I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 174 Professional Habits

Naturally, Xia Ruo didn't know what was going on behind the Kyogoku House. He was just sitting in a spacious room and drinking. The man who looked like the tortoise wanted to arrange a geisha for him first, but Xia Ruo pushed him.

He only asked to see Warabi Ji Oiran.

But after seeing him drinking, Butterfly couldn't help but pinch him in the back.

"Business matters, don't drink it."

"Okay," Butterfly refused to drink, Xia Ruo slowly put down the glass. He felt that this Japanese sake was not high in strength, and it was always used as a drink.

Since he couldn't drink, Xia Ruo had nothing to do, so he fed Tom some snacks on the table.

"Why did you bring Tom on? Maybe it will be dangerous for a while," Butterfly Ninja looked at Tom next to Xia Ruo and asked with some incomprehension.

"Danger? There is no danger," Xia Ruo said, touching Tom's fur. "If there is danger, Tom will protect me, isn't it, little Tom."

After Xia Ruo finished speaking, he glanced at Tom.

Hearing Xia Ruo's words, Tom glanced at him disgustingly, and then moved a little distance to the side, as if to draw a line.

At this time, the lady boss also came over.

"Is the guest wanting to see Warabi Ji Oiran? She is putting on makeup now, please wait a while," the lady boss apologized to Xia Ruo.

"It's okay, just wait a while, I can wait," Xia Ruo appeared to be indifferent.

The proprietress looked at Xia Ruo and hesitated, but she finally said, "Guest, Warabi Oiran is a trader, but I hope that the customer will not force Warabi Oiran. If the customer can’t accept it, I can recommend it to the customer. Some other geishas, ​​guarantee the satisfaction of the guests."

The main reason is that the proprietress feared that Xia Ruo would offend Brachia and would lose her life.

She also remembered now that those guests who had offended Warabi Ji would disappear inexplicably.

"Is that right? I like this style of oiran. It's out of the mud and not stained. The more you say this, the more I want to see the warabi oiran," Xia Ruo smiled at the ugly face of the proprietress.

"So...the guest, please wait a moment," the lady boss lowered her head and slowly exited the room.

After waiting long, Warabi Hime finished her makeup, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as she came in, the other employees who had previously served in this room retired, leaving only Warabi Ji Oiran.

Butterfly Ninja had been standing behind Xia Ruo, and the moment Warabi Ji came in, she felt a strange feeling.

A sticky discomfort.

But apart from this feeling like the sixth sense, Butterfly Ninja couldn't tell whether the other party was a ghost or not. If she was really a ghost, then this kind of disguise was really terrifying, even Zhu couldn't sense it.

After noticing this, Butterfly Ninja's body was slightly taut, trying to restrain his emotions, not to be found abnormal by the target, looking for the flaws in Warabi Ji.

At the same time, Butterfly Ninja glanced in Xia Ruo's direction.

Butterfly Ninja is a little strange, as if Xia Ruo is still in Fengyue place now, she hasn't changed since she came here, even after Fernji came in, Xia Ruo can't tell if the opponent is a ghost, so she doesn't rush to shoot , Want to test it out?

Butterfly Ninja still remembered what Xia Ruo said to himself before coming, and he would give a signal when he did it.

So the butterfly forbearance stayed still, waiting for Xia Ruo's signal.


It's different from Li Xia's coming in, Warabi Ji's appearance is very delicate, but her eyes are also very sharp, giving people a sense of oppression, but with her enchanting appearance and figure, it looks very temperament when matched with her eyes.

No wonder there are still so many people rushing.

"The guests have been waiting for a long time."

Warabi Ji bowed to Xia Ruo, with a professional smile on her face. She glanced at Xia Ruo and the men's Butterfly Ninja, but her eyes stayed on Butterfly Ninja for a few seconds, seeming to find something. .

"Waiting for the beautiful things to appear for a period of time, in fact, there is no charm," Xia Ruo shook his head and looked at Fern Ji, seemingly attracted by Fern Ji's beauty.

"After paying such a short waiting time, to be able to see such a beautiful Warabi Oiran, the short waiting is really worth it."

"Haha, the guest is really good at talking," Warabi Ji smiled softly, seeming to be very helpful to Xia Ruo's words.

"Maybe I am more honest."

Although Xia Ruo knew the identity of Warabi Ji, she didn't directly let Butterfly endure. The main reason was to enrich the fan story and add more content to the fan. It was a bit too monotonous to start the fight directly.

It's actually quite interesting to perform each other like this and see who reveals each other's identity first.

In today's room, it has become a stage, with Warabihime as the oiran, Xia Ruo as the guest, and Butterfly Ninja as the attendant.

"Let me play a song for the guests," Warabi Ji said to Xia Ruo, and at the same time picked up the shamisen that was placed there. This room was prepared for distinguished guests and placed not far away. Many musical instruments, shamisen is an instrument that all geishas can play.

"It's an honor for me to be able to listen to Miss Fernji's performance," Xia Ruo smiled gently.

Warabi Ji did not reply, but lightly nodded and put her hand on the string. As her fingers moved, beautiful music slowly appeared. Warabi Ji played very well. The oiran who has been playing for hundreds of years is very good at playing. Tom on the side nodded while listening.

But Xia Ruo got up and walked slowly to the side of Warabi Ji, and also picked up a handful of Shamisen and played with Warabi Ji.

With the same tunes, the music of the tunes is actually better.

After the performance, Warabi Ji looked at Xia Ruo in surprise. She didn’t expect that Xia Ruo would actually play shamisen and played so well. “I didn’t expect the guest’s instrument to be very good. This is the first time I saw it. ."

Warabi Ji is indeed a little curious. Rich people like Xia Ruo usually practice this instrument.

"I like music very much. In addition to shamisen, I also have many other instruments, such as guitars." Xia Ruo put down the shamisen in his hand and looked at Warabihime next to him. The shamisen was in the soup house. If you learn with prestige, you can learn it only after a few prestige, but I didn’t expect it to be a useful day.

"Guitar?" Warabihime had never heard of this instrument.

"Foreign musical instrument, Liuxianqin, if Miss Fernji likes it, you can come to my house, I will play it for you, and I can teach you by the way," Xia Ruo said with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, the guests are so talented. I always feel that they are different from the previous guests." Warabi Ji's big eyes flicked twice, her long eyelashes seemed to be dancing, "I really want to listen. Listen to the timbre of the Liuxian instrument."

Warabi Ji at this time was really interested in Xia Ruo.

Warabi Ji is quite confident of her charm, and wants to make Xia Ruo surrender to herself, so she pretends to be a little low, and takes a look at Xia Ruo, "I like guests very much, but, unexpectedly, the client went to look for it yesterday. It's really sad to have Lixia."

"You said Lixia, Lixia oiran is indeed a very beautiful woman with a good talent."

Xia Ruo seemed to think of something and nodded.

"Huh? Do you like Lixia?" At this point, Warabi Ji's tone seemed a little unhappy.

"I haven't finished yet. Although Miss Li Xia is very beautiful, it's just a bit worse than Miss Fern Ji, and Miss Li Xia lacks something," Xia Ruo paused when he said this.

"What is missing?" Warabi Ji asked curiously.

"Lack of temperament, that charming temperament, only charming women have, and there is such a one in front of me," Xia Ruo looked at Warabi Ji's face as if sinking into it.

When Warabi Ji heard Xia Ruo's words, the corners of her mouth slightly twitched, which seemed very useful.

After all, she likes to listen to such words.

"So, I am more beautiful than Lixia, is it true?"

Xia Ruo nodded and slowly approached Fernji, to a very close distance, "Of course it is true. I only remember beautiful things. In my impression, the most beautiful are the moonlight and snow. Two, and you are the third, stunning."


Warabi Ji let out a sigh of relief. When Xia Ruo said this, she realized that she had been a ghost for so many years, and suddenly she felt like she was being picked up.

Butterfly Ninja: "..."

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