I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 34 Agreements and Triggering Tasks

"Okay, let's discuss whether we will shoot this commercial or not. Xia Ruojun takes care of us so much. In fact, I think it's good to help him."

Qiu Shanmin seemed to want to help Xia Ruo very much, but when she thought that the advertisement she was shooting would be shown to so many Chinese, her eyes began to be shy.

"Okay, I agree too." Tian Jing did not expect that he would still have the opportunity to shoot commercials in this life. "Shoot commercials! Someone asked us to shoot commercials. Is there any problem with vision?"

"We... are we going to make our debut... have we made our debut?" Hirasawa Yui's tone was already trembling.

"It's just a commercial, it's just a commercial." Azusa Nakano seemed to want to calm down his two senior sisters, but he didn't know what he thought of. Right."

"I like it very much, I want to try it," Qin Blowing said again that he was very interested.

Afterwards, they discussed some things, found Xia Ruo, and agreed to shoot the commercial, but they actually demanded no appearance fee, which Xia Ruo did not expect.

"It's been too hard for Xia Ruojun these days. We haven't paid for the room and board. This time we came to China and almost didn't spend much. Let's do Xia Ruojun a favor this time. You don't need any expenses. "Qiu Shanmin said to Xia Ruo.

"I said that these days, it's actually not that hard."

Xia Ruo didn't continue to mention money. Since they didn't want it, it wouldn't be good to force it. It would be good to give them gifts such as souvenirs.

Because there is not much time, there are no detailed commercials.

The old lady also understands very well, and did not design some complicated advertisements, just simple advertisements. Each girl introduces herself, and then holds a musical instrument and says something like "Welcome to Moe Station".

It didn't take long to find an old dad's friend's studio, and the filming was finished in about an afternoon.

After seeing the girls finished filming, Xia Ruo walked over with an autograph book, "Dear stars, can you sign me?"

"Are, are we stars now?"

"Guide, you are really joking again."

Xia Ruo didn't take back the signature book, "No kidding, I feel that you have the potential to become stars. When you really become stars, my signature will become precious."

"All right, but none of us practice signing."

"Can you sign it casually? My handwriting is ugly~"

"Such an ugly signature, I am going to die."


Soon, all five girls signed Xia Ruo, and the atmosphere was very lively.

After shooting the commercial and returning home, everyone began to rest.

It was getting late, Qiu Shanmin suddenly found Xia Ruo.

"Today is the last day, and we are leaving tomorrow," Qiu Shan Mio's tone was a little bit sad, but she was deeply hidden.

"There is a banquet in the world, we will meet again if we have the opportunity in the future," Xia Ruo seemed to see Qiu Shan Mio's reluctance, and boldly touched her little head with his hands. Of course, he just touched Xia. If it is released.

After several days of getting along, Xia Ruo felt that although Qiu Shan Mio had a cold face, he was weak in heart and needed human care, so Xia Ruo treated her like her own sister.

It would be great if I had such a sister.

Qiu Shan Mio was not angry at Xia Ruo's actions, but kept his eyes on the floor.

"What's wrong, is parting so sad?"

"This is an unforgettable journey, Xia Ruojun, I am very happy this trip, thank you."

Qiu Shanmin took a deep breath, and when he raised his head again, his eyes had become firm.

"If I graduate and travel, maybe I will come to play again. Then... maybe I will trouble you."

This sentence seems to be an agreement, or it has other meanings.

After saying these words, Qiu Shanmin didn't listen to Xia Ruo's answer, turned around and ran, as if the words just now exhausted her courage.


Xia Ruo rushed to Qiu Shanmin and stopped her, not letting her escape like a frightened deer.

"What's the matter?" Qiu Shanmin looked at Xia Ruo's face slowly approaching, his eyes were erratic, he didn't know where he was looking, and couldn't meet Xia Ruo at all.

"Well," Xia Ruo thought for a while, and finally said, "When you graduate, I invite you to come to China for a concert. Will you come?"


"I said, I will invite you to come to China for a concert, will you come?"

The second time, after hearing Xia Ruo's words clearly, Qiu Shanming shook his head after returning to normal.

"We can't hold a concert. We rely on the band'teatime after school'. We can't hold a concert at all, let alone come to China. We are just a music club for ourselves."

"You can't open it, it's not that I still have me. I can open it for you. I will help you fulfill your dream."

"I will help you hold a big concert! Can you believe me?"

Xia Ruo looked at Qiu Shanmin's eyes sincerely at this time.

"Dreams? But I..."

Qiu Shanmi was stared at by Xia Ruo, and felt his heart beating again.

It’s impossible to hold a concert for myself and the few people in the Qingyin Department, and even if you spend money on it, it’s impossible to have an audience for a super-eighteenth-rate campus band that is completely unknown. , This request, it is impossible to agree.

The goal that the Qingyin Department said casually when it was established before, to perform at the Budokan, is just a dream, how can it be achieved?

"I believe in Xia Ruojun, but I really don't want Xia Ruojun to be embarrassed. We don't have a reputation and we have a concert, which is just a shame."

Although she felt that Xia Ruo didn't lie, Qiu Shanmi was willing to believe him, but she knew what level she and the people in the Qingyin Department were, and she didn't want to drag Xia Ruo down.

"I have said it, give me a little trust."

Xia Ruo firmly grasped Qiu Shan Mio's wrist.

"I hope you don't refuse. I will pay for all travel expenses and performance expenses. In any case, I hope you can agree to my request. You are all very potential girls. I will never read it wrong."


When Xia Ruo asked so seriously, Qiu Shanmiao was a little at a loss, and she was also pulled by her wrists. She herself was a bit shy. At this time, she was a little dizzy, and her thinking ability had also declined to a certain extent.

"Okay... OK."

Hearing Qiu Shanmin's promise, Xia Ruo was afraid that she would change her mind.

"Then we have agreed. Next time, I will help the Qingyin Department hold a grand concert in Huaguo. When I call you, I must come."

Xia Ruo really decided to hold a concert for Qingyin in China, not just joking. With the popularity of "Qingyin Girl", if Qingyin held a concert, it would definitely be overcrowded.


Qiu Shanmi nodded, she didn't know what this feeling was, and then inexplicably agreed to come to China for a concert.

"Then you go to rest first, you must be tired today, your injury is not completely healed."

"Well, well, Xia Ruojun is good night."

"good night."

Under the moonlit night.

The two of them made an agreement across the world at this moment.


After the separation, Xia Ruo found that there was an extra task in the line of her task bar.

[Trigger task: light-tone concert.

[Qingyin's concert: You have made the best agreement with Akiyama Mio, and hope that you will not breach the contract and help the Qingyin Department complete a grand concert.

[Reward: 10-200 reputation points.

Can the task be triggered?It seems that getting along with the two-dimensional characters in the future will require more communication.

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