When the silver-haired girl named Satila was about to enter Hu Li, she hesitated to stop him, "Is it really okay to go directly in like this? In case there is danger..."

There is no such thing as a street lamp in another world, so the dark night needs to be illuminated by moonlight.

Moon Black Wind High Murder Night.

Such an idea suddenly popped out of Hu Li's mind. He hesitated for a while, but shook his head soon, but it was just a game, what if he died.

"Satira, don't be afraid. If there is danger in a while, you can just use me as a shield."

Satila frowned, her hands on hips a little angry, "I wouldn't do this."

Ah~ Satila is so gentle.

The angry look also looks good.

Hu Li has been completely poisoned by Satila.

"Just kidding."

Hu Li finished speaking, then opened the door and walked in. Surprisingly, the light was not turned on in the room and it was completely dark.

It's so dark, are you sleeping?

"Is anyone here?"

Hu Li yelled again, and then, with the help of the moonlight falling from the skylight, he seemed to have seen something, blood... and a corpse... the corpse of a large old man.

"this is……"

"--Oh, if I was seen, there would be no way, um, no way."

A woman's voice came from the dark room, a low and cold voice with a pleasant female voice.


Hu Li didn't have time to look back at all. He was about to turn his face to the source of the sound. As if hit by something, he fell directly to the ground.

There are enemies!

Hu Li subconsciously wanted to stand up to face the enemy, but found that he couldn't move at all. Moreover, as if he felt something hot in his body, he touched it.

is blood……

Large patches of blood appeared on his abdomen.

It might be because the opponent's knife was too fast. Hu Li didn't even feel the pain for the first time, but slowly, the pain came up.

Pain-Slashing the abdomen seems more painful than cutting the throat.

"Enemy, Satira, be careful!"

Hu Li wanted to remind, but everything was too late.


At that moment, Hu Li seemed to see that the world in his eyes had slowed down. He watched Satila's body, fell a little bit, and fell in front of him.

Blood, a large swath of blood appeared under the silver-haired girl, dyed her white clothes red, and even some splashes of blood flowed down the floor.

This sudden shocking scene appeared in front of him, and Hu Li felt his body tremble. This feeling was more painful than his favorite animated character being drawn to death.

"Just kidding..."

Hu Li didn't know when he had forgotten that this was a game. He stretched out his hand desperately, and firmly grasped the snow-white hand of Satila lying beside him.

Hu Li's bloodied hand and Satila's hand clasped tightly.

Satila's slightly moving fingers seemed to want to hold his hand back, but soon, the slightly moving fingers stopped.


——The girl I like died in front of me.

Hu Li thought of the date with Satila today, and her gentle tone, appearance, eyes, everything about her, now turned into a corpse.


The next moment, Hu Li's world turned into darkness.



Hu Li opened his eyes and found himself in front of a familiar fruit stand, but he still looked sluggish at this time.

Why did it become daylight? Did it enter the automatic archive of the system?Hu Li looked at the sun in the sky. At this point in time, it should be the time before he and Satila met.

"Brother, do you want an apple?" The green-haired uncle who looked like an Irishman at the fruit stand asked Hu Li.

But Hu Li didn't answer at all, but gestured in the air.

"What about the save option? Why is there no archive in this game, why only exit! What are you doing? What about breaking the game? There is no manual archive function!"

"Why, Satila is dead, why would such an important character die? What about the conscience of the person who made this game! Does he still have a heart?"

The girl he likes dies in front of him, this scene is really shocking for him.

Up to now, he can still feel the gentle touch of Shatila's fingers in his hand.

The characters in the game are not real. Hu Li doesn't care anymore, he only knows that he likes Satila.

It's not the kind of liking that changes a wife every quarter, it's a girl who really likes that gentle girl, can go shopping and date with her, and heal herself when she is injured.

It was because he liked it that Hu Li was scared, and his body was shaking.

He was afraid and didn't save it. Satira had forgotten everything that happened today. Today, all of his day's efforts have turned into useless work.

Obviously it was a date that could make Hu Li remember for a lifetime, but it disappeared because it was not archived.

If this is the case, then this game is too cruel.


Taking a deep breath, Hu Li temporarily stabilized his emotions.

"Instead of hesitating here, I will come again and let her know me again. I will never be defeated because of such small things. I will always like Satila. This time, I will never let Satila. No matter how injured you are, the same tragedy will not happen again!"

After adjusting his emotions, Hu Li began to look for Satira in the capital. He knew that at this point in time, Satira would be looking for Firut who stole money.

But before he could look for it, a silver-haired girl in a white robe just passed by here. The girl's blue and purple eyes glanced at Hu Li, but she immediately looked away without interest, symbolizing the strength of amethyst. With both eyes, just staring straight at the path he should take.

The moment the two looked at each other, Hu Li still had a feeling of suffocation. She really didn't recognize me.

"Wait, wait for me! Satira!"

Hu Li finally reacted, passing through the crowds around him, and ran behind Satila. Hu Li knew he was a little impulsive, but it didn’t matter. As long as he used the information on the badge location, he could definitely fight Satila again. Good relationship.

For a moment, the girl who reacted to the sound looked at Hu Li, her eyes as cold as she was looking at a stranger.

Looking at the cold eyes, Hu Li's heart cooled down, and his last glimmer of anticipation disappeared completely. The miracle did not appear.

The girl's eyes were full of hostility, which was another side that Hu Li had never seen before.

The girl’s voice was stern and angry, "I don’t know who you are, but why do you call me the jealous witch! The symbol of taboo, jealous witch, you will be jealous just by saying it, but you chose that name to call me? Me? What is your purpose!"

"Wait a minute...Jealous...Witch...what is it?"

Hu Li murmured at a loss. When he felt Shatila's hostility, his heart felt like a knife slashed.




exit the game.

After many blows, Hu Li couldn't bear it in his heart, and finally chose to quit the game.

"What is this, the name given to me is also fake!"


Hu Li directly smashed the virtual helmet on the ground. Not only that, but he also felt that there seemed to be something wet on his face. At some point, tears had covered his face.

"I actually cried—"

Starting from scratch, this game is no longer a warm and healing game for Hu Li. Compared with some heart-to-heart games, this game is more heart-to-heart, because the sense of substitution is too strong, so the harm suffered is also the most direct .

Compared with the inexplicable death, Shatila's hostile eyes hit Hu Li even more.

The beginning of this game gives you a beautiful love, letting you meet a most gentle and kind girl, and it is a heart-pounding plot like a beauty saves a hero.

Then, you and the beautiful girl start a most beautiful and dreamy date, a date across the world in another world. She is gentle and kind, allowing you to enjoy all the good things and spend the best day.

Then, at night, it will tear it all away, let your best thing die in front of you, even if you can be resurrected, but she will forget everything.

All the goodness disappeared in an instant.

Not only that, the beauty in your memory may not necessarily be true. The name given to you by the girl you are dating is fake.

This kind of routine is actually not surprising. Hu Li has seen similar animation plots. At the beginning, he describes the most beautiful daily life. At the end, there will be a tear-jerking plot that makes the audience cry in accordance with the rhythm of the animation. The warmer the front, the more the back Heart abuse, this is a normal routine.

But this game is different from scratch. Hu Li has never been so excited about the role of a game.

"it hurts--"

Hu Li touched his chest, he was clearly out of the game, his chest was still painful.

The heart hurts, because Shatila forgets everything, because Shatila’s hostile eyes, and because her first love is gone.

"This game is too real and too cruel."


"Hurry up and eat."

When eating at noon, Hu Li's mother looked at her son and didn't know what happened. She felt that her son's eyes were a little wrong.

His eyes were dull, and his eyes were a bit dull, as if they were broken.

"What's wrong with you? Something is wrong today," Hu Li's mother asked worriedly.

"I..." Hu Li stiffly took a mouthful of food to himself, "My heart was taken away by Satila, and there will be no more sorrows and joys in this life."

Mother Hu Li: "..."


Hu Li's mother slapped her son on the head, a bit scary with great force, and almost shot Hu Li's face into a bowl, "I said that you should watch less animation, and your secondary illness is serious again."


The game's blow to Hu Li was indeed a bit big, and he did not slow down for several days.

In the past few days, he was thinking from time to time, what the jealous witch was, who was the one who killed himself and Satila at the time? Since Satila was a pseudonym, what was her real name and why Tell yourself a pseudonym.

There are too many mysteries, and there are many secrets hidden in this game from scratch, which need people to dig.

It's a pity that Hu Li's helmet was smashed by him, and it has been sent to be repaired now, and it has not been repaired yet, which caused him to not see Satila even if he wanted to see it.


Xia Ruo also received a game experience from Hu Li at her home. Hu Li said in great detail about the content of the game and his own experience, but Hu Li only played a little bit. Regarding the broken helmet, He also told Xia Ruo.

Just as Xia Ruo thought, the average otaku could not resist the beautiful elves of another world, and she was also the almost flawless girl like Emilia.

However, the game experience behind the re0 game is really not very good. There is no prompt. It is all on your own. In addition, this game is basically a game of abuse of the owner. It is difficult to pass the level. As the protagonist, the abused Pleiades will live to the death. The audience of the animation simply cannot empathize.

But now it has become a game, letting the player become the protagonist. At this time, it is no longer the Pleiades Caiyue, but the player who experiences despair.

Hu Li was also lucky, his helmet was broken.

You can relax him for a few days and stabilize his mood. Otherwise, he will continue to play, and when he can't find a way to clear the level, he will watch Emilia die again and again, and he can't do anything.

In that case, it is the real despair.

Death again and again, rescue again and again, failure again and again, endless reincarnation.

Thinking of this, Xia Ruo really felt that this game was a bit too cruel.

"It's cruel (serious face)."

Xia Ruo thinks that players are a group of people with strong psychological qualities. No matter what game it is, how difficult it is, how abused it is, it can actually be supported.

Next, is the game promotion and official release.


Before the release of the game "RE: Life in a Different World from Zero", when the promotional video was released, the barrage exploded. In the promotional animation, a silver-haired elf and a male high school student passed by. Gentle bgm.

There is no battle scene, but a very gentle style.

The barrage is frantically brushing.

"It looks good, a virtual game with a different world theme, look forward to it, buy it!"

"I heard that Little Fox was invited by Rising to try this game. After the game, he broke his helmet. I went to the game area where he played and said."

"No, is the game so difficult? It's all smashed helmets. The little fox doesn't look like such a grumpy person, right? This game doesn't look like torture, bgm sounds pretty good."

"I don't know, but Up, who knew the little fox, said that after playing this game, the little fox was playing badly. It is said that everyone has lost ten pounds."

"I was there and I saw it with my own eyes. The little fox looked dull and stunned while eating, with a halazi at the corner of his mouth, and he kept yelling'good'."

"I am Harazi, I am also there, and what they say is true."

"I'm afraid of what you said, is it really that scary?"

"I heard that there are beautiful girls in different worlds, buy and buy."

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