, The fastest update I can break the latest chapter of the Dimension Wall!

Xia Ruo was walking on the road holding Tom, but suddenly found that a large cloud of clouds appeared in the sky, covering the entire sky.


There is no time for people to react. The big rain drops from the air, and it gets bigger and bigger.

Unsuspectingly, Xia Ruo was drenched in the heavy rain, and her white clothes were soaked, but even so, Xia Ruo was still paying attention to Tom in her arms and put it in her clothes to prevent Tom from getting caught. Get wet.

Xia Ruo realized that the rain was a little unnatural.

Therefore, his fashion work is like an ordinary person who was caught in the rain. He found a shop to hide from the rain, looked at the heavy rain in front of him with a worried expression, and seemed to be thinking about when the heavy rain can stop.

The pouring rain was crackling on the eaves. It would be difficult to get out without an umbrella.

Sure enough, just as Xia Ruo thought, it didn't take long before Xia Ruo discovered that a familiar figure of Miaoman appeared not far away with a paper umbrella.

The pink fox actually followed Xia Ruo after the heavy rain. She saw Xia Ruo’s clothes getting wet and the wet clothes stuck to her body, revealing Xia Ruo’s figure. She unconsciously used it. The tongue licked his red lips.

"Sure enough, spells are easier to use. I didn't expect Xia Gongzi to have such a good figure."

When Xia Ruo was looking at the heavy rain, she appeared in good time, holding a pink oiled paper umbrella in her hand, just like a fairy.

"Hey, Xia Gongzi, why are you here?" The pink fox asked with a look of surprise after seeing Xia Ruo.

"Ah, it's the raccoon girl," Xia Ruo was soaked all over at this time and looked a little embarrassed, but after seeing the little raccoon, she still forced a smile in front of her."Unexpectedly, there will be heavy rain today. I forgot to bring my umbrella when I went out today."

"Haha," Xiaoli put his little hand to his mouth, and smirked at Xia Ruo with his mouth covered, "Xia Gongzi looks really bad luck."

No, it should be good luck.

Xia Ruo listened to what the fox said, but did not answer.

"Xia Gongzi, your clothes are wet like this. The heavy rain seems to be unstoppable for a while. It's no way to continue to stand. Why don't you come to my place to rest for a while and let your clothes hang out?" The raccoon vixen kindly suggested to Xia Ruo.

"This... this is not good."

Xia Ruo's eyes seemed to hesitate, as if he didn't know whether to refuse, he pretended to be really hesitating.

This kind of invitation to a girl's house really needs to be reserved.

Little raccoon naturally won’t give up, and then said, “What’s wrong, it’s not good to catch a cold due to such a heavy rain, so why don’t you just go home with me like this... Oh, no, go with me to rest, wait Let's go after the heavy rain stops."

Xia Ruo pretended to think hard for a few seconds, then nodded helplessly.

"Then trouble girl raccoon."

"No trouble."

Later, Xia Ruo took the umbrella in the hands of the fox, and walked in the heavy rain with her umbrella, but because the rain was too heavy, even with the umbrella, it was inevitable that rain would spill in.

At this time, Xia Ruo was very gentleman and leaned her umbrella a little bit against the raccoon girl, letting herself get more rain, and Xiao raccoon saw all this.

Little raccoon felt sweet in her heart, but she didn't say anything, but her body got closer to Xia Ruo, and the two were almost attached to each other.

In this way, the two of them walked silently in the rain, although there is no sound, but there is no meaning in it.

Today the foxes live in the temple where they stayed when they first transformed. The abbot ran away because of accidentally hurting the young monk, so this temple is now a den for the foxes.

Xia Ruo followed the little raccoon to the boudoir where she lived. The boudoir of the vixen was unexpectedly girlish, and the room was full of pink decorations.This place should have been a Zen room, but it was turned into a girl's boudoir by the little raccoon, which seemed a little cute.

"That, Girl Tanuki..."

Xia Ruo felt that she should say something at this time, but found that the pink vixen came up to untie her clothes.

The corners of Xia Ruo's mouth twitched, wait a moment, is this progress a bit faster?

The pink fox also noticed Xia Ruo's strange eyes, smiled, and gave Xia Ruo a white look, "Huh, look at Xia's son, I can't eat you.

I just saw that your clothes are all wet, and I want to help you send them to the stove to dry, and prepare clean clothes for you by the way."

"It turned out to be so."

Xia Ruo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the little raccoon say this. He thought that the vixen was really so direct, which shocked him.

"In fact, you don't have to bother the raccoon girl, I'll just change it myself, please avoid it," Xia Ruo gently pushed away the pink fox, wanting to hold her back.

However, when Xia Ruo pushed away Xiao Tan, Xiao Tan's body was obviously stiff, and the charming smile on his face was also stiff for a moment, but it quickly returned to normal.

Because he was pushed by Xia Ruo, the little raccoon stepped back and pinched a Fajue where Xia Ruo couldn't see.

Immediately afterwards, the little raccoon said charmingly, "Xia Gongzi, look at me, are you pretty?"


The next moment, Xia Ruo's eyes noticed the little raccoon's winking eyes. When the two eyes were facing each other, Xia Ruo suddenly felt that her brain was blank, and there was nothing in her eyes, only the beautiful fox in front of her.

It seems that his spiritual consciousness is completely drawn by the vixen in front of him.

"It's so beautiful..." Xia Ruo muttered without a sense of vision.

"Have taken the bait," Xiao Limei laughed.


After all, Xia Ruo had rich experience, realized that it was wrong, and realized that she might have been hit by the charm, and wanted to use the power of reality to solve it.

However, the vixen was significantly faster. Before Xia Ruo had regained consciousness, a cloud of purple mist came out of her mouth, which happened to be sprayed on Xia Ruo's face.


Xia Ruo fell straight to the ground like a wooden person, still maintaining the last obsessive expression on her face, which looked a little funny.


Feeling the shock, Tom, who had been hiding in Xia Ruo's clothes, also jumped out, and jumped to the side window sill.

It just fell asleep because the owner's arms were too warm. Unexpectedly, he would see such a scene when he woke up.

——Master, this is a car overturned?

Tom looked at his master lying on the ground and couldn't help covering his cat's face, but he was curious what would happen next.

It seemed that the other party didn't seem to want to harm the owner, so Tom didn't help out either.


"Xia Gongzi is so beautiful, how can there be such a beautiful person."

At this time, Xiao Li looked at Xia Ruo with a gentle look, and her little white hand touched Xia Ruo's cheek, making her movements soft as if she were dealing with porcelain.

"Sure enough, the mother-in-law was right. We foxes still use magic tricks when treating men, but don't worry about Xia Gongzi. I will treat you well in the future and won't make you suffer."

"As long as you marry me, gold and silver treasures, I can change them for you, even if you want to be emperor, there is nothing wrong with it."

Fox demon is like this. Once tempted, she dares to do everything. In addition, she is the villain in the original work, and she is naturally unscrupulous in starting things.

Just now Xia Ruo's actions made her feel uneasy, thinking that her actions annoyed Young Master Xia, so she stopped pretending and directly exposed her nature.

If Xia Ruo lying on the ground knew her thoughts, she would definitely be speechless. In fact, Xia Ruo was already prepared and ready to take her time. What poems and songs, food guides, routine love words, these are all ready, but Before it was used, it was overthrown by the other party with drugs.

This time, Xia Ruo was young.

This fox demon is different from the Japanese manga girl he had encountered before. He was bold and straightforward, because he knew less about the fox demon.

After that, Xiaoli moved Xia Ruo to her pink bed and untied the tents on both sides.


Outside the house, a flash of lightning flashed, and the heavy rain did not mean to stop at all.

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