time. The posters are all their two-dimensional images. It was also in Yingqiu High School. It is a very bright landscape.

It has been some time since they returned to Japan. Of course, the experience of traveling to China at that time will not be forgotten, that is, Qiu Shan Mio sometimes sends emails to Xia Ruo, but has never responded.

For this, Akiyama Mio is very lost.


"I know why I would be afraid to show me this kind of thing." After learning that the spider was a toy, Akiyama looked better, but he was still a little scared and didn't dare to come closer.

Although Akiyama Mio looked like a cold girl, she was actually gentle and courageous. Whether it was a ghost story or a bug, she would tremble with fear when she heard it or saw it.

But Tian Jing Zhongru liked to tease her very much.

"Because you are too timid, I want to exercise your courage," Tianjing Zhongru tried to use some seemingly reliable truths to demonstrate the fact that she teased Mio.

"Think about it, you are so courageous, what should you do if you go out to work in the future? The last time I worked on the street and gave out tissues, I didn't even send out one in the afternoon. The maid cafe last time, even "Welcome" I can’t tell. If you don’t exercise your courage now, you will be unemployed in the future.”

"Yes, we will have to work in the future," Pyeongtaek clapped his hands and suddenly realized, "Unemployment is really a heavy topic, so troublesome. I have to work in the future. If I can drink tea and fish every day like now All right."

"Senior, if you don't work, you will have to eat your old age at home," Azusa Nakano couldn't help but said as he looked at such an unmotivated senior.

"Yeah, unemployment is a very serious problem. Mio's courage is really too small. In the future, things will definitely happen in society, so I decided to develop a courage development plan," Tanjing Nakari said suddenly. Woke up.

"Mio, I heard that there is a haunted house with a monster theme nearby. Let's go to the haunted house to exercise courage on the weekend."


Akiyama Mio slashed Tian Jing Zhongru's head with a hand knife, his tone was very firm, "I won't go, you give up."

A haunted house with a monster theme, Akiyama Mio just thinks about it, and his body begins to tremble. How could he go to that place.

"The haunted house with the theme of monsters sounds very interesting. I really want to go," Kotobuki is very interested. "But if Mio doesn't want to go, just forget it, and I think it's not like using the haunted house to exercise courage. It's very useful, because ghosts, monsters, etc., none of this kind of thing exists in the world."

"Eh, what about Yui, what do you think of the haunted house?" Nakaru Tiani looked at Yui Hirasawa.

"The haunted house? It doesn't feel interesting, and...the pocket money is not enough recently, I guess I can't even afford a ticket..." Yui Hirasawa said embarrassedly.

"Oh, it looks like no one is going," Nakaru Tiani looked a little disappointed, "Then what are we going to do this weekend, do you want to come to my house? My brother is not at home this week."

"Okay, okay," Yui Hirasawa was the first to approve, so that he can save money.

"Agree," Qin Blowing also agreed.

"Yes, I have nothing to do this weekend." When Qiu Shan Mio was talking here, the phone rang suddenly. She picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was a text message from a family member.

After about a few glances, Akiyama Mio put down the phone.

"Sorry, I may not have time to go this weekend. My father said that he would take me and my mother to see my grandmother. The place where my grandmother lives seems to be a bit far away. I guess it will take a few days."

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