I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 29-Your brother is handsome

The two communicated quietly all the way like this, and when Xia Ruo felt that the sweat was almost ready to wash herself, she finally reached the bottom of the mountain.


It's finally over. The task of mountaineering is really, really not easy. Xia Ruo finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was fine to go shopping with the girl, but it was almost exhausting to carry the girl down the mountain.

Fortunately, it was solved perfectly.

Later, Xia Ruo called a car and took them back home. Because Qiu Shan Miao's foot was injured, she couldn't go out to play in the afternoon.

But this is fine, Xia Ruo had prepared.

"Since I can only stay at home, I have found a lot of board games for you, so let's play at home first. Since Ms. Akiyama's foot is injured, the next schedule will also be changed."

Xia Ruo took out a large number of board games and placed them in front of the girls, all in Japanese.

In fact, everyone in Qingyin is very good at fishing, even if there is nothing, drinking tea, in fact, a day can pass quickly, but since Xia Ruo took out the board game, they gladly accepted it.

"Xia Ruojun play together," Ping Zewei invited Xia Ruo.

"Forget it, just play with you girls," Xia Ruo was so embarrassed to actually play board games with a group of girls.

"Then Xia Ruojun should take a break first, he should be very tired today."

Qiu Shanmi saw that Xia Ruo was a little tired, and did not invite him again.

After seeing Xia Ruo not coming, the five girls can only play by themselves, but the girls like to chat while playing cards.


Xia Ruo watched the girls start to play, chatting while playing, she went back to the room and began to think about the next itinerary.

In the living room.

"It always feels—just like a school trip, it's so fun, there can be Azimeow, and Mengchan," Pyeongtaek said while playing cards.

"Yes, I always feel that I have seen a lot, and Chinese people feel very cute and straightforward. Unlike Japanese people, Japanese people generally like to think of polite words and pay more attention to other people's opinions. Compared with Chinese people, they talk more. Be straightforward," Qin Blowing seems to sum up something.

"The food is also delicious, it's heavenly, and the tour guide is also very handsome," Azusa Nakano added at this time.

But after she finished speaking, everyone around her gave her a different look at the same time.

"What's the matter?" Nakano Azusa asked puzzledly.

"Are you handsome? I feel unremarkable?" Tian Jing Zhongrui thought for a while and replied, "Is it because you guy has some strange thoughts? Chunxin is sprouting?"

"Senior Li, don't think too much."

"I also think that the tour guide is very handsome. It may be that everyone's aesthetics is different. After all, it is a different type from Japanese boys," Yui Hirasawa said with a voice of someone who came over, appearing very experienced.

"Stop pretending, we have been in the girls' school. How many Japanese boys have you ever met in the girls' school!" Nakaru Tiani immediately exposed her lie.

"Ah! Stop talking, I really don't know any male friends. Do I really want to be single for a lifetime and be company with Mrs. Ji?"

"Actually, I think it's okay. It's not that kind of very handsome guy, but sometimes after a closer look, he feels a little handsome. It should be a good-looking type," Qin Buki said, tilting his head.

"Is that so?" Tian Jing Nakaru thought about it carefully, but the plain face still appeared in his mind, "Is there something wrong with my aesthetics, this is a big event, what about Mio? How is it, is it handsome or not?"


Suddenly, Qiu Shanmi was taken aback, and after a while, the boy who had walked down the mountain on his back for two hours appeared in his memory.

And his heavy breathing and gentle voice.

"Actually... I also find it plain, but..."

Qiu Shan Mio's face was reddened, but the'but' she said was too quiet, and everyone around didn't hear it.

The girls didn't care, and soon switched to the next topic for discussion.

After Xia Meng walked Tom, she also joined the ranks of their card games.

The girls are still very good at playing cards together. Soon Xia Meng played with them. They were all girls and had no worries. Everyone was very open.

However, only Qiu Shanmin and Qin Blowing have good English, so Xia Meng can also communicate with them.

"Mengchan, you are so happy to have such a brother, if only I had such a brother," Qiu Shanmin suddenly said such a sentence to Xia Meng, making Xia Meng look bewildered.

Xia Meng is also a genius for the Japanese English spoken by Mio Akiyama. After being confused for three seconds, Xia Meng seemed to understand what she was talking about. Xia Meng was even more confused.

what?I am so happy to have such a brother, why don't I know?


There should be such a genius, capable, and cute sister like me who can cook for him. He is very happy.

Why is it reversed in your eyes?

Sure enough, because I don't understand Japanese, and I don't communicate well, have these girls been brainwashed by the older brother who can speak Japanese?

Xia Meng is speechless, these girls are really stupid.

If Xia Ruo knew what Xia Meng thought, it would be full of question marks.

Why can the misunderstanding between brothers and sisters be so big?

Indeed, it’s hard to find a younger sister who can always cook for herself. Xia Ruo is also very satisfied with Xia Meng. As for Xia Ruo’s poor performance as an older brother, Xia Ruo can only say that her sister is too good. There is no room for self-play.

If Xia Meng can be weaker, cry twice, and pull her arm to act like a baby, this will also give Xia Ruo a chance, but unfortunately not, he is usually strange and even won't let Xia Ruo touch her head.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Xia Meng silently, Qiu Shanming thought she didn't understand.

Xia Meng wanted to black out her brother, but after all, it was her brother who still wanted to save some face, and finally said it out of conscience.

"Yes, you are right, you are right, I have such a good brother, I am very happy."

"Sure enough, in fact, I have always wanted a very reliable brother like Xia Ruojun. I have always been very timid. If there is a very reliable brother who protects me when I am afraid, it would be nice to spoil me."

When Akiyama Mio finished this, his face turned red again.

"Huh? Reliable?"

Xia Meng feels that she and this Japanese girl can no longer be on the same channel. Is there a difference between Huari?

Akiyama Mio seemed to have thought of something again, tilted his head slightly, and looked away.

"Also handsome."

"Ha ha."

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