I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 299 Telling a Story to Shiho Miyano

Suzuki House became brightly lit by the sound of police sirens.

In the end, this matter was a bit loud, but after Xia Ruo had seen Kidd's face for the garden, he handed the Kaito Kidd to the police.

Yuanzi finally saw the face of Kaito Kidd at close range. What made Yuanzi unexpectedly was that Kaito Kidd was so young.

Later, when confronted by the police, why Xia Ruo wanted to leave with the thief Kidd, he just found an excuse to fool around.

No matter what, in the end the thief Kidd was brought to justice, and the person who caught him was Xia Ruo. In this arrest, almost most of the credit was given to Xia Ruo.

Because the police sirens rang all night during the arrest, the helicopter flew around, making the whole city almost known, so there were a lot of media coming, and Xia Ruo was on the news.

The strange thief who hadn't been caught for decades was caught by Xia Ruo. This reputation really made Xia Ruo's reputation soar.

On television, newspapers and other media, the covers are all pictures of Xia Ruo.


After this matter is over.

"Mr. Xia Ruo, why did you take Kidd over to the garden? Really, the garden is showing off everywhere, and she took a photo of her and Kidd."

Xiaolan looked at Xia Ruo speechlessly.

"Ah, doesn't she really want to see Kidd? I just happened to be fine, so I helped her by the way. After all, I'm also a friend to satisfy her little wish a little," Xia Ruo said in a tone, as if she did something Trivial things.

Conan's mouth twitched, "Then you are really free."

Catch the legendary thief, in Xia Ruo's mouth, it was as simple as going to the supermarket to buy something. This kind of pretending tone made Conan a little unhappy.

After Xia Ruo took Kidd away, Conan chased him for half of the city, almost not exhausted. Fortunately, this guy gave Kidd to the police. He thought Xia Ruo was going to let Kidd go.

"By the way, what happened to Kidd?" Xiaolan asked suspiciously.


Conan seems to have understood the follow-up of this incident, "When Kidd was taken away by the police car, there seemed to be someone who responded, but Kidd escaped before being sent to the police station."

A gleam of light flashed through Conan's glasses.

Next time, I will catch Kidd before Xia Ruo.


After some time, after another peaceful day, Xia Ruo was fine to solve the case with Kogoro Moori, then enjoy life and meet some characters in the plot.

Even when he went to the bank with Mr. Mori, Xia Ruo met Hirota Masami, who was undercover at the bank, because the undercover bank was a nearby bank, and Kogoro Mori would meet him when he went to withdraw money.

Hirota Masami is the sister of Aihara Ai. According to time, it seems that he is not far from the main line of the billion-dollar robbery.

Xia Ruo remembers that in the original work, Hirota Masami spent a month undercover in the bank, and he didn't know how long it was in the world of Conan.

Noting that the main line is approaching, Xia Ruo has been focusing on Hirota Masami for a period of time recently, and even put a bug in her home to see if she can get any information.

As for the Kaito Kidd, he was going to continue stealing the Dark Night Star Pearl on the Illibes, but he was frustrated by Xia Ruo. Now he has a lot of low-key and disappeared for a while.

During these peaceful days, Kikyo used the resources that Xia Ruo used to be a supernatural celebrity on the Internet, and became an exorcism witch, exorcising evil everywhere, and the life was quite plain.

Coupled with her beautiful face, her fame began to grow, she gradually integrated into the world, and led the modern life of ordinary people.

Modern life is at least much easier than in the Warring States period. Every day is relaxed and comfortable. He was even invited by the institute where Hui Yuanai was to exorcise evil spirits.

Days passed by like this. One day, Xiao Lan suddenly invited Xia Ruo to a concert by a singer group.

"Two-Mix combination, I don't seem to have heard of this combination."

Xia Ruo shook her head when she heard the singer group introduced to herself by Xiaolan.

"I have something to do today, I may not be able to go, and I don't like chasing stars."

"Ah, the lead singer inside is Takayama Minami, but a super beautiful woman, and this time Yuanzi asked me to invite you," Xiaolan is still trying to go with La Xaruo.

Of course, it is mainly the requirements of the garden.

Xia Ruo was a bit speechless. He didn't understand why Xiao Lan had to accentuate the words'Super Beauty'. However, Xia Ruo had the impression of the name Minami Takayama. He remembered that it was in the original work and was kidnapped by a murderer. Idol.

But he really didn't have time to go today. He learned from the bug that he stayed next to Hirota Masami that today Hirota Masami seems to be meeting with Shiho Miyano.

"I do have something to deal with today, I'm sorry."

"That's it, then forget it..." Seeing that Xia Ruo couldn't go, Xiao Lan could only go to the show with the garden alone.

After watching Xiaolan leave, Xia Ruo also got up slowly and glanced out the window.

"It's time to go."


Inside a coffee shop in Mihua Town.

Masami Hirota is sitting and chatting with his sister, Shiho Miyano. The two sisters are working for the black organization. They don't usually meet each other a lot. After they meet, they can talk endlessly.

"...It's the little boy with glasses I told you last time. By the way, didn't you say last time to find someone in Mihua Town," Hirota Masami said with a sip of coffee.

"Oh, Shinichi Kudo."

Shiho Miyano said softly, with a very soft tone. Only when she was in front of her sister would she show such a soft side.

However, even when meeting with her sister, Shiho Miyano is in a white coat, but with her brown, big, wavy, slightly curly short hair, she has a special temperament.

Hirota Masami’s index finger was placed on her chin, “Yes, that little brother lives in an office nearby. How can I say, I always feel that this little brother is a little different. He is obviously a kid but surprisingly. Calm, seems to be very mature."

"By the way, there is also a very powerful young detective in that office. He is very good at solving crimes. He is also handsome. He has caught the thief Kidd. He is very capable and looks good. His age is as good as you. Almost, I was wondering if I would let you see..."

"Uh," Shiho Miyano didn't know how to return at this time.

Why did the old sister introduce herself to her suddenly?

"I think it's better to be alone, sister, don't introduce someone to me."

"How can I do it alone?" Hirota Masami seemed a little angry.

"You have to take good care of yourself, don't just research any medicine, and find a boyfriend, but you have no good goals in the research institute. Why don't I give you the phone number of that young detective? He is indeed a good person, and I believe that Ping Zhibao will definitely win him."

"His name is..."

"Xia Ruo."

Suddenly, a male voice came.

Xia Ruo seemed to have just happened to walk into this cafe, and met an acquaintance of Hirota Masami, and walked over. In fact, Xia Ruo came here just to get to know the future Hui Yuan Ai.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet Miss Yami here."

"Ah," Hirota Masami was also a little surprised. She was just talking about Xia Ruo, but she didn't expect the other party to come.

"What a coincidence."

After Shiho Miyano looked up at Xia Ruo, he lowered his head and drank the coffee in front of him, as if he was not interested in Xia Ruo at all.

Hirota Masami glanced at her sister.

I was still talking about finding a boyfriend for Shiho, maybe this is also an opportunity for my sister to get to know the boy.


Later, Xia Ruo sat with them both.

"Is this Miss Yami's younger sister? I heard Ms. Yami say, hello, my name is Xia Ruo, and I am a trainee detective," Xia Ruo greeted Shiho Miyano with a proper smile on her face. .


Shibao Miyano nodded coldly. He didn't even introduce his name to Xia Ruo. He was so cold, drinking coffee on his own, with a very cold attitude.

"Well, my sister is a researcher at the research institute. She usually does scientific research, so she is not very good at communicating with strangers. If she becomes familiar with it, she will be much better."

Hirota Masami eased the embarrassment on the sidelines.

Xia Ruo would naturally not be angry.

"I can understand," Xia Ruo nodded in understanding.

However, Shiho Miyano made it clear that he was not interested in Xia Ruo, and if he did not communicate, it would easily cool down the atmosphere, and those present would be embarrassed.

Naturally, Xia Ruo would not let such things happen. Such scenes were not difficult for Xia Ruo, as long as they talked about some interesting things.

Just like chatting with other girls, telling some bizarre cases, with your own detective status, is naturally the best choice.

"Last time I played with my friend in a remote villa..."

Xia Ruo was telling about a case he had experienced with Conan, and he was with Conan, so there is never a shortage of such thrilling topics.

"The last murderer was the fat man Takahashi Ryoichi, and he was actually not as fat as his appearance. Everyone thought he was fat because he hid the deceased's head on his belly. He appears to be fat..."


Hearing such a terrifying case, Hirota Masami couldn't help but yell.

She seemed to be fascinated by it, and she was stuck in it, but she had never guessed that it would be the result.

Girls actually like to hear this kind of bizarre story, let alone a detective telling a true story he has experienced, so it sounds more real.

Shiho Miyano frowned when she heard this. Although she was indifferent, she seemed to be listening carefully.

"Actually, that fat man planned such a case to avenge his close friend who committed suicide. The deceased once copied his close friend's work, causing his close friend to commit suicide..."

The case didn't end in this way. Xia Ruo explained the purpose of the murderer's crime, letting the girls understand that the fat man was not an unprovoked murderer. In fact, the truth of the case was still unknown.

A real and touching case was slowly narrated by Xia Ruo.

"It turns out that this is the case, that fat man is actually not a bad person," Hirota Masami said with a pity, obviously indulging in the story.

"But Xia Ruo, you are really amazing, you can reason about such a bizarre case."

"It's not as good as you said, I still have a lot to learn," Xia Ruo was very humble, and did not overly praise herself.

Afterwards, seeing Hirota Masami listened happily, Xia Ruo talked about several cases of secret rooms and isolated islands. These cases are all very strange, which sounds like a lot of addiction.


At this moment, Shiho Miyano spoke.


Miyano Shiho looked into Xia Ruo's eyes, as if he wanted to see through him.

"The three words of a famous detective are like having magical powers, just like the experience you mentioned. When a famous detective encounters a remote villa, he will encounter a case. Why is this? Why, the famous detective in the detective novel, always Will be involved in some strange cases."

"Because otherwise, you can't write a story, you need a case to become a famous detective," Xia Ruo replied with a smile.

"Correct, so such incidents often appear in the story world of fiction rather than reality," Shiho Miyano said blankly.

"Do you want to say that all the cases I'm talking about are telling stories?" Xia Ruo looked at Shiho Miyano with some surprise.

"No, it's just that I'm a little curious. The case you talked about gave me the feeling of reading suspense detective novels. It was too unreal."

Miyano Shiho shrugged, "I feel that as long as you follow a famous detective, and then go to some isolated islands, villas and other places, you will be involved in some bizarre cases. It seems that the three words famous detective really have magic."

Shiho Miyano supported his chin with his hands and looked at Xia Ruo.

"I have read a lot of detective novels, so I want to ask you, are the famous detectives in the detective novels the real gods of death? The murders happen wherever those detectives go. This does not mean that the detectives appeared. Did you kill the dead? Maybe they could have lived normally."

"No, your reasoning is not true," Xia Ruo took a sip of coffee gently.

"Where is it not established?"

Miyano Shiho waited for Xia Ruo's answer.

"Why isn't this the case? Those dead themselves will be murdered by criminals, but because the murderer’s methods are so subtle that ordinary police cannot find the real culprit, so the detective will appear there to help them find the murderer. Let the dead rest in peace."

"It's not so much a detective that caused the murder, it's better to say that the murder attracted a famous detective. Even in novels and animations, the detective is not a death god, but a hero."

Although Xia Ruo complained that Conan was a god of death, he was only complaining, and would not be shocked to think that Conan killed others.

Miyano Shiho looked at Xia Ruo unexpectedly, with a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"Are you a detective?"

Xia Ruo shook her head, "I am not."

Hirota Masami was a little surprised. She didn't expect that her sister, who is usually indifferent to people, could talk so much with Xia Ruo.

At this moment, the door of the cafe opened, and Conan and the Junior Detectives dragged a woman in a neutral dress into the cafe.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Xia Ruo's mouth raised slightly.

The real detective is here.

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