Because of the time urgency, the publicity about the light music concert is almost overwhelming.

Especially on the Moe station, there is a direct push and splash screen on the app, and other places have also been promoted. After the promotion, tickets for the concert began to be sold. The venue was selected in a stadium in Tianbai City, which can hold 60,000. people.

"The Girl with Light Voice" was previously aired on TV, and the ratings were extremely high. In addition, this year has just ended, so the heat has not dissipated at all, and there are quite a lot of fans in China, and all the tickets were robbed on the same day.

Many fans from other places come to Tianbai City to watch the concert. Of course, most of them are local.

However, Mengzhan will broadcast live at Qingyin's concert, so fans who have not grabbed tickets can also watch the concert on Mengzhan live broadcast. Many fans who have not bought tickets are very happy.

Xia Ruo didn't expect the tickets to sell so fast, he still underestimated the stickiness of Qingyin's fans.

In other words, the money from the dead house is really good?

It is estimated that the light-tone girls who came by then would not have thought that all the tickets for the concert of 60,000 people were sold.

In the animation of "Light Sound Girl", the girls' goal is to perform at the Budokan in Japan, but until the end, their goal was not achieved.

This is also a pity.

Xia Ruo searched the Internet and found that the number of people that Japan's Budokan can accommodate is only tens of thousands of people based on online data. However, performing at the Tokyo Dome can accommodate hundreds of thousands.

Although the scale of my own concert is not up to the Tokyo Dome, it is far beyond the Budokan, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the girls' dream.

Ding!Qingyin’s concert, the mission is officially opened...]

Xia Ruo's ear heard a system prompt. This task was a long-awaited task, but this time, the prompt was repeated.


After that, Xia Ruo was busy preparing for the concert.

There are indeed many things to be prepared for the concert, such as the theme concept of the concert, lighting and stage design, team recruitment, venues, security, approval, and ticket sales.

Although Dad has prepared some, Xia Ruo still needs to confirm some details.

In fact, many arrangements have to be discussed with Akiyama Mio and the others, but Xia Ruo only does what she can handle first, and plans to talk about other unimportant things after the girls arrive.


In the light tone girl's world, in the light tone part.

At this moment, all the members of the Qingyin Department are sitting together, and the atmosphere among them is strangely quiet.

Except for Qiu Shanmin and Qin Blowing, the eyes of the other members seemed to be in a trance. Their state was a little abnormal, and even the tea and cakes they liked most were not touched.

Just like that, I was dull for a few seconds.

"The concert is really going to start. I feel like I'm dreaming. Who wakes me up and wakes me up from this dream?" There seemed to be circles in Li's eyes, and people were dangling. .

"Didn't I say it a long time ago? And you all agreed, why are you all so surprised now?" Qiu Shanmin looked at these friends next to him speechlessly and asked.

She really did not expect that after calling Xia Ruojun today, and then asking her friends to prepare for the concert, she found that they were all stunned.

It's like hearing this for the first time.

Obviously, when they agreed before, the state was not like this. They often talked about it before, with a happy expression, and now it seems like they know this for the first time.

"I... seem to have some impressions," Yui Hirasawa touched his head and smiled slyly. "I was so happy to hear the news at the time. I can have a concert, but after thinking about it, I always feel a little bit Impossible, so I completely forgot about it."

"Yeah, I also think it's a joke, similar to April Fools' Day, pranks, etc., Xia Ruo won't mention it anymore," Tian Jing Zhonglu also raised his hand.

"Going to a foreign country to hold a concert is really far away for high school students like us. At that time, I felt very empty, and then when I saw Mio-senpai didn't mention it, I thought I gave up."

Azusa Nakano also spoke cautiously.

"It's hard to imagine that we can add one of our programs to a party of thousands of people and sing a song, let alone a concert that belongs to us alone."

"Would you like a cup of tea?"

Qin Blowing didn’t seem to doubt the concert. She just smiled and started to make tea, “It’s okay to go to a concert in China. I think the last trip was pretty good. I want to go again. I bought it before. The souvenir family also likes it very much."

"But... will anyone come to the concert?" Azusa Nakano said in a low voice, she really didn't have the confidence.

Compared with the elder sisters around, Azusa Nakano is younger, but a more practical girl. Although she feels that she and her seniors perform very well and quite well, this kind of excellence is only limited to high school students. Compared with those well-known bands, their band is really a third-rate band, and the style is still girlish.

Um, the third-rate compliments, the eighteenth-rate?

"I feel that it will only make Mr. Xia Ruo lose money."

"But since I have agreed, it's okay not to go now, and when I first contacted, Xia Ruojun was also very serious and said that even the air ticket money has been mailed to me," Qiu Shanmi took from his schoolbag He took out an envelope and took out a wad of yen from the envelope.

Those yen are enough for everyone's round-trip airfare and even meals and accommodations.

The address on the envelope shows the address of Hua Guo, but Xia Ruo didn't send the toll by post. It looked the same as the last time, it was a system operation.

Hearing Qiu Shanmin's words, the other girls looked at each other.

In fact, they don't want to go, but they are a little afraid of the concert. They are afraid that no one will come to see them. They are afraid of embarrassment abroad. Because of this mentality, they were a little frustrated before speaking.

But for Xia Ruo, they did think that he was a good person. Since they had agreed, it would be impossible to break the contract.

"Let's go, just as a tourist, and Mio is right, we agreed before," Tian Jing Zhonglu suddenly said.

"Okay, anyway, there will be a holiday after a while, and I will definitely go to travel after the holiday. This time I am going to China, I want to bring worries with me. She said that my previous two-dimensional poster is so cute, and she also wants one."

"I also agree. I bought some of the tea from China last time, which is very good. This time I plan to bring more," Qin Chujing also agreed.

Seeing everyone agreeing, Qiu Shan Mio's expression improved.

"Since everyone agrees to go, let's rehearse quickly and prepare the concert songs." Qiu Shan Mio took out his notebook, which was written songs that Qingyinbu had been composing.

"Just practice these songs in order."

"Wow, do we all have so many original songs?" Hirasawa said in disbelief.

"It's a lot. It will take two hours to sing all the time. It really has to be treated as the concert. It feels much more formal than the school festival," Tiani Nakaru touched his chin.

The light-tone girls rarely practice, so they only add some rehearsal at the time before the school festival. Even so, they will perform unexpectedly well.

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