I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 363 Fuck, it's platycodon!

"I can break the dimension wall ()"

Xia Ruo didn't know why, but in just one day, Kikyo changed his attitude towards himself, a little different in normal times.

Could it be that she found out that she was just an anime character?This was what Xia Ruo thought of for the first time.

Later, Xia Ruo tried a few words with Kikyo, but Kikyo didn't give her a good face, but Xia Ruo also noticed that Kikyo didn't find out the truth about her own identity. It seemed that she was in a simple mood and she seemed to be herself. s reason.

Xia Ruo also didn't know what she had done wrong, why did Kikyo seem to have a big opinion of herself.

Could it be that... my mother's purpose was too eager to scare her?

Xia Ruo thought it was very possible.

But just when Xia Ruo thought that with the character of Kikyo, it was impossible to take this kind of thing to heart, and it would be better in a few days, an accident happened.

At noon, there were no more ingredients in the kitchen, so Xia Ruo went out to buy some ingredients. When he came back, the bellflower was gone.

There was no sound.

Kikyo’s attitude changed this morning, coupled with the sudden disappearance.

Xia Ruo vaguely noticed something bad.

"Did you say anything when Kikyo left?" Xia Ruo asked when she looked at her sister Xia Meng, who was alone at home.

"Let me think about it," Xia Meng put her index finger to her mouth, and pondered for a moment. "Sister Kikyo didn't seem to say anything. She was sitting next to me just now, so I played on the phone for a while. She’s gone, she’s nowhere to be found, besides, the bracelet her mother gave her, the clothes and gifts I bought for her, she also stayed in the room."

Xia Ruo frowned when she heard her sister's words.

Kikyo's sudden departure in this way is a bit like the late Inuyasha, because he can't be with Inuyasha, he suddenly appears and suddenly hides.

I don't know why, when he found that Doraji had disappeared, Xia Ruo had such an idea in her mind.

Go find her?

Xia Ruo felt that by relying on the concealed breath of Kikyo and the means of arranging the barrier, she might not be able to find her.

Xia Meng watched the change in the expression on his brother's face. It was a bit strange. It was fine yesterday, but how could it be like this today.

It looked like a girl was angry and ran away from home.

Could it be that?Did the two quarrel?


At this time, on a very deserted street, Kikyo was walking slowly along the street.

Although there are not many people on this street, there are only a few passers-by, but the passers-by around still have their eyes on her. There is no way, on the streets of China, a beauty in a witch costume , It is too attractive.

This witch is incompatible with everything around her, as if she is walking out of the painting, which makes people unbearable to disturb.

At this time, Kikyo, facing this strange modern city, also has a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"It seems impulsive, where should I go now?"

"If you want to find the way back, you have to go back to Xia Ruo, but I don't want to see him now, so let's stay apart for a while."


As Kikyo was walking along the road, a brown-haired girl with a peaked cap passed by her. The brown-haired girl was walking with headphones on her ears while playing with her mobile phone.

He seemed to be humming some unknown tune.

However, after passing by Kikyo for a few seconds, the girl suddenly stopped, turned her head abruptly, her eyes widened, as if she had discovered something extraordinary.

"Fuck, Kikyo!"

The brown-haired girl shouted excitedly.

"Huh?" Kikyo also heard the girl's voice, turned his head a little confused, and found that it was a girl he didn't know at all, and Kikyo didn't have the impression of that girl at all in his mind.

It's just that the girl looked shocked when she saw herself.

Kikyo asked curiously.

"you know me?"


Lin Chuyu is an anime house girl, a high school student, and a fan of Rising Animation. His favorite animation is "Inuyasha".

Although the animations released by Rising Animation are very good, the animation "Inuyasha" is obviously more popular with female audiences. Compared with the battle, the sadomasochistic plot is really unstoppable.

It is definitely a top animation.

Although "Inuyasha" has been over for a long time, she still can't help but repeat it frequently. The moment when the "Death of Kikyo" turns into light and disappears, I really cannot help crying every time I watch it. With the barrage, it is really easy to cry.

But what she didn't even dream of was that she could meet a perfect coser of Platycodon grandiflorum on the road.

When she noticed that Coser turned her head, Lin Chuyu felt her goose bumps all over her body as soon as she saw her face, and the hair on her back stood up.

It is difficult for Lin Chuyu to describe that feeling.

so perfect.

She couldn't help but come out'fuckin'.

It was like seeing a real Kikyo.

Platycodon grandiflorum is more difficult to cos, because the temperament is very difficult to imitate, even some refined photos of top coser, it is difficult to have the holy temperament of the maiden of Platycodon grandiflorum.

But the woman in front of her, whether it is Kikyo's hairstyle, witch costume, or cheek, really has no flaws.

Rather than saying that the cos skill is good, it is better to say that this woman is too amazing. Her beauty and temperament are very similar to those of Kikyo.

The only difference is the difference between the second dimension and the real world, but because it is reality, this real feeling of face-to-face is even more exciting, just like Kikyo is out of the second dimension.

"so beautiful!"

Lin Chuyu took off her earphones and rushed to the front of Kikyo, her expression was a little bit of excitement, her eyes seemed to flash, she wanted to hold Kikyo's hand, but she was afraid because of her personality.

"Sister, you are really beautiful, cos and the goddess of bellflower are so alike! Can I take a photo with you?"

Lin Chuyu held the phone and asked excitedly.

Kikyo looked at the girl in front of her. The excitement in her eyes did not seem to be false, but Kikyo didn't understand what she said, "I don't seem to have seen you before, and how do you know my name?"

"Name? I don't know my sister's name. My name is Kikyo, is it also called Kikyo?"

Lin Chuyu looked at the woman in front of her with some confusion, not knowing why the other person asked such a question. Of course, she would not associate the coser in front of her with the real Kikyo.

After all, it is still too bizarre for ordinary people to travel to reality.

Kikyo heard the girl's answer and frowned slightly, but she seemed to have noticed something and said, "You just said that I am very similar to Kikyo. Could it be that you know Kikyo?"

"Of course, of course I know Kikyo, I have watched "Inuyasha" several times."

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