"Passing! Passing!"

Just as Xia Ruo breathed a sigh of relief because the butterfly forbeared to calm down, the jay who sent orders flew not far away.

"Passing orders! Bring Tanjirou and Nidouzi back to the headquarters, and bring Tanjirou and Nidouzi back to the headquarters..."

Xia Ruo shouted the order over and over again. Upon hearing this order, Xia Ruo released the hand that bound Butterfly Ninja.

"It looks like the lord already knows what's going on here, let's take them back and let the lord judge."

"Well, then take them back," Since it was the lord's order, Butterfly Ninja did not say anything.

There was no crisis anymore, Xia Ruo walked up to Tanjirou and took a look at his injuries.

"How is the injury serious?"

"My injury is okay, Mr. Xia Ruo, thank you very much this time," Tanjirou said thankfully. The thing Xia Ruo helped him just now, he considered all serious, whether it was saving his life before or just now Protect him and your beans.

To be honest, Tanjirou no longer knows how to thank him.

"It's okay if you are fine. When you arrive at the headquarters, there may be some disturbances, but it's fine. I will help you," Xia Ruo said with a smile.

"Thank you so much," Tanjiro thanked again.

"It's nothing."

Before long, a member of Yin came over and carried the seriously injured Tanjirou on his back. Because Yin's members were all masked, Xia Ruo couldn't see his face clearly, but listening to the voice seemed to bring herself to the beginning. The one from the ghost killing team.

Not only that, Xia Ruo also saw Murata changing his clothes. Some time ago, Murata seemed to be on a mission, and Xia Ruo didn't even see him.

"Mr. Murata, long time no see," Xia Ruo greeted Murata.

"Xia Ruo, ah, no, I'm going to be called Master Xia Ruo now," Murata touched his head with some embarrassment. The last time I saw the opponent had not joined the ghost killing team, by the time of goodbye, the opponent had already become a pillar.

How long has it passed?A month?

"Mr. Murata, it's really great that you are okay. If I read correctly, the first group of ghost killers who came to Spider Mountain in that field should have been killed in battle, but Mr. Murata was unharmed," Xia Ruo was surprised. Looking at Murata's body.

"Uh, luck, thanks to Master Shinobu's timely rescue," Murata touched his head, not knowing how to get back.

"Luck, luck is also a talent."

Afterwards, Xia Ruo chatted with Murata for a while, and then everyone returned to the headquarters.

During this period, it didn’t take too long. In the morning, Xia Ruo had already taken Tanjirou to the headquarters. Because Xia Ruo took care of him along the way, Tanjirou was not treated too rudely, and he took medicine, so he was aware Always sober.

But, while on the road, Butterfly Ninja remembered something and told Xia Ruo that today was the meeting of Zhuo held every six months.

When Xia Ruo arrived at the headquarters, there were already six pillars besides the Butterfly Ninja on the gathering ground. The snake pillar was on the tree, and the wind pillar seemed to have not arrived yet.

But they all seemed to have learned that Tanjirou was carrying a ghost, so they glanced at Tanjirou who was with Xia Ruo.

Their eyes only stayed on Tanjirou's body for a while, before turning their eyes on Xia Ruo's body, and Tom on Xia Ruo's shoulder.

After all, for them, the ghost killing team added two columns in a short time, and this news is more important.

"Is it the young man who killed the upper strings and became the pillar? It is really young and promising, and it is also a great increase in combat power for the ghost killing team," Yan Zhu Purgatory Kyoujuro said solemnly.

"Is it the winding ghost found in Yoshiwara Flower Street? It's a mistake. I actually suspected that place, but I haven't had time to investigate carefully. It seems that you have good luck with gorgeousness," Otashira Utatamoto said slightly gorgeously. , When speaking with gorgeousness, is his style.

"Eh, has no one noticed the cute cat? I heard that there is a cute cat in the newly added column, and it is as cute as the rumor," Lianzhu Ganlusi Mili stared at Tom on Xia Ruo's shoulder and thought. She was not ashamed to say it directly.

"Ah, everything has spirituality, even kittens can eliminate ghosts. They are really psychic cats," Yanzhu Weimingyu Xingming said with his palms together, tears.

In the tree, the snake column Yihei Xiaobanai focused all of his attention on Tom, "That cat named Tom, I heard that it caused Undead River to suffer a big loss. It’s really not easy. The temper can make him so bad that he dare not retaliate. To be honest, it's a bit scary."

"What does the shape of that cloud look like?" by Shitoichiro Kasumi.

Yoshiyuki Shuizhu Tomioka: "..."

These columns are really very personal.

Xia Ruo didn't speak either, but just stood there quietly, waiting for the lord's arrival. Except for Butterfly Ninja and Yiyong, it was the first time for the surrounding Zhu Xia Ruo. After all, the Zhu meeting only took place every six months.

He actually wanted to go up and say hello, but the atmosphere today is not very right. Zhu's eyes not only looked at themselves, but also at Tanjirou next to him.

During the period, the wind pillar also appeared, but it was different from the original book. Xia Ruo put the box of You Douzi behind him to protect it, so the wind pillar did not get the box.

After the wind column arrived at the scene, his eyes were staring at Tom fiercely, even Tanjirou didn't even look at it, as if there was a deep hatred.

It seems that he was taught a lot by Tom.

"By the way, what about the boy next to him? I heard that the ghost was sheltered," Lianzhu Ganlu Temple suddenly asked.

"Kill it."

"Nothing to say, kill it."

"The shelter ghost has nothing to say, I also agree to kill, and even kill the ghosts he sheltered."


When talking about Tanjirou, the views of the pillars were quite unified.

"Nidouzi, Nidouzi has never eaten anyone," Tanjiro heard that they were going to hurt Nidouzi and immediately began to defend his sister.

It's just that each of those pillars has a deep hatred with ghosts, and naturally they won't listen to Tanjirou's words. During the long process of killing ghosts, their thinking has become fixed.

"Lie, your sister is your relative, you will naturally shelter your relatives, what you say is unreliable, I will not believe it anyway," Snake Zhu was the first to raise his doubts.

"Ah, I have been possessed by a ghost, let this child get free quickly," Yanzhu kept tears, but he wanted to directly supervise Tanjirou.

Tanjirou was still defending, "I became a swordsman for your sake, just to find a way to save your beans, and you have not eaten people for two years."

"Even if your sister has never eaten people, but now she is a ghost, it is hard to guarantee that she will not eat people in the future. If she eats people, the dead life will not be resurrected, so I think it is better to kill her. it is good."

Otozhu looked at Tanjirou with no mercy in his tone.


Looking at the indifferent gazes around, Tanjilang's body was a little cold, and he was a little at a loss now. Unlike Mr. Xia Ruo, these pillars did not believe in himself.

People here only know how to kill ghosts.

Tanjiro didn't know how to make them believe that You Douzi would not eat people. He knew that if he couldn't do this, he and You Douzi would die here.

At this moment, Xia Ruo suddenly stood up and stood in front of Tanjirou.

"I practiced with Tanjirou, so I have also learned about your beans, and Mr. Lintaki also told me that you have not eaten people for two years. I believe that you have not eaten people. Ghost."

"Mr. Xia Ruo."

Tanjilang didn't expect that Xia Ruo would still be able to stand up and help himself in this situation, and he also knew how difficult it is for Xia Ruo to speak for himself now.

Xia Ruo nodded slightly at Tanjirou, indicating that he was okay.

There is no way, Yiyong doesn’t speak much. Now there is no one to support Tanjirou, so he can only come out to support him. How can I say that I know friends who have practiced and eat together, if Xia is not a ruthless and unrighteous person, naturally I can’t watch it. Ju Tanjirou bears this alone, so I have to share some of it.

"Xia Ruo, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Xia Ruo stand up, Butterfly Endure frowned. In such a situation where everyone did not approve, Xia Ruo chose to support Tanjirou, but she really didn't understand what he was thinking.

Obviously, he had just become the upper pillar, and he stood on the opposite side of the other pillars. It was a bit too unwise, but Butterfly felt that Xia Ruo didn't look like such an irrational person.

After Xia Ruo said that, the atmosphere changed a little.

The other pillars also turned their gazes back to Xia Ruo. Tanjirou is an ordinary team member and they don't care, but Xia Ruo is a pillar, so sheltering ghosts is really bad, especially a pillar that has just won the title.

"Perhaps what you said is true. She has never harmed humans before, but who can guarantee that she will not eat people in the future?

What the ghost killing team does is killing ghosts. If we don't kill ghosts, are we still the ghost killing team?With such naive thoughts, how exactly did you become the upper pillar?" Feng Zhu Undead Chuan placed his gaze on Xia Ruo and said in a cold tone.

It seemed that Xia Ruo's words had already angered him, and in the words of Immortal Chuan, he also questioned whether Xia Ruo had the qualifications to become Zhu.

"I became Zhu because I killed the Winding Ghost, which complied with the requirements of the Ghost Killing Team to become Zhu. I killed a cannibal ghost, not a child who had restrained his desire to eat people for two years." After that, Xia Ruo still didn't rush, but what he said was unexpectedly sharp.

"If you don't know how to think, and you just know how to kill ghosts, you might lose your humanity in the end."

"You mean I lost my humanity?"

Fengzhu Fushichuan's eyes became more and more terrifying.

"You are just a newcomer who just joined the ghost killing team. Follow the Butterfly Ninja, with the help of the power of the cat, and then kill the weakest one before you get the title of Zhu. You think that becoming a Zhu is your inflated capital. Did you add the ghosts you killed together, I'm afraid they won't be a fraction of me, kid!"

Xia Ruo frowned. The other party was already provocative. Since this was the case, how could he not respond.

"Since you think I can't do it, how about making a bet?"

"What are you going to bet on with me?"

Fu Shi Chuan raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect the boy in front of him to want to bet against him. He was a little curious about what he could bet on.

"I'm not betting with you, I'm betting with all of you," Xia Ruo glanced at the surrounding nine pillars.

"Since no one has killed Wang Xian in 113 years, this shows the strength and difficulty of Wang Xian. It also shows that none of you have the experience of defeating Wang Xian. I will bet with you within three weeks. , I will kill a winding who is within three."

"Three weeks!"

"Three weeks!"

"Winding ghost!"



When the surrounding pillars heard Xia Ruo’s bet, they couldn’t help their eyes widening. Even people like Shitou Wuichiro turned their eyes away from the clouds in the sky and looked at the person standing there. Xia Ruo.

They did not play against the upper strings, nor did they kill one of them.

However, the strength of the winding is definitely recognized as far superior to the column. Even the Butterfly Ninja once said that a winding requires three columns to defeat. As for the position of the winding, it is more difficult than killing the winding, Xia Ruo’s this The other pillars didn't know what Xia Ruo thought of.

It's like a joke.

"Are you sure it's three weeks, not three years?" Undead Chuan looked at Xia Ruo, and when he heard this number, he also recovered his calm.


Undead Chuan stared at Xia Ruo. To be honest, the bet Xia Ruo made was really attractive. It would be enough to be celebrated if he could kill one winding in a hundred years, but Xia Ruo actually said that it would be resolved in three weeks. Even Undead Chuan was attracted by Xia Ruo's gambling contract.

"What is the bet?"

Xia Ruo turned her head and glanced at Tanjirou and Nidouzi's boxes.

"During the gambling contract, I hope you can pay attention to You Douzi to see if she can control her cannibalism. If You Douzi can't restrain her, it means she is a demon. You can kill her. If she does I have controlled her cannibalism, and I hope you can recognize You Douzi."

Xia Ruo didn’t say how he won. For example, if he won, let them let go of your beans. Instead, he said that he hopes to give these pillars a three-week period to observe your beans. This method is not to force them to recognize your beans, but It is to allow them to slowly recognize.

This is also the best way to accept it, because in the later stage of the manga, all the pillars recognized Nidouzi over time.

"Huh, you are still sheltering this ghost, stupid, do you really think the ghost will restrain your desires?" Although Fu Shi Chuan said this, in the face of the gambling contract to kill the upper string, the little ghost of You Douzi seems insignificant Up.

"What if you lose the bet."

"If I don't complete the betting contract, I, and Tom, will give up the title of Zhu together, and will never inherit the title of Zhu again," Xia Ruo said while looking at Undyingchuan.


Tom was watching the show on it, but he didn't know why he was suddenly represented.

Bu Shi Chuan looked at Xia Ruo's face and didn't know what was thinking in his eyes.

"Okay, I'll take this bet, I hope you are not bragging."

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