I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 390 Animated World Really Buffalo

Poetry is asking Summer, a Japanese-style advanced cake, girls seem to like to eat this kind of thing. However, Xia Ruo is not very much like to eat cake, and the cake here is completely good.

But the two are still coming.

The poetic is a quiet, so the topic is the initiative of Xia Ruo, and the atmosphere is not too embarrassed.

Through and poetry chat, Xia Ruo has also learned the timeline of this world. Today, it is probably the theater version just started, there is still a while from Ena's concert.

"That, although it is very embarrassed, but can you teach me how to use Augma? I still just came to Japan, even I bought Augma's stores," I have almost time in the dishes, Xia Ruo is said to poem Out of your own purpose.

"Augma? Oh, you are also very curious about Augma. After all, it is the latest research and development product, there is no foreign country."

To be said, the poem is a point in front of the void point, it seems to search for.

"Just, there is an Augma specialty store nearby, I will take you to see it, help you choose a suitable for you."

When the poem came in the second quarter, although it was a cold sniper, it was a very warm and enthusiastic person. The original Zhong Tong people are also very lucky. When I just turn GGO, I met the poem as a leader, introduced him about GGO's related game information.

I heard the poem agreed, and Xia Ruo's face showed a smile.

"Great, will you trouble you?"

Poetry is a drink in front of it, and there is no expression.

"Nothing, I have just happened recently, and I just listened to you said that you have nothing to say in Tokyo, plus you just saved me, can help you, I will definitely help, you don't understand anything You can ask me, there is no need to put it on my heart. "

Seeing poems, there is no expression when talking, and the summer is reflected, she wants to boast her, close the relationship.

"Thank you, Miss Chaoya, you are a warm good person, let me feel the warmth of the Japanese."

This second-year girl is actually a relatively simple and flicker, and there is no heart, just praise her, then praise her country like Villar, this girl will generally be blown.

Japan in this world should be no volveff,

Therefore, poetry is not completely unsatisfactory.

"Amount, this is nothing."

The poem is low, continue to drink drinks, although her tone is still normal, but she looks very good from her slightly hull.

"This foreign boy is very polite." The poems secretly looked at the summer. After this time, this time, the poem added a bit of good feelings to the summer.

"Right, Xia Ruo is very good, I can't hear it is foreigner."

It was originally a topic that caused a topic. Now the poem is also started to take the initiative.

Xia Wei looked at the poem, laughed, "My Japanese is good, I have learned Japanese for a long time, and I also have a lot of Japanese friends, but they are not here, I come here, I have to see Augma, This game can also introduce my country later. "

"So this is ah."

The poem nodded. In her understanding, the friend of Xia Ruo said is not here, that is, it is not in Tokyo.

Soon, the two have finished lunch in the chat.

Poetry also took Xia Ruo to an Augma's store.

At the spirit of poetry, she recommended a few different kinds of Augma, and the summer will choose a silver gray from which it looks like a pleasing eye.

Although Augma seems to be a headset from the appearance, it is actually a bit like the kind of circular card, when wearing it on the ear, there is a part of the back to the back of the back, and this paragraph possessed in the back of the mind is the key.

Summer is wearing a lot, this Augma equipment is much more much more than the imagination, it feels like a plastic product, but there is almost no feeling after wearing, no wonder people here are always wearing.

Xia Ruo also looked at the price, the price is not cheap, more than average mobile phone, may have some difficulties in the student party to buy, but the office worker is still acceptable.

Xia Ruo, now I will bring Augma technology to Hua Guo, there is no research and development cost, the price may be lower.

"How, have you selected it?" Shi is that Xia Ruo stopped, so he looked at Xia Ruo.

"Choose it."

Summer went to the counter pays money, the Japanese currency in the second year of the second year is common, so Xia Ruo does not have to be troublesome because of money.

Wear Augma, I can't wait to open, I have a newbie guide when I just bought Augma, and there is a poemide to explain, so Xia Ruo has learned this AR equipment, which is really a very powerful s work.

Obviously, there is no glasses, there is no thing in front of the eyes, but Xia Ruo is to see some data frames appeared in front of him, just like a mantramid, Summer, can touch the data box. Things, feelings are also true.

Summer touched the Augma equipment touched in the back of the back, and it was estimated that this device affected his own brain.

Xia Ruo also noted that the function of this AR device is not only reflected in playing games, even shopping, weather forecasts, social, can be seen on Augma.

In other words, Augma is essentially a mobile phone that can appear on the eye, and even replace the phone completely.

Summer has opened the sequence of series in Augma, soon, there is a registration to create an account link, according to the instruction, and the summer created a Swordsman account.

After choosing to enter the game, Xia Ruo found that the clothes on his body changed, just wearing clearly a set of ordinary casual wear, but in the game, Xia Ruo found that his body was changed under a stream of data, becoming A set of swordsmanship.

After extracting the weapon, the Summer Ruo's hands also had a long sword.


The more deep understanding, the more you feel shocked.

Because after clearing the game, there is no in your hands, but Xia Ruo is still under the influence of the game, still feels that there is a long sword in his hand, although it is not heavy, but it can clearly feel the weight.

Even Xia Ruo waved a long sword, after using a sword, Xia Ruo even felt the strength of the sword and the blank sound, and the reality had little different.

This is not scientific!

Instead, this is the technology side technology. Summer is more suspected of this Augma even mysterious side. Does the animated world do not pay taxes? The fantasy world is really dare to design.

The poem is an arms of the summer, I can't help but ask. "What happened, is it not used to?"

"No, just, clearly, I don't have anything in my hands, but I still can feel that I have a sword, is this reasonable? I always feel that the AR game is too exaggerated," Summer Ruo said.

When I heard Xia Ruo, the poem didn't think there was anything. She was a VR game old player, which is some understanding of this, so they explained to the summer.

"You don't know if it is completely sneak out? Augma is not ordinary Ar (expand reality), A simulation."

"The touch you feel in the game, and BGM is the feeling of simulating."

"Is that right?"

Although I heard the explanation of poetry, I still feel too exaggerated.

However, when I heard the five sense of the simulation, Xia Ruo suddenly took an idea, asked the poem, "Miss Chaoya, if there is an NPC in the game, then I am in the game, is it possible Touch her. "

Summer is thinking of this, naturally because of the fantasy implied temple draw plan to be carried out later.

Poetry is a white eye, how to make the child's mind is what you think.

"Yes, it can be touched, you can use the sword."

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