I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 313: Shameless Request

At noon, Leim and Ram came to inform Xia Ruo and others that Rozval had returned.

"Master Emilia, Master Rozval has returned, please go back to the mansion."

"I see," Emilia nodded in response to the two maids.

"486, let's go see the owner of the mansion."

"it is good."

After learning that the owner of the mansion had returned, Xia Ruo and the Pleiades Cai Yue were taken to the banquet hall. On the way, Xia Ruo happened to see Betty coming over, but Betty looked at Xia Ruo with fierce eyes.

"Elf, hello," Xia Ruo said hello, as if nothing happened before.

"From upstairs, I think you are really unpleasant," Betty said with her cheeks puffed up, staring at Xia Ruo's figure.

"Your ability is too strange, you can eliminate magic, if you let Betty know your ability usage and flaws, the next time you will definitely let you know how powerful Betty is."

"I know, I know."

Xia Ruo replied perfunctorily.

After arriving in the meeting room, not long after, a tall man dressed and dressed like a clown walked in.

After Naoyue Subaru noticed, she couldn't help but stepped forward and patted the clown on the back. "The idea of ​​a rich man is really incomprehensible. He invited a clown to cheer up before eating."

"Well, 486, that person is..." Emilia wanted to remind her when she saw that the Pleiades had recognized the wrong person.

Rozval waved his hand, "It's okay, Lord Emilia."

"What's the matter?" Caiyue Subaru hasn't figured out the situation yet.

"I am the owner of this mansion, Rozval L. Mezzas," After introducing his identity, Rozval approached Subaru Nayuki and looked at Subaru Nayuki with a special look.

"Welcome, Subaru Caiyue, and that friend over there."

Xia Ruo seemed to see a scorching gaze from Rozval's eyes towards the Pleiades of Caiyue, which seemed a bit gay in gay.

"Hello there."

Xia Ruo greeted Rozval.

Because Xia Ruo only watched the content of the first season of "re0", he was not sure what Rozval was thinking, but it seemed that he had read something online.

That is, Rozval is the employer who hired Elsa.


When it was time for the meal, in the restaurant, everyone was sitting together to eat, Rozval sat in the main seat, and Lem and Ram stood on either side of him.

The dishes on the table are all made by Lem. Xia Ruo's eyes are bright after tasting, and there is no difference between the craftsmanship of a general chef. Although it is about a hundred and eight thousand miles away from what he cooked, it is considered to be the better in ordinary .

"It's delicious," Xia Ruo praised.

"Don't look at Lem like this, her cooking is very good," Rozval said with a slightly proud tone.

Xia Ruo took a sip of the soup in front of him and nodded, "Ms. Lem's soup is really good, it tastes delicious, can you teach me if you have time?"

"Rem will satisfy the guests' requests," Rem replied standing beside Rozvall, but there was not much emotion in his tone.

"Then I will look forward to it."

After a brief chat and introduction of their identities, Caiyue Subaru and Xia Ruo became acquainted with everyone. Although some farce happened in the morning, there was no major problem.

At the dinner table, Rozval also explained the current situation to the Pleiades Cai Yue.

"It's really incredible. You two came to the Kingdom of Lugonica and didn't even understand the situation here, so you followed?"

"Situation? What's the situation in this country?" Caiyue Subaru asked with a puzzled face. It didn't take long for him to travel, so naturally he didn't know what was going on here.

Xia Ruo ate the food in front of him, and knew that Rozval's situation should be Wang Xuan's matter.

Sure enough, just as Xia Ruo thought, Rozval told Xia Ruo and Nayue Subaru that there is no king in the country, and Emilia is a candidate for the king, and he is a supporter of Emilia.

Of course, it also revealed that if you have a relationship with them, it will be very troublesome.

Xia Ruo didn't know if Caiyue Subaru heard it, but even if he did, it might be because of Emilia.

Emilia put the badge that she had been redeemed by the Pleiades Nazuki on the table, "This badge represents the qualifications of the candidate for the selection of the king, and determines whether the candidate can successfully become the king of the Kingdom of Lugenica, which is the touchstone. ."

"In other words, Miss Emilia has lost the qualification certificate of the kingdom candidate," Xia Ruo said after taking a look at the badge.

"Don't talk about losing this kind of misunderstanding, it's not losing, it's just being stolen by a child with dirty hands and feet," Emilia defended with some embarrassment.

Although lost and stolen are actually the same.

Afterwards, Rozval explained, consciously or unconsciously, that if the badge is stolen, it is known that Emilia will lose the qualification of the king.

Caiyue Subaru heard the inexplicable light flashing in her eyes, with a look of excitement on her face, and she made a wretched gesture of grabbing something in her hand.

"In that case, I am really a goodjob, and I look forward to the next reward even more."

Emilia looked at Subaru Nayuki earnestly, "Well, 486 and Xia Ruo are benefactors to me. If you ask anything, I will definitely be satisfied."

That serious look is surprisingly cute.

Rozval also opened his hands very generously, "The reward will be as you wish, let's talk about it, no matter what you wish."

Betty on the side touched Parker in her hand, and looked at Caiyue Subaru and Xia Ruo curiously, as if she was expecting what they would ask for.

Although both Lem and Ram were expressionless, they were also more concerned about the rewards that followed.


Cai Yue Subaru laughed loudly, and stood up with a slap on the table, attracting the eyes of everyone present.

"In that case, there is only one wish for me! That is..."

"Let me work in the mansion."


After Caiyue Subaru said his wishes with great momentum, the audience was silent for a few seconds.


Ram sneezed, breaking the silence on the court.

"Okay, I have received the 486 wish. So what about your wish, Xia Ruo. You have helped Emilia-sama. You can mention any wish." Rozval agreed to Nayuki Subaru's request and then His eyes were on Xia Ruo's body.

"Can you really mention any wish?" Xia Ruo asked, looking at Rozval.

Rozval's eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone became low, "Naturally, any wish is fine. If I can satisfy it, I will definitely satisfy it as much as possible."

Any wish is ok, just a polite statement.

Xia Ruo naturally knew this. If anything was okay, Xia Ruo would directly bring the maid over, but it was impossible.

Xia Ruo sighed.

"In this case, my wish is to stay and become a diners here. The best thing is that I can not work and eat for nothing."

Like Caiyue Subaru, after Xia Ruo finished speaking, there was silence around him.


"Ah qiu~"

Ram seemed to have a cold and sneezed again, destroying the atmosphere of silence.

When Betty heard Xia Ruo's request, her eyes twitched twice.

How could there be such a shameless human being.

When Caiyue Subaru heard Xia Ruo's request, his originally satisfied smile froze. He turned his head to look at Xia Ruo, and his mouth grew slightly, as if he did not expect this kind of treatment.

Compared to Xia Ruo, he was like a stupid donkey.

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