I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 194 The Miracle of Sixty Thousand People

The most official live outside the school that the Light Music Department has participated in was once introduced by an acquaintance and participated in a LiveHouse performance.

LiveHouse is a kind of band performance venue originated in Japan. It is similar to a bar to perform to the audience. At that time, the LiveHouse where the light music department performed was not large, and the venue was about 100 square meters. There were also many bands performing. Just one of them.

In total, four songs were performed, but that experience was a good enough experience for the Qingyin Department.

There is only one such opportunity in a few years. The places where the light music club can perform are the school festivals and freshmen entrance ceremonies in schools.

But the LiveHouse that impressed them at that time, plus the total area, felt that they were not as large as the backstage of this venue.

So, seeing such a huge concert, they felt shocked.


"How about it, are you satisfied?" After Xia Ruo finished speaking, she glanced at the stunned girls. Xia Ruo was very satisfied with their shocked reaction.


Qiu Shanmin recovered her mind for the first time. She stared at Xia Ruo with a complicated expression. Although she was moved by Xia Ruo's intentions, there were some practical issues that still needed to be considered.

"Such a big venue is totally meaningless, it just looks cool. Without an audience, no matter how big the venue is, it's just a waste of money."

"There are spectators, how could there be no spectators, the tickets are all sold," Xia Ruo said with a smile.

"Tickets...how much did you sell?" Qiu Shan Mio asked curiously.

Xia Ruo looked at Qiu Shan Mio's eyes, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and pointed at the empty seat with her finger, "All sixty thousand tickets have been robbed, and the performance will be broadcast live by then."

"Tickets are sold out!"

The girls exclaimed in unison.

"How can we sell out? We obviously have no reputation," Akiyama asked puzzledly. Only some popular bands can have so many fans to digest the 60,000 concert tickets. They can sell so many tickets, except Apart from miracles, there is no other possibility.

"You may not know that now you are very famous on the Internet. You already have a lot of fans on the Internet in China." Xia Ruo was already prepared, took out his mobile phone, and opened a cute Station video.

"Look at it."

Xia Ruo played the video she just opened.

"What video?"

"I want to see."

When the girls heard Xia Ruo's words, they immediately gathered around and looked at the phone in Xia Ruo's hand.

The video that Xia Ruo opened for them was actually the video of "The Girl with Light Tone in My Home" that she uploaded a long time ago. The content is that the girl with light tone plays the song "Fleeing Time" in order to thank them for their care. '.

This video has a very light tone style, the shooting angle is quite good, the performance is very good, and the popularity of the animation has become the treasure of the town at Moe.

Coupled with the popularity of the recent concert, the number of hits has already broken through 10 million.

When the girls saw the video that Xia Ruo clicked on, but didn't see any content, they saw countless barrage floating by, almost completely covering the content of the video.

It's just that the bullet screens are all in Chinese, and the light-yin girl doesn't recognize the above content at all.

"Wow, there are a lot of barrage," Yui Hirasawa exclaimed, "I can't understand the words on the barrage. What do you mean?"

"Eh-isn't this what happened to us at Xia Ruo's house? I remember playing a song at that time. Was the song'Light and Floating Time' hot?"

Although there are a lot of barrage, Tian Jing Zhongru still recognized the content in the video, "Xia Ruo, you actually recorded it at that time?"

"Yes, I recorded them all at the time and uploaded them to the Internet. Many netizens like your playing style. This relaxed and girly combination seems to be very popular. Now this video has broken 10 million hits."

Xia Ruo showed them the number of clicks.

Seeing the number of clicks, the girls were all surprised.


"A lot of clicks are one-tenth of the Japanese population."

"I already knew that the song Light and Floating Time has potential, so when Mio wrote this lyrics, I was the first to approve it," Nakaru Tiani excitedly patted Akiyama Mio's hand.

Xia Ruo clicked on another column with a picture of the two-dimensional character in the Qingyin Department.

"Not only this song, but also the poster I gave you before. I also uploaded the image of your two-dimensional person on the Internet. Many netizens like the image of that person, and there are even many second creations on the Internet. , Your fans appraise you as a beautiful girl in the second element."

"A beautiful girl in the second element?" After hearing this word, Tani Nakaru turned his attention to Akiyama Mio. Not only Tani Nakaru, but also Hirazawa Yui and Kotobuki, who also looked at Akiyama Mio.

"What do you think of me?" Qiu Shanmi's eyes were a little puzzled.

"Has the Akiyama Mio fan club expanded overseas now? It's really scary," said Nakaru Tiani, touching his chin, and said with emotion.

Mio Akiyama:"……"


Regarding the animation, Xia Ruo still concealed it because it was difficult to explain and troublesome.

Anyway, the light-yin girls do not understand Chinese, nor can they read the comments posted by netizens on the Internet. The backstage staff Xia Ruo looked for did not find anyone who could speak Japanese, and at most they would communicate in English.

With the half-hearted English of the girls and the backstage staff, they couldn't talk about the animation. No matter what the fans shouted, these idols couldn't understand it.

When the performance is over, Xia Ruo will send them back directly without any accidents, Xia Ruo will be fine.

Later, Xia Ruo showed them the commercial video that they had taken, and there were also many clicks and barrage on it.

The girls really realized that they might be on fire in China. They had also heard of the kind of Internet celebrities who became popular because of a certain video or a sentence. They did not expect this kind of thing to happen to them. .

Coupled with the large population base of China, selling out 60,000 tickets is not so difficult to accept.


Next, it was the preparation and rehearsal for the performance. Xia Ruo went to the backstage to find the person in charge, leaving a few people in Qingyin to wait for Xia Ruo's return.

"Wait, do you really want to perform here?"

Seeing Xia Ruo's departure, Sakako Yamanaka reacted to the side. She hadn't interrupted just now, she was completely frozen, and now she recovered.

"You didn't tell me this level of Live when you came before!" Sakako Yamaaka looked at the girls in front of her and asked. She thought it was a place similar to LiveHouse.

Sixty thousand, what is the concept of sixty thousand?

It’s just that Sawako hasn’t noticed that the faces of the people in the light tone department are a little pale. Although they have accepted the setting that Xia Ruo just said, there is nothing in the excited state, but after calming down and thinking about it, their legs started to tremble. Up.

It was the first time for them to perform in front of tens of thousands of people.

"We don't know this is the case either!" Tian Jing Zhongrui shouted.

"I always feel that this venue is like a concert-level venue that can only be seen on TV. It's a bit too dreamy." Yui Hirasawa stood on the stage and looked at the empty seats. She seemed to imagine, sitting here. What kind of scene is full of people.

"Sixty thousand people, sixty thousand people, sixty thousand people..." Nakano Azusa muttered, his eyes lost their expression.

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