I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 37 The New Animation World

Xia Ruo, who had just upgraded her attributes, felt that she had inexhaustible power, and wanted to go to a fantasy world to do a task immediately.

After all, compared to normal daily routines, doing tasks is quite fun, and it can also improve physical fitness.

The system gave him a new animation reward after completing the excellent evaluation of the task before. Xia Ruo originally thought that she had just completed a task and planned to take a break. She would lie down at home for two days, watch TV and play cats, leisure and leisure, but now Now that the upgrade was so comfortable, Xia Ruo suddenly had no rest.

"Cat and Mouse" is still playing, and four episodes a day can be played very quickly. The fan animations driven by "Cat and Mouse" can improve their reputation by more than a dozen points every day, which can be regarded as a long-term income.

The animation of "Light Tone Girl" is now on fire. When the popularity reaches a certain level, the release of "China Travel" is expected to reap a lot of prestige. After all, it is similar to the theater version of Fanwai, and the effect should be more powerful than the fan animation. a lot of.

Don't worry now. From this point of view, we can only see what the new animation is and which world it can lead to.

Xia Ruo chose to receive the new animation.

Ding!Receive new animation "Inuyasha"]


Xia Ruo was a little surprised to hear such a name.

This animation Xia Ruo has seen before. It is a very famous long-form animation. When it was broadcast on TV, it was very popular and it was considered a relatively classic long-form animation.

The plot of the story is very simple.

It is a very beautiful maiden called Kikyo guarding a treasure that can make people realize their wishes, the "Four Souls Jade". On the way to guard the Four Souls Jade, the Priestess Kikyo and the half-demon boy Inuyasha who came to snatch the Four Souls Jade Fall in love.

And the villain Nairo, who also wanted to grab the jade of the four souls, thought of a way. He used a strategy to make the witch and the half-demon misunderstand each other and kill each other, and then the half-demon was sealed and the witch was seriously injured and killed.500 years later, with the reincarnation of the witch, the heroine Higurashi Gewei travels to the past through a bone-eating well that travels through time and space, and unlocks the half-demon seal.

After that, the main storyline is to find the jade fragments of the Four Souls, Kagome and Inuyasha fall in love, and by the way find his enemy Naraku revenge.

It seems to be a very simple animation, but the plot is very rich, and the characters are delicate and emotional. Even after a long time, they can still be remembered, especially the impressive female second such as Platycodon, which is a good classic animation. Up.

As for why Xia Ruo was surprised, it was naturally the type of animation.

Unlike the daily animation, the light-tone girl, this animation is highly dangerous.

In Inuyasha anime, the world you live in is in the Sengoku period of Japan. It was an era of war, but it is not so much the Sengoku period as it is the era of monsters. There is an endless stream of dangerous monsters in the animation, and there is no shortage of terrifying monsters. Although there are good monsters, there are more fierce monsters.

Compared with monsters, humans are as weak as monsters’ food, weak and unable to resist.

The most powerful humans are the witches and wizards, but there are very few powerful humans. The humans who can compete with the big monsters are counted with one hand. The difference in combat power between humans and monsters is very large.

In this world, to be honest, the degree of danger is a bit high.

Originally, Xia Ruo thought that there would be new daily animations, or some funny animation world for him to play, but this kind of long-form animation with a high degree of risk was a little caught off guard.

Only lv1, do you have to face such a terrifying world?Xia Ruo had some doubts whether the evaluation of completing the task by himself was too high, and the system gave himself such a dangerous animation world.

"Do you want to give up?"

Xia Ruo thought for a while, his advantage lies in his familiarity with the plot, and his talent for reducing injuries, plus the ability to escape through spatial channels. To say that it is dangerous, it is actually not the kind of danger of nine deaths.

At that time, the heroine Kagome traveled through the past and was able to wander about in the era of monsters. On the one hand, she inherited the spiritual power of Miko Kikyo, and on the other hand, she was protected by Inuyasha.

"It's dangerous, but if I find the right opportunity, look at the person, and hug a strong big thick leg, it's actually not very dangerous."

Xia Ruo touched her chin, trying to find a reason to convince herself.

Even if it's dangerous, he still wants to go. It's Xia Ruo's character to like to die.

After all, in the era of going to monsters, the two words "youkai" alone have a strong attraction to Xia Ruo, he himself is a restless person.

"Go, it's so decided!"

If I made up my mind, I won't change it again, and the trip to Inuyasha World was settled.

Xia Ruo took out her mobile phone and checked the time. Now the summer vacation is not over. There are still more than 20 days before school starts. I stay at home for more than 20 days, so it's better to go to the second element to play.

Of course, to go to the fantasy world of Inuyasha, you still need to prepare. It just so happens that the cubic space you just got is useful.

Xia Ruo immediately took out his mobile phone to order things online, but to be honest, the reception of the Qingyin girl almost consumed his money, and he called and asked his sister to borrow some. Anyway, his father sold the surroundings for money. There will be no shortage of money.

After getting the funds, Xia Ruo began to plan and prepare for Inuyasha World Travel.

First of all, the living goods. The world of Inuyasha belonged to the Warring States Period. Perhaps you would have traveled to the wilderness after traveling through the past. I don't know if we can find a small village. So many necessities for life in the wild must be prepared.

Unlike the world of cats and mice, the worlds of cats and mice are sparsely populated and are based on animals. However, the people in the world of Inuyasha are still very shrewd, freely traversing between the real and fantasy worlds, which can easily cause some unnecessary troubles. , Such as being targeted by bad guys.

If possible, Xia Ruo didn't plan to cross at will.

However, the world of Inuyasha is still a bit weird. For example, Kagome, a modern person who passed through to the Warring States Period, did not cause much disturbance, and few people were surprised. It is like the future people are very common. Maybe it has something to do with the animation setting. Really, the crossing seems a lot easier.

The second thing to prepare is food.

There is generally nothing to eat in the wild, maybe you can hunt, but the effort and time cost consumed by hunting is not as good as going back to reality and ordering a takeaway, and even if you find a village, whether the food inside can accept it is also a question. Because many villages are very poor, it is estimated that the food will not be very tasty.

Xia Ruo doesn't know how far the difference between modern food and ancient food is, but the preparation is definitely correct, and delicious food will be useful when it is critical.

Some necessary snacks, tools and food for cooking in the wild, all need to be prepared.

Finally, there are some small gifts. If you want to live in a dangerous world, hold your thighs and live well, you naturally need to check the favorability of the characters in the plot, and the best way to check the favorability is something that was not available in the Warring States period Small gifts, not much cost, high rate of return.

Xia Ruo thought about it again and added a lot of things that might be needed. These materials are enough for Xia Ruo to survive in the wild.

"It's foolproof."

Xia Ruo looked at the cubic space full of her with satisfaction and nodded.

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