I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 326 It turns out that Re Zero is a love game, so sweet~

Although the pain sensation was reduced to 30%, it seemed that the head was hit hard, so the body was affected. After the beautiful girl came, Hu Li fell into a coma.

However, he seemed to perceive it in a daze, that the beautiful silver-haired girl repelled the bastard, and seemed to be talking to someone.

"What to do? We still have an urgent matter now," was a strange voice.

"It doesn't matter to us, he is not life-threatening anyway, we don't care about him," this was the voice of the nice girl.



As if to emphasize her firmness, the beautiful girl yelled.

"I absolutely, I will never help him!"

so cute.

This is Hu Li's last thought.


The feeling of waking up from a deep sleep is similar to the feeling of sticking out of the water.

Hu Li found out that he had been knocked out during the game. It was obvious that his body didn't hurt to that degree. Would a head hit cause dizziness?

Opening his eyes, Hu Li felt the temperature of the sun.

"Ah, are you awake?"

A nice female voice came from directly above, that is, from above her face.

He wanted to turn his face to the source of the sound, but found that although his body was lying on the ground, his head was resting on something soft.

Is it a knee pillow?This game actually has such benefits...

"You can't move yet. Because you got hit on the head, you can't rest assured yet."

The voice of caring about his physical condition was very gentle. It was the first time that Hu Li heard such a gentle female voice. Hearing this voice at close range, Hu Li felt his pores relax and unwind.

It was a voice that was completely different from that of a girl in reality. Even a nurse in a hospital would not be so gentle.

Hu Li seemed to remember what happened before he fainted. After playing this game by himself, he was hit on the ground by three gangsters, and then... a cute girl who looked like an elf saved himself.

Does the story of the beauty save the hero unfold?

Although it sounds embarrassing, but being rescued by a beautiful girl hero when unable to resist, this feeling is unexpectedly comfortable.

Who is not a baby anymore.

"Ah~ it hurts."

Hu Li pretended to have just woken up, enjoying the benefits of his knee pillows, using circular motions to make his cheeks feel supremely happy.

"Huh... so soft, the beautiful girl has more hair on her legs than mine...huh?"

Hu Li suddenly got up and looked at his side, and then he saw a big terrible cat.

"What a big cat!" Hu Li exclaimed. It turned out that what he had been enjoying just now was the cat's knee pillow. He suddenly felt a little lost when he learned the truth.

"Really, I was going to let you enjoy it more," Parker said to Hu Li, touching his head.


After waking up, Hu Li looked at the silver-haired girl who had rescued him.

Isn't this person the female character in the cutscenes?

With such an obvious appearance, Hu Li immediately recognized her. Thinking of this, Hu Li breathed a sigh of relief, and finally found some clues to the game.

For him, it took almost an hour to meet an important role in the game. It was really not easy. Subconsciously, Hu Li was going to save it.


Hu Li remembered that this game does not have tasks and interface pop-ups, and there is no archive or anything at all.

"Well, thank you. If it weren't for you, I guess it would be worse. You are really a good person." How did Hu Li have played many kinds of games. If there is no way to save, there is no way to save. Brush up on the girl's favorability.

Being grateful, the silver-haired girl blushed a little.

"Don't get me wrong, we just stayed helplessly because we wanted to ask you something. If that weren't the case, I would have left you a long time ago," she nodded with confirmation, "That's it, don't Make a mistake."

"Ask me something?"

Hu Li knew that the plot was coming.

Sure enough, the silver-haired girl asked Hu Li about the lost badge and the thief who had escaped. It seemed that the girl had something stolen by the thief.

Hu Li made up a system sound in his own mind.

"Do you know what?" the silver-haired girl asked, looking at Hu Li in a daze.

Hu Li shook his head, "I just saw the thief, but I don't know who she is."

"In this way, there is no way. However, because you told me information that you don't know anything, it offset the kindness of treating your injuries.

We are leaving in a hurry.Your injuries should be almost healed, and because I have threatened those people severely, I don't think they will come to trouble you again, but it is very dangerous for a person to enter such an alley with no one."

At this point, the silver-haired girl paused, seeming to be afraid of Hu Li's misunderstanding, "Ah, I am not worried about you, but advice. Next time, even if you encounter the same situation again, I will not benefit from saving you, so Don't expect me to lend a helping hand."

The silver-haired girl talked endlessly like a cannon, seeming to emphasize that she didn't care too much about Hu Li.

But such deliberate emphasis has no effect, and Hu Li still felt the other's kindness.

Hu Li felt that his heart was touched by something. The girl had lost something, but she took so long to take care of herself. With this kind of arrogant performance, there is really a kind of extreme cuteness.

This was the first time he saw this kind of girl, and sure enough, this kind of girl is only available in the second dimension.

If he travels to another world, the girls here are still the same as those cold and arrogant girls in reality, then Hu Li really wants to die.

Seeing the silver-haired girl about to leave, Hu Li hurriedly chased after her.


The silver-haired girl stood at the entrance of the street, looking at Hu Li with some doubts, "What? Is there any physical problem? I first declare that I can only accompany you for a while."


Hu Li looked into the eyes of the silver-haired girl, and when he met each other, Hu Li's face flushed suddenly, facing each other's eyes, Hu Li felt his heartbeat speed up a bit.

Damn it, am I really playing a game?

Hu Li took a deep breath. Naturally, he would not let go of the plot in front of him. If the plot was let go, where would he find it next time.

"Aren't you looking for someone now? I can also help."

"Help?" The silver-haired girl tilted her head and looked at Hu Li, "I declare in advance that I can't thank you. As you can see, I am penniless."

"I don't want to be paid, I just want... I want to help you," Hu Li stammered.

This kind of experience of saying "I want to help you" to a beautiful girl is definitely something that no galgame can understand. Even when he said this, Hu Li felt that his emotions were completely mobilized, he was even afraid The other party rejects himself because he will only cause trouble.

If the other party is such a beautiful girl in reality, Hu Li probably wouldn't even have the courage to speak up.

"Why help me?" The silver-haired girl was a little puzzled.

"Is there any reason to help others?" Hu Li gritted his teeth, the imitator said in the tone of some heroic animation protagonists.

Listening to what Hu Li said, the silver-haired girl smiled softly. She smiled as if all the flowers in the garden were in full bloom.

"You are really weird...but I'm serious, I'm not paid for anything."


Seeing the silver-haired girl's smile, Hu Li felt his heart stop for a moment. This special feeling was really an inexplicable experience.

Am I... in love?

Hu Li found that he had been fascinated by the girl in front of him.

"It's okay, even if I try my best, I will help you find the badge..."

"Show me the more important thing about my life!" the silver-haired girl shouted.


Finally, the silver-haired girl agreed to Hu Li's help.

Emilia was originally a gentle person, even if Hu Li didn't have any help, she would only add chaos, and she would not refuse.

After that, Hu Li and the silver-haired girl started looking for someone.

Streets, alleys, pubs, shops... They were looking for the little girl with yellow hair in the capital.

Naturally, looking for people without any purpose like this will definitely not yield any results, and even if it is an ordinary task of finding people, it must be a relatively boring task.

But as long as he can be with the girl next to him, Hu Li doesn't feel bored at all, he even feels happy.

Hu Li has confirmed that he has become infatuated with the other party...

"When was the last time I went out on a date with a girl alone? Except for shopping with my mother, there are only elementary schools, right? Elementary school and female classmates who drop by go home..."

This sad thing suddenly occurred in Hu Li's mind.

Hu Li used to have a dream, that is, to find a girlfriend who likes the second element, and the girlfriend likes it, os at home all day to show it to himself, and then can take it out.


Hu Li sighed, then secretly glanced at the silver-haired girl next to him. Being able to date such a beautiful girl felt like he didn't need anything anymore.

If it is the real world, he would naturally not have any ideas, but since this is a game world with a high degree of freedom, then there is a possibility of success in the strategy. Thinking of this, Hu Li is full of enthusiasm, and he is more motivated to find someone.

"What are you looking at?" The silver-haired girl noticed Hu Li's gaze and asked inexplicably.

"It's okay," Hu Li immediately looked in the other direction shamelessly.

The gameplay, playability, plot, details, connotation, etc. of this game are no longer meaningful to Hu Li. As long as the silver-haired girl is there, this game is a full score for Hu Li.

Hu Li was so addicted to it, he had even played for a long time, and he didn't want to quit the game.

"It turns out that this game is a different world love game from scratch?"

"The adjustment of pain perception at the beginning, I thought it was a cruel game, I didn't expect it to be so warm~"

"This game is really good~"


Afterwards, when looking for someone was not going well, the two went to a building with a relatively high capital, chatted with the wind, and took a break by the way. During this time, the two also exchanged names.

The atmosphere of being alone is more like dating.

Hu Li also knew the silver-haired girl's name, Satila, a very nice name in another world.From the perspective of deliberately overlooking the royal capital, Hu Li chatted with Satila about himself and told the story of his hometown.

In order to learn how to chat with girls, he found a lot of skills and jokes on the Internet, and he used them all at this time.

Although Hu Li is not very good at chatting, and sometimes even feels embarrassed by the content of the chat, Satila listened with gusto, and even looked at Hu Li with a'very powerful' look.

Faced with such gazes, coupled with the opponent's delicate and perfect appearance and gentle personality, Hu Li couldn't hold on at all.

His heart was roaring.

"How can there be such a girl in the world!"

Of course, Shatila also told some of her own situation, but when Shatila talked about herself, her tone was very low, as if she was hiding an unfortunate past.

After Satila said that she was a half-elf, she found that Hu Li did not show a look of disgust, but complimented her. Satila seemed a little surprised and surprised, and she seemed to be moved by Hu Li.

Hu Li also noticed this detail.

"It seems that the identity of the half-elf seems to be a problem," Hu Li thought inwardly, but for gamers like him, no matter what the half-elf meant, he would always like Satila.

After a period of rest, Hu Li and Satila continued to search for the thief who stole the badge.

However, while on the road, a green-haired child with tears in his eyes, looking around, was noticed by Satila.

"Hu Li, look, is that kid lost?"

After taking a look, Hu Li found that there were indeed no adults around the child, but to him, this was just an unimportant NPC.

"It looks like this, but Satila, are you in a hurry..."

"It's important to find a badge, but it's also important to help a lost child," Satila looked at Hu Li firmly, "That kid is crying, isn't it? If you don't help me, then I will go by myself."

"Then help him."

Hu Li sighed helplessly and looked at Satila in front of him. Sure enough, she was indeed the girl she was fond of, not only beautiful, but also so gentle and kind.

Hu Li liked her more and more, although Satila had reached full value in Hu Li's heart.

After that, the two helped the lost child find his family. Unexpectedly, the child was a clue. Through the child's father, Hu Li and Satila found a clue about the badge.

The badge was stolen by a habitual named Filut.

"Look, it's a pleasure to help others, and it helped us in the end." After getting the clue, Satila's face relaxed a lot, and she proudly said to Hu Li.

"Yes, yes," Hu Liying said.

Knowing the clues, Satila and Hu Li, who had a goal, rushed to the slum. Of course, they were still chatting and laughing along the way.

Hu Li, who was not good at chatting, became self-confident because Satila gave him confidence, and the whole person became able to chat, and the road was quite boring.

The sky gradually darkened.

Hu Li also felt that his mission was about to end, and he didn't know what would happen if he found the badge.

In the end, the two came to Lord Roma's stolen house, Hu Li and Satila looked at each other.

"Go in, the thief who stole your stuff should be here."

Hu Li opened the door first and walked in.

"anyone there?"

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