I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 397, I am not good, I am not good.

The story of the story of the sequence is faster than the summer.

Sao's BOSS will refresh every night, and many SAO events survivors have taken memory after being defeated by BOSS, although the protagonist of the sword is strong, but this realistic AR game It is still unable to play his strength.

Every time with BOSS, it is just a game for other players, but for the Sao survivors of Tongren, it is extremely thrilling, and it will be taken to memories, but in this case, the Tong people still To prevent these BOSS from continuing to capture the memory of survivors and find behind the scenes.

After you feel this, the pressure of Tong people is very much.

Fortunately, there is no clue in the Tong people. When you feel desperate, poetry is there and help him.

The appearance of poetry made the heart of the Tong people slightly warm, with poetry assistance, he would not be fighting.

Shi is not a survivor of SAO, so you don't have to be afraid of memory being deprived.

The Tongman's Belief, the poem is a remote.

These two have been cooperated again in the sequence dispute, defeating a lot of BOSS. At this moment, the Tong people seem to be a memories when and poems are a good memory.


"last blow!"

A slap.

With the last sword, the last sword, the BOSS is burst, the game world is slowly broken, and the world in front of the world will restore normal.


After solving BOSS, poetry is gently calling.

Here is the real world, and the BOSS consumption is not only energy, there is a certain physical strength, which is really unfriendly, continuous fighting, poetry is also exhausted for a girl.

"Tong people, only the efficiency of our two is too low, Otherwise, I will help Xia Ruo, and his strength has also seen it, and the summer is not a Sao player, I believe you can Help us, "Poetry wiped the sweat on the head and recommended the way to the Tong people.

When I was sent home by Xia Ruo, the poem received the contact information of Xia Ruo, and poetry is a certain trust in Xia Ruo.

"Xia Ruo?"

Tong people think about it, only who the poem is saying, but very fast, the Tong people frowned, and he is not good for Xia Ruo's impression.

"Is the last time that hangs players?"

Shi is the dislike of Tong people. She is a bit dissatisfied, "Tong people, even if you doubt that Xia Ruo hangs? The sequence is just going to get online, where is there soon? And I bought Augma with Xia Ruo, and I taught him to play, so I believe he did not open. "

The poetic is that after being sent home after returning home, I feel that Xia Ruo may be skeptically angry, and I will lie to open it.

She is a legend of Xia Ruo, and naturally knows that Xia Ruo is just Japan, and he just got Augma for a day, where there is time to install plug-in.

When the Tong people didn't listen to the poem, but not only this, he also used the doubt of the eyes to look at the poem.

"What is the relationship with that summer, why do you want to protect him? He is that you can admit it, the poem is the best to stay away from him later, it is not a good person."

Tong people don't know why they want to say this, maybe because he does not want poems and an exacerbated player, or there is other ideas, in short, Tong people heard the poetry to talk to the voice of the relatives That summer, Tong people felt uncomfortable.

"I am just a friend relationship with Xia Ruo," the poem is a calm explanation, but for the words of the Tong, the poem is also a slight dissatisfaction.

"I just said, Xia Ruo may not be opened, the Tong people don't believe me?"

I heard the poem is still such maintenance of a 'plug-in' player, and the Tong people are more uncomfortable.

However, after the dissatisfaction of poetry, the Tong people did not continue to argue with her. He intended to open the topic. "Inviting Xia Ruo, we should be able to handle this thing, and it is not very troublesome "


Shi Nai listened to Tong people say this, nodded.


"Right, poetry, this time, thank you, just good, your support is enough, or I am dangerous," Tong people Xie said to poetry, this time, it is much more than a poem.

"Then this person uses the Ginza's cake to pay back," Shi is a smile and invited Tong people, trying to date with the Tongren.

"The cake is even if it is better, it is better to use my cattle coupons to cancel it," Tong people refused to say.

"I don't want the kind of thing, then at least use your motorcycle to send me home." The invitation of the date is rejected, and the poem is once again proposing. It's so late, plus poetry is really tired, letting Tong people go home with his motorcycle car to go home.

Unfortunately, there is no waiting for the Tong people to respond, and suddenly there is a girlfriend's figure. This mysterious ghost instantly attracts the attention of Tong people.

"Wait, who are you!"

After seeing the ghell Ena, the Tong people suddenly chased it, completely ignored the poems waiting for him to respond.

Empty, the figure of the Tong people disappeared because of the chasing white clothes, only the poem is a person who is standing in place.


Not far, the summer hidden in the back of a tree fully observed this scene.

Seeing a wind blowing, the poem is alone stands in the same place, and the summer is really stretched.

The scene just happened in the original work. When Xia Wei was looking at the original, it felt that the person designed to design this plot is targeting poem.

This plot is very bad about poetry, helping Tong people are so busy, and even ask the poems to eat cakes to eating cakes and do not satisfying such a small request such as a motorcycle.

Even poems helped him play for so long, and Tong people did not give poetry, and there were some speechless.


"Shi Nai, I am so clever, how are you here?"

Just when the poem, I don't know if I should go to chasing people, her ear suddenly came out of familiar sound.

"It is you, Xia Ruo."

The poem turned over and saw Xia Ruo, who came to him. At this time, the summer was a faint smile, but the smile of Xia Ruo, poetry is not good because of a bad mood The reason, the expression is a bit stiff.

"So late, how are you here?" Shi is to return his expression and asked with Xia Ruo.

"This should be what I asked you, so late, why do you have a girl here? This is almost ten o'clock, isn't you getting home so late?" Xia Ruo asked against the poem.

Shi Nai heard that Xia Ruo was asked, it was slightly silent for a while.

"But I can encounter, it is also luck, I haven't dinked yet, I invite you to go to the Gintang to eat cake?" Xia Ruo is blinking against the poem.

I heard the two words of 'Ginza' 'cake', and the face of Shi Nai fierce, it seems that what I thought, she couldn't help but glance.

"Have you heard it?"

"Yes, I just came to the morning, 'happened to see a good thing."

Summer is still a smile, completely does not refute, "Shi, you will play games with him so late, but the boys don't want to ask you, I will throw you. Good ruthless, that Boys, unlike me, if I ask you to play games, I will definitely ask you to eat. "

Poetry: "..."

"Cough," Xia Ruo has coughed two times. He also feels that his green tea is a bit heavy, it may be that the recent closet is a short video of a piece of green tea is affected.

However, Xia Ruo is still looking at the poem, a serious, "How, the Ginza's cake? Go? I will help me so much last time, I said, please ask you next time."

The eyes of Shi Nai were staring at Xia Ruo. It was still a little depressed, but after the summer appeared, he listened to his voice, and the poem was that some of the negative emotions that had just generated suddenly disappeared, not so, Shi is still a good thing to do.

And she feels that Xia Ruo said, and the Tong people don't ask themselves. Is this not there?

"But ... here is a bit far away from Ginza ..." poem is still alleged.

"Nothing," Summer is full of hands, "I took my motorcycle."

The mouth of the poem is smoked. "Are you just coming to Japan? When did you buy a motorcycle?"

"I bought it two days ago, I am relieved, my motorcycle is bigger than Tong people."

Poetry: "..." ......

A few minutes later.

Just looking for the Tongmen who finished Bai Ya Na returned to the place, but he looked around, but did not find the trail of poetry.


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