I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 296 Kidd and fuck him

"However, he has already admitted that he is a prisoner," Hattori Heiji said, pointing to the old man on the side.

"He's lying," Xia Ruo interrupted Hattori Heiji, "Furthermore, the modus operandi you reasoned out is also problematic. You used a fishing line to pull the key into the deceased's pocket. In fact, you didn't put it in. You can watch if you don't believe it."

Heiji Hattori didn't believe it, and went to check the pocket of Officer Megumi, the tester just now. As expected, the key did not fully enter the pocket.

"how is this possible!"

"Actually, the murderer is to make the prisoner fall asleep in the room, then put the key in the double pocket, and finally put the fishing line into the old man's room. This way, even if someone thinks of how to put the key, it can create a false impression. , The father who blamed the deceased, and finally, the murderer used the moment he entered the house to wake him up and killed the deceased with the poisonous needle in the keychain."

"Yes, you are the criminal, madam."

Xia Ruo pointed her finger to the deceased's wife.

The evidence is the keychain she left behind. Under the police's search, it surely contained traces of a poisoned needle.

At this time, Conan's body had grown larger, outside the door, after listening to Xia Ruo's reasoning.

He did not go in because it was inconvenient to appear in front of everyone. After listening to Xia Ruo's reasoning, Conan sent a text message to Xiaolan.

He wanted to see Xiaolan with his enlarged body now.

"Xiao Lan, I will wait for you outside the diplomat's house."


Inside the house.

After listening to Xia Ruo's reasoning, Hattori Heiji glanced at Xia Ruo in surprise. He really made a wrong reasoning and was discovered by a detective assistant.

"I lost to you. I didn't expect that the key to Kogoro Mori's case was not Shinichi Kudo, but you, Detective Xia Ruo? You are much lower-key than that guy Kudo, and I have never heard of your rumors before."

In response, Xia Ruo just smiled.

"In fact, Mr. Maori has seen it a long time ago, but he didn't say anything, is it, Mr. Maori."

Mouri Kogoro immediately responded, "Yeah, I already knew that this kid from Kansai was wrong in reasoning, haha, Xia Ruo was the first to say it."

"Really? Brother Maori, do you really know?"

Officer Mumu looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course you can see it, are you doubting me?"

Hattori Heiji: "Haha."

"I hope that next time, I will be able to compete with you again, this time I will lose."

The diplomat murder case was resolved smoothly. Hattori Heiji did not find any news about Kudo Shinichi, and left Tokyo. Outside the room, the bigger Conan also reunited with Moriran after a long absence, although he soon became smaller. Disappeared.

The younger Conan looked at Xiaolan's figure, "Now, I should be able to hide my identity for a while."

Of course, Xia Ruo still had to explain to Xiaolan why Conan grew bigger in the end.


In this way, after a while, Yuanzi suddenly came to the Maori office.

"Xiao Lan, is the handsome guy who lives in your office here today?" Yuanzi asked Xiaolan, "I invited him to dinner before, but he refused every time. It hurts."

Xiao Lan couldn't help but wiped her sweat, "Uh, maybe it's going out. By the way, Yuanzi, what is the thief 1412 you just mentioned?"

"Guild Pirate No. 1412 is something that many girls like very much now, the thief who has been in doubt," Yuanzi said to Xiaolan with excitement.

"What... just an old man," Xiaolan's curiosity disappeared when she heard this.

"Hey, why don't you know that you are the daughter of a detective," Yuanzi asked with a strange expression looking at Xiao Lan, who lost interest.

Xiao Lan gave the garden a white look, "Please, I can't say that I am a detective's daughter, so I will be interested in this matter, are you here, do you want to say, I hope my father can help you catch this thief."

"That's right. At the Rice Flower Museum, well-known gems from all over the world are gathering, and a jewelry exhibition is being held. You know, my father intends to bring our family’s heirloom, which is the dark night that can bring luck. Zhixing also took it to the exhibition, so I hope to ask your father to help us protect this pearl..."

"Of course, it would be nice to see Mr. Xia Ruo," Xiaolan turned into a idiot face again.

"But this kind of thing can be handled by the police, it doesn't need my dad to come forward."

"No!" Yuanzi objected loudly. "If caught by the police, the thief will be taken away directly by the police. If caught by your father, maybe I can see his looks clearly."


"Yeah, don't you wonder what he looks like? I think he must be a handsome middle-aged man," Yuanzi's face suddenly turned into a nympho again.

"Uh, so who do you like as a nympho!"


Later, at the request of Sonoko, Kogoro Mouri made this commission and saw Kidd's notice.And Xia Ruo also noticed that now the timeline has advanced to the time period when Kaito Kidd played.

"Kid?" In Xia Ruo's mind, the man who pretended to be in the sky in Conan's world appeared, and the other party was pretty cool.

Conan seemed very interested in Kidd, reasoning about the secret of Kidd's notice letter.

"This thief, I must catch you."

The next day, Kogoro Maori brought everyone to the Rice Flower Museum and looked at the large number of police officers arranged outside the window, as well as the police helicopters flying in the air from time to time.

It was the first time Xia Ruo saw this kind of big scene in Conan World. "It's really spectacular. It seems that all the police forces in Tokyo have gathered here. It's really arrogant."

Xiao Lan was also amazed on her face, "Well worthy of being a world-class super thief..."

Conan is still studying the letter, and it seems that he hasn't studied anything.

After that, the chairman of the Suzuki Group came out to entertain the guests, and Kogoro Mouri greeted them, while Xia Ruo wandered in the museum.

In this museum, there are well-known gems from all over the world gathered, one by one is very dazzling, Xia Ruo feels that she is a little excited, after all, she can steal these gems without being discovered, and when people have strength, they will easily become unscrupulous.

Of course, what Xia Ruo cares about is not the value of gems, but these gadgets, if they are given to girls, they will definitely work well.

Tom stole 100 million from the Black Organization, which seemed to have unlocked some strange attributes for Xia Ruo.

"What are you looking at?"

Conan glanced at Xia Ruo and asked. He suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Xia Ruo's eyes. It was a look that wanted to commit a crime.

"I'm thinking, should I steal all the gems here," Xia Ruo said subconsciously.


Conan suddenly yelled.

"Don't shout," Xia Ruo quickly covered Conan's mouth and paid attention to the surroundings. After finding that no one had noticed, Xia Ruo let go of her hand.

"Are you kidding me," Conan asked quickly after being able to speak.

"I really want him to vote!"

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