"Don't make trouble, are you talking about me?"

Xia Meng pointed at herself with her white fingers, feeling that she had been hit so hard that she couldn't get over it for a while.

After Xia Ruo finished that sentence, he paused for a while and added another sentence, "All of you are very beautiful ladies, Xia Meng, you have to be good, don’t lose my person, I don’t need you to do it either. What? You just need to behave a little more normally."

"Ha ha ha -"

The expression on Xia Meng's face suddenly became stiff, and she couldn't help but sneer.

That's right, my brother has a problem with his aesthetics, how can he know that he can increase his face? It's really pitiful.

"Among your friends, there won't be anyone who is more beautiful than me," Xia Meng asked casually. In fact, she knew how her brother's friends could be more beautiful than herself.


"How could you suddenly ask this question? Prettier than you..."

Hearing Xia Meng's words, Xia Ruo didn't realize it, and the figure of Qiu Shan Mio appeared in her mind. Although other girls are also very beautiful, Qiu Shan Mio's feeling is different.

That person who is so beautiful in animation, in reality, how seductive the two-dimensional character will be.

"There must be someone who is prettier than you. Well, there is a very beautiful girl. She has very good grades in school, and she sings well, knows bass, and writes some very girlish and sweet lyrics. She has a very good personality. A pretty good girl."

Click ——

Xia Meng was silly when she heard what her brother said.

The sneer on her face froze because of the shocking speech.

Why?Obviously I am already so good, but you can't see it. I thought you had eye problems and had a different aesthetic from ordinary people. Then you praised another girl like that.

So, do you really think I can't match that girl?

It's not reasonable.

Or... Brother was cheated online?Those scumbags fooled their brother with some net pictures?

What a pity!

Xia Meng sighed, and the dissatisfaction just disappeared. After all, why should he be angry because of an idiot who was cheated by an online scumbag.

Hum, anyway, when those guys come to the house, my brother will know how wrong his idea is.

Xia Meng saw through everything and looked at Xia Ruo with pity, and didn't speak any more.

Xia Ruo didn't want to understand what Xia Meng was thinking, but went to clean the room and prepared everything in order so that he wouldn't be in a hurry.

Anyway, Xia Ruo had prepared everything he could think of, and when there was any accident, he could only think of a temporary solution.

For an hour in a row, Xia Ruo packed the empty room and prepared things.

And Xia Meng was fine. Seeing Xia Ruo busy back and forth, she didn't even want to go up and help, so she lay on the sofa, tilted her head, and looked at her stupid brother.

Speaking of it, this person has always been lazy, as if he didn't care about things at all. Even when facing himself, he was half dead and spiritless, but today is very abnormal, as if he has never seen this guy do it so seriously. one thing.

Is it important?

Xia Meng also realized that her elder brother seemed to care about those friends very much, otherwise, how could he have changed so much? Could it be that his elder brother is still in an online dating with a cheating girl?

"Is there a girl who cares about among the friends here?" Xia Meng asked, looking at Xia Ruo's face.


"Is there a girl you like coming?"

Xia Meng asked again, and at the same time carefully looked at Xia Ruo's face to see if this guy was lying, but Xia Meng was probably already 70-80% sure.

"You are so diligent, just an ordinary friend, there is no need to do this, whoever comes, it seems that you really care."

"No, it's just... how to put it, um..." Xia Ruo couldn't think of how to describe these alien visitors.

Xia Meng also quietly waited for Xia Ruo's answer.

"You don't understand what I said, children's family, have you finished your homework? Go to your homework and go to bed early after finishing your homework."

Xia Meng couldn't help gritting her teeth, and gave her brother a vicious look with her beautiful eyes.

You deserve to be cheated.


In the world of the soft tone girl.

This is a very ordinary room, but it has been neatly organized and neatly arranged. From the cleanliness of the room, the owner of the room must be very clean, and People who are very good at cleaning.

A young girl with long waist-length black hair is sitting in front of a desk holding a pen and writing something. She is wearing a small vest, but it can hardly conceal her temperament. Judging from her dominant hand, this girl seems Is left-handed.

There is a very beautiful bass beside the girl, and some music tapes are also placed around the room.

It seems that this is a room for girls who like music.

The corners of the girl's eyes were slightly raised, and the big black eyes seemed to contain something deeper than the night, and almost no flaws could be found on the delicate and flawless face. This is a beautiful girl, as if from the second dimension of animation Come out the same.

Or maybe, she is the beautiful girl of the second element.

Mio Akiyama.

There is no ugly girl in the second element, but even among the many beautiful girls in the second element, Mio Akiyama is the kind that is extremely eye-catching.

At this time, Qiu Shan Mio was holding the pen and writing intermittently, but there was a trace of sadness on her face, as if something was bothering her.

"I still can't write the lyrics. If I write it earlier, I haven't finished it yet. It's so difficult. How can I find inspiration?"

Akiyama Mio leaned on the seat, stretched out his arms lazily, and made an expansion movement. Even such an ordinary movement, made by her, seemed extremely seductive.


At this moment, the flip phone that Akiyama Mio placed on the desk vibrated a few times, and she reached out and picked up the phone, only to realize that it was a text message from her best friend Tian Jing Zhonglu.

"Miao, we will be able to travel to China in a few days. I really want to thank Miao. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to get this free air ticket and travel package. I’m really looking forward to it. My heart is starting to thump. beat."

Really, like a child, he is still so excited.

Mio Akiyama sighed helplessly, picked up the phone and started replying to the text message.

"Yeah, I am looking forward to it too."


After sending the text message, Qiu Shan Mio looked at the ticket on his desk next to him, lost in thought.

"Hua Guo, is there really a city called Tianbai City? Why don't I remember it, but when I checked it on the Internet, it showed that there was something. Did I remember it wrong?"

Akiyama Mio shook his head and fell into the predicament of thinking about the new song again.

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