I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 27-I Know You Will Go

Xia Meng's bad premonition came true.

Those idiot girls were really fooled to dance the square dance.

Could it be that I guessed wrong at the beginning? It was not that my brother was deceived by the internet cheaters, but that these girls were so stupid that they were deceived to China by my brother?

In this case, my brother is really a scumbag.

Xia Meng speculated maliciously.

Qingyin everyone was in the last row of the square dance, watching a group of aunts dancing and dancing together. The square dance was really the simplest dance, and the girls quickly imitated them in a decent way.

The aunts on the side saw a few beautiful girls jumping with them, and they stretched their thumbs and praised them again.

Although everyone in Qingyin didn't understand, they knew they were complimenting them. This made them a little embarrassed. It was obvious that the actions of the others were not very standard.

Xia Ruo also started to record it with her mobile phone. This is a super-precious material that will one day become the treasure of Mengzhan Town Station.

Black history get.

"Just like this!"

Xia Meng also silently mourned for the girls. Her brother had mastered the most terrifying dark history. She trembled when she thought about it.

In fact, Xia Ruo really didn't intend to treat this as a black history collection. It's not a big deal to dance the square dance with the aunts, it's just more fun, but-if you let yourself do it, you can't go there.

Probably danced the most dazzling folk style, and the girls came down.

If someone has tried it, they will know. If you give up the morals and dance a square dance with the aunts, that kind of enjoyment is hard to express in words.

"This is the square dance. It's so interesting. After just a while, the body heats up."

"It's very simple and fun, and the music is also very good. I feel that after a period of rest, my creative inspiration is constantly emerging."

"Someone praised me just now, did you see it!"

"I have to show off when I return to China. We danced with hundreds of Chinese people. It is still the most popular square dance."

The girls were chattering and clamoring, and from time to time they looked back and waved hello to the aunts. For them, there is actually no shame at all.

And this experience is indeed unprecedented.

"Okay, we are all tired, then let's go back now." Seeing the girls happy one by one, Xia Ruo called two taxis and sent them back. By this time, it was almost ten in the evening. It's o'clock.

After returning home, Xia Ruo's mother also met these girls, and Xia Ruo's mother was also very satisfied that these beautiful girls were friends of her son.

She immediately pulled the most beautiful Qiu Shan Mio to talk, and asked about the family situation, but unfortunately, she couldn't understand the language and could only stare.

Dad is not at home. It may be that there is a problem with the animation schedule. It is said that his new animation is full of confidence, and Xia Ruo didn't pay attention. I don't know what happened.

Seeing that the girls were tired, Xia Ruo didn't bother them, and planned to let them rest. After all, they played too long today.

The room was prepared because Xia Ruo had prepared it in advance. The girls could go to sleep as long as they went in. After a day of waves, the girls were sleepy, but still very excited.

From time to time, the laughter of the girls can be heard from the room, just like a school trip. Because of the enthusiasm of Xia Ruo's family, the girls are also very open and not too restrictive.

But in the end, Qiu Shanmin found Xia Ruo and thanked Xia Ruo, probably because of Xia Ruo's trip today.

"Thank you so much Xia Ruojun, I really trouble you today."

"Nothing, I was originally responsible for your itinerary. Of course, I will try my best. No thanks." Xia Ruo didn't feel what she did today. After thinking about it for a long time, she felt that she was most grateful. That means paying the bill.

Playing with girls is not exhausting.

"Xia Ruojun is too modest. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to have such a good time. When I went to travel before, I never felt this way. It's like a friend. It's great that the tour guide can be Xia Ruojun. "

Qiu Shanmin bowed softly, his tone was very sincere, but Xia Ruo knew that he was not even a half-hearted tour guide.

"Originally, the place I most hoped to go was London, but Xia Ruojun gave me other options. Next time I have a chance, I will come to China to play," Qiu Shanmin looked at Xia with sincere eyes. If.

"Okay, welcome anytime, if you come next time, remember to contact me."

"Then it's settled."

At this moment, the two made an agreement.

Xia Ruo narrowed his eyes slightly and made an agreement with the two-dimensional characters, and then they could come over?

In addition to the need to lead by yourself, is there any other way? If it is agreed that they can come over if they want, it would be terrible.

Hope this is not the case, the Dimensional Wall cannot be broken so easily.


The first day of Qingyin's arrival went smoothly.

Everything seemed calm, and the next day was the same, Xia Ruo continued to take them around to play.

The same goes for the third day.

Every day of eating and drinking, the girls are afraid of eating fat.

On the fourth day, Xia Ruo took them to climb the mountain. This was chosen by the girls among the options Xia Ruo gave.

Speaking of Japan, there should be mountains that are easy to climb. I wonder why these girls come to China and still enjoy climbing so much.

But there is a very spiritual temple on Huashan that they chose this time. As long as they go up to pray and write their wishes, they will definitely be realized. It is estimated that this is what the girls do. Girls still like to believe in this kind of marriage and pray for this kind of blessing. thing.

No way, Xia Ruo had to work harder. In order to let them have fun, she took the initiative to help the five girls get things, but what Xia Ruo didn't expect was that Qiu Shanming seemed to be very interested in climbing mountains, so she was rushing. faster.

Looking at the fast-paced girls, Xia Ruo was carrying something on her back and couldn't keep up. She could only helplessly shout from behind, "Slow down, be careful that you fall."

"I see, Xia Ruojun also hurry up, don't lose it," Qiu Shanmin at the front responded.

At this moment, I don't know what happened, and there was a scream in front of him, and the voice was somewhat familiar.



Suddenly a scream came and shocked Xia Ruo. Everything in her hand was thrown to the ground, and she rushed directly up, "What's the matter? Is anyone injured?"

Xia Ruo discovered that Qiu Shanmin was sitting on the ground in pain, as if his foot was injured, and the other four girls surrounded her.

"Xia Ruojun, Miaojiang's feet seem to be weakened."

"It's okay," Xia Ruo reached out and took off Qiu Shanmi's shoes and took a look. The originally smooth jade ankle was red and swollen, but it was not too serious.

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