I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 144: Returning to the Real World

Granny Tang was defeated, and Qiu Shan Mio was also rescued.

However, it may be that Qiu Shan Mio was a bit too tired and was frightened again. After being restored to her original state by Xia Ruo, Qiu Shan Mio quickly fell asleep in a deep sleep, and Xia Ruo had to let her rest first and deal with the rest by herself. thing.

Xia Ruo took over the soup house with his current prestige. Originally, Grandma Tang was a mountain above the employees of the soup house. Everyone was afraid of being turned into charcoal and pigs by Grandma Tang. Now Grandma Tang is overthrown. The employees of the soup house There was not much protest, after all, it was just an exploiter, and the employees did not have much feelings for Tang Po.

Before, Granny Tang only controlled them through fear.

Through the mouth of Granny Tang, Xia Ruo found their slave contract and gave them the names of all the employees of the soup house. They are now free, and many people cheer Xia Ruo's name.

Many people who have been punished by Granny Tang, those who have been cast by Granny Tang's transformation magic, those magic have also been lifted by Xia Ruo, and they have all returned to their original form.

Under Bailong's proposal, Grandma Tang was also handed over by Xia Ruo. It is said that many employees who had a grudge against Grandma Tang hanged her.

Xia Ruo took over some of Tang Po's magical notes and a large amount of property, especially Tang Po's property. I don’t know how many years she has accumulated. There is a super large vault behind Tang Po's room. It is a treasure of gold and silver.

Xia Ruo felt that if he brought these treasures back to the real world, he would not have to work hard for ten lifetimes.

Granny Tang exploited the employees for her whole life, and almost all her savings remained here.

However, Akiyamami's crisis was resolved, and Xia Ruo's stay in this world had no meaning.

To be honest, this world is extremely simple. At first, Xia Ruo was too cautious. He did not expect that his power of reality would restrain Granny Tang’s magic so severely. He even looked for platycodon as a backhand, which was useless. Above, I always feel that the system tasks are a bit too simple.

But in Xia Ruo's view, it's okay to be cautious.

It seems that the task is completed right in front of her, but although Akiyama Mio is okay now, her parents still don't know where it is. Fortunately, the core of the soup house is the employee underneath. Although Xia Ruo doesn't know it, some people know.

After Xia Ruo inquired, some employees told Xia Ruo where Qiu Shan Mio's parents were, and Xia Ruo's parents, who had turned into pigs in the past, dispelled the magic.

After everything was over, Xia Ruo brought Qiu Shanming to the entrance of the tunnel she had just come to. Behind Xia Ruo, there was an endless grassland.

With his own help, Akiyama Mio actually didn't suffer much, much better than Chihiro in the original work. The only thing worse than Chihiro was that Akiyama Mio had the experience of becoming a pig.

Standing at the entrance of the tunnel, Xia Ruo stopped and put his eyes on Qiu Shanmin's face.

"I can send it here. Your parents are at the exit of the tunnel. They have forgotten everything that happened in this world. You don't have to mention it to them. You can go back as long as you return. It's a normal world. By the way, don't look back during this period."

After getting Granny Tang’s magic notes, Xia Ruo used her reputation to learn some useful magic. At this time, Qiu Shan Mio’s parents were slightly changed by Xia Ruo’s magic, and they would never remember the experience of becoming a pig and afterwards.

"What about you, won't you go back?" Qiu Shanming looked at Xia Ruo with a trace of worry in his eyes.

"I will go back, but not now," Xia Ruo shook his head, and he glanced at Qiu Shanmin calmly, "I'm fine, I'm probably going home in a few days, and I haven't forgotten our agreement. Time to find you to hold a concert in China."

"Ah, you still remember this," Qiu Shanmi's face turned slightly ruddy when Xia Ruo talked about it.

"Of course I remember, I won't forget about this," Xia Ruo couldn't help but smile. "Yes, I haven't asked you when you have time. If you have time, you can come anytime."

"Time..." I always felt that the topic was slightly off, but Akiyama Mio still thought about it.

"In two months, we will have a holiday in two months. It is estimated that everyone has time. You can call me at that time. By the way, why do I always fail to send text messages to you?"

"Failed to send," Xia Ruo twitched. How could a different world succeed? Of course, such words cannot be said.

"When you are in danger, don't you succeed if you send me a message?"

"Then I can't send it successfully when I'm not in danger?" Qiu Shanmin seemed dissatisfied with Xia Ruo's answer.

"Maybe, I have something more important? Don't worry, I will not forget the agreement with you. Two months later, I will go to you. Just don't change your phone number," Xia Ruo said gently. Smiled.

"Well, I will not forget our agreement."

Qiu Shan Mio nodded heavily.

"Hurry up, your parents should have been waiting for you for a while, and they will be anxious if you don't go back."

"Well," Akiyamami nodded, his face a little serious, "You are doing something very dangerous, and you have to promise me that there will be no accident or injury."

Seeing Qiu Shan Mio's serious look, it was really cute, Xia Ruo also responded seriously to her.

"Well, I promise you that I will definitely not be in danger, and I am always very cautious. If there is danger, I will run far away."

Qiu Shanmin thought for a moment. The scene of Xia Ruo hitting the floor to rescue herself was not at all cautious, but since Xia Ruo said so, she still believed it.

"Then I will go first."

"Goodbye, see you in two months."

"See you in two months," Qiu Shan Mio said this, and walked slowly forward, halfway through, Qiu Shan Mio stopped, as if he wanted to turn back and say something, but remembered Xia Ruo not to look back. Reminded him, so he stopped looking back.

"Xia Ruojun, I have experienced so many things this weekend. I will never forget everything that happened, and I will always remember it in my heart."

After saying this, Qiu Shan Mio left.

When Xia Ruo heard this, she just smiled and then left.

Qiu Shanmin entered the tunnel, and because of Xia Ruo's reminder, she didn't look back at all along the way. Soon, she saw the light at the exit of the tunnel.

After walking out of the tunnel, Qiu Shanmin saw two familiar figures, his parents, now standing in front of him intact.

"Xiao Mio, why is it so long? Mom has been waiting for you for a long time," Qiu Shan Mio's mother waved to Qiu Shan Mio.

"I'm in the car, Xiao Miao, your grandma should have been waiting for us for a long time," Qiu Shan Mio's father also shouted to Qiu Shan Mio.

"Mom and Dad!"

Hearing the familiar voices of mom and dad, at this moment, Akiyama Mio seemed to have an urge to cry. In fact, it was only a short period of two days. But for Akiyama Mio, this terrifying experience in another world seemed like a century. long.

If it hadn't been for Xia Ruo, she couldn't imagine what despair she would face, whether she could sustain it, and if she thought about it, even if she didn't disappear, she would probably commit suicide in despair.

"What's the matter? Why does my good baby look so uncomfortable? Did you just fall somewhere? Let her mother see." Qiu Shan Mio's mother noticed that Qi Shan Mio's mood was abnormal at this time, and immediately ran up to take a look. My dear baby.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Qiu Shan Mio's father asked.

"Xiao Miao feels about to cry, and she doesn't know what just happened."

"It's okay, I'm just a little excited, mom and dad are all okay," Qiu Shanmin held back the tears in his eyes.

"Stupid boy, aren't mom and dad all fine? I'm thinking about things all day long, I'm about to get in the car, it's really late."


Akiyamamio’s mother pulled Akiyamamio into his father’s car. As the car drove away, Akiyamamio looked back at the terrible tunnel. Although the tunnel led to a terrible place, she brought it to her. A terrible memory.

But in that memory, there are also happy moments.

As she said to Xia Ruo, she will never forget this beautiful memory.

The car quickly drove far away, and the tunnel completely disappeared, but Qiu Shanming's father found something abnormal while on the road.

"What's the matter, why is the time on my phone wrong? Isn't today the 17th? Why is the time on the phone showing the 18th."

Akiyamami’s mother couldn’t help but smile when she heard this, “You’re kidding again, today is the 17th, did you not update the phone date?”

"Impossible. My phone is connected to the Internet, and the date is automatically updated. How could it be wrong."

Akiyamami’s mother also looked at her mobile phone, and she was stunned, "Oh, why did my mother call me so many missed calls, and I didn’t receive any of them? No, it’s really ten The eighth, obviously the seventeenth, I can't remember it wrong."

"Ah? What kind of supernatural event?"

Qiu Shan Mio listened to his parents' conversation without saying a word, just looking at the scenery outside the window.


After experiencing some disturbances, returning from grandmother's house, Akiyama Mio finally returned to a familiar school and began to enter normal campus life.

As soon as he came back, everyone from the Qingyin Department gathered around.

"Miao, I heard that a supernatural incident occurred in your family's trip this time. Is it true? It is said that you disappeared all day. At that time, your grandmother called the police and was finally reported by the supernatural news." Li couldn't help but The first one came up and asked.

This incident is actually a bit of a big noise. Many comments on the Internet are saying that the Qiu Shan Mio family is sensational, liar, and the like.

Although she called and asked the first time, the mood on the phone of Akiyama Mio was not good at the time, so she did not ask too much at the time. After seeing Mio today, she found that Mio was in a normal state at this time. He has recovered.

But she was still a little curious about the process.

"Well, time disappeared for a day."

Akiyamami’s answer was the same as her parents’ answer to the outside world. They didn’t talk about the situation inside the tunnel, only that her time had disappeared for a day. As for the tunnel at that time, many people looked for it again, but couldn’t find it at all, as if everything was wrong. existing.

Because of this, many people simply do not believe this incident.

Li was a little surprised and covered her mouth. She thought that the fortune-telling result was false, but she didn't expect it to be a bad omen.

"Have you encountered a monster?" Hirasawa Yui asked curiously.

"have met."

"Ah!" The surrounding girls shouted in surprise. After all, they are all very good friends. They would not have the slightest doubt about Qiu Shan Mio's words, and Qiu Shan Mio did not like to make such jokes.

"Are there really monsters in this world? What kind of monsters have you seen and how many," Miss Qin Chujing couldn't help asking.

"A lot of monsters, all kinds, very scary."


Hearing this answer, everyone swallowed. There are monsters in this world, and their worldview seems to be subverted.

And what makes them more concerned is that when they encountered the situation Qishan Mio said, with Qiu San Mio's timid character, it is estimated that people will be frightened stupid.

"Mio... are you okay now," Li couldn't help but shook his hand in front of Qiu Shan Mio, trying to test whether the current Mio is normal.

"I'm fine, although it was indeed dangerous at the time, but fortunately someone saved me," Qiu Shan Mio's behavior was fairly normal.


The girls on the side asked curiously.

"Xia Ruojun."


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