I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 165 Miss Shinobi, a woman's skin is a treasure

The first mission, logically speaking, should be alone, but the lord allowed himself to match with others, Xia Ruo had no objection, but unexpectedly, Yuya Shiki directly sent Butterfly Ninja and Xia Ruo. together.

Xia Ruo only knew about this when he was about to leave.

Looking at the Butterfly Ninja next to her, Xia Ruo had a moment of hesitation. After the actual Butterfly Ninja stood in front of Xia Ruo, Xia Ruo realized that her body was a bit too petite.

The height is only 1.5 meters and the weight is 39 kg. This is the official setting of Butterfly Ninja. This figure looks like a junior high school student in front of Xia Ruo.

Of course, the external performance of Butterfly Ninja is very mature.

"Why does Lord Butterfly Ninja come here in person? Obviously it's just a reconnaissance mission."

With black hair and purple pupils and purple hair, Butterfly Ninja with a gentle smile slowly walked to Xia Ruo's face. She smiled and looked at Xia Ruo.

"Because there is a very important herb on the mountain near the place of the mission, which is very useful for one of my poison configurations, and only I can find its growth location. I mentioned it to the lord before, maybe the place is close, so The lord let me go with you."

"It turned out to be so."

"Then what do you think?" Butterfly Shinobu still has a smile on her face. Since her sister's accident, she has often faced other people with this smile.

Although Butterfly Ninja bears huge hatred on her back, and it is not her own character to keep smiling to others, but Butterfly Ninja is still a gentle and kind girl deep in her heart.

"Hey, cute cat, still wearing clothes, it's weird. Did you raise this?"

The Tom on Xia Ruo's shoulder was too conspicuous, and Butterfly Ninja looked at Tom with some curiosity.

"Yes, it's called Tom, do you want to touch it? It's very good," Xia Ruo skillfully handed Tom out.

Tom still rolled his eyes, without the slightest resistance.

It's not the first time anyway, just get used to it.


Butterfly Ninja did not refuse, took Tom in her arms and touched it with her little hand. Girls still like cute animals very much. Butterfly touched Tom's fur, and Tom let her touch it at will. There is no dissatisfaction.

"What a well-behaved cat, I didn't expect you to still like to keep cats."

"Well, I like animals very much. Tom used to be stupid because he couldn't catch mice. He was abandoned by his owner. Then he wandered outside and became homeless. So I took it back to my home and kept it. just now."

Xia Ruo’s eyes were full of memories, "Tom will always be with me no matter where I go from now on."

"Is that right?"

Hearing this warm story, Butterfly endured some sympathy for Tom subconsciously. A cat that can't catch mice is really pitiful.

When Xia Ruo was telling the story, she felt the trembling of the cat in her arms. Could the cat understand Xia Ruo's words and think of her past experience?

It's so pathetic.

So Butterfly Ninja rubbed Tom's hair and comforted him, "Tom is actually a stray cat. He had this experience before, but it was also Tom's luck that he met a gentle and kind person like Mr. Xia Ruo."

At this time, because of the story Xia Ruo told, the image of a gentle and kind good man was established.

Xia Ruo shook his head, then looked at Tom, and stepped forward to touch Tom's fur.

"Nothing. I am also a lonely person. I often travel alone. It is also my luck to have Tom with me. I have never regarded it as a pet."

Tom almost couldn't help but want to jump on his master's face and give him two paws.

But the owner did not lie either.

He didn't regard himself as a pet, but as a tool cat.

Can he be unlucky if he has a tool cat picking up mess?

Of course, the voice of Tom's heart could not be heard by Butterfly Ninja.

"Tom is also very happy to meet Mr. Xia Ruo. It sounds like Mr. Xia Ruo seems to be afraid of loneliness, but it doesn't matter. Although the road is a bit far this time, I will accompany you along the way," Butterfly Ren said gently.

"That's really an honor for me," Xia Ruo said in a very good mood, "Miss Shinobu seems to like animals very much. We must have a lot of topics if we want to come."


Xia Ruo used Tom to simply cause a topic, and then simply chatted with Butterfly Ninja, which seemed to have gained a lot of favor.

Then Xia Ruo started chatting with Butterfly Ninja. The ghost killing team is actually very boring. There are not many men who can chat with Butterfly Ninja. Besides, Xia Ruo has been a soup house x PR for so long, so the chat atmosphere is not bad. .

However, at this time, Kanzaki Aoi happened to come over to see off the two butterfly houses, and they sent some dry food by the way, just to see this scene.

Seeing Lord Shinobu and Xia Ruo having a very happy chat, Kanzaki Aoi once again had a bad feeling.

But after all, Xia Ruo didn't do anything, so Kanzaki Aoi just raised a vigilance in his heart, but didn't say anything.

"Miss Xiaokui," Xia Ruo greeted her with a smile when she saw Aoi Kanzaki coming to see her off.

"Humph," Kanzaki Aoi heard Xia Ruo's voice, just snorted and ignored it.


After seeing off, Xia Ruo and Butterfly Ninja set off.

According to the location marked on the task, if you want to travel at a normal speed, it is estimated that it will take more than ten days, but if you run, relying on the physical fitness and speed of the column, you can get there in three days.

During this period, it may be to test Xia Ruo's strength, so Butterfly Ninja runs very fast, but no matter how fast Butterfly Ninja runs, Xia Ruo can follow her closely.

"Why don't we ride horses?"

After running for about a morning, Xia Ruo couldn't help but ask Butterfly. He was not tired, but curious.

Butterfly Ninja glanced at Xia Ruo. All morning, she could keep up with her movements without any sluggishness. From this point, Butterfly Ninja also recognized Xia Ruo's strength.

"The places we usually go to have various terrains, and there are towns, but more ghosts are hidden in the mountains, so the ghost killing team does not have horses, and running on the road itself is a kind of practice."

"It's really strict to practice anytime, anywhere," Xia Ruo raised her head, looked at the big sun in the sky, and narrowed her eyes. Today's weather is very hot and the sun is very poisonous.

Looking at the Butterfly Ninja running under the sun, Xia Ruo subconsciously took out a sun hat from her portable space and handed it to the Butterfly Ninja.

"Miss Shinobu, here you are."

After Xia Ruo's portable space has been expanded, almost everything she can use can be found, and the hat Xia Ruo found is still a purple style that matches the Butterfly Ninja, and the style is also good.

"Huh?" Butterfly Shinobi looked at this pretty hat, a little curious, "What are you doing for me?"

Xia Ruo replied casually, "Now the sun is too big, it is easy to get tanned in the sun. A woman's skin is a treasure, something to protect."


The expression on Butterfly Ninja's face is very exciting. It seems that he has never encountered such a situation. After playing with swords for so many years, every day he thinks about killing ghosts and poisons.

This was the first time someone told her that a woman's skin is a treasure.

At this moment, Butterfly Ninja felt that Xia Ruo was very different from those in the Ghost Killing Team.

Also very careful.

"Thank you."

Butterfly Ninja finally took over the sun hat in Xia Ruo's hand.

The hat is very beautiful.

Purple, I like it very much.

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