I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 4 Fantasy World

After arriving in this world, Xia Ruo also found a window popped up in front of her eyes, which looked like her own system panel.

Name: Xia Ruo

Level: lv0 (10100)

This system panel is too simple to say.

"Strange, the panel only appeared after crossing into this world, not in the real world."

"The level is only lv0, what's the matter with this level, it seems that the reputation rewarded after the task is completed is the experience of the upgrade, but is there any special purpose after the upgrade?"

Xia Ruo temporarily closed the system panel and set his sights on the world he had just passed through.

"Is this the world of "Cat and Mouse"? It's completely different from the stickers in the animation, it's like a real world."

Xia Ruo looked around. The place where he appeared seemed to be an ordinary street. There was a big road in front of him. On both sides of the road were houses, a bit like the houses in the small towns in the American TV series. It really feels like the United States in the 1950s.

"There is no one on the street. This looks a little strange. Is everyone at work?"

Xia Ruo looked around, the whole street was very quiet, there was no one person, and the houses around the road were also very quiet. In such a good weather, no one came out to bask in the sun. In the world of "and the Mouse", then Tom and Jerry should be in a certain house.

Xia Ruo didn't rush to find the two versatile cats and mice, but became interested in this world.

"Is this really a real world? According to the previous system prompts, this should be a fantasy world. In other words, maybe this world is different from the real world." Out of curiosity, Xia Ruo was right. This animation world is explored.

Exploration is also very simple, just walk along the road.

It was originally an animation world, but after entering Xia Ruo, she discovered that it was actually exactly the same as the real world. If you want to ask the difference, there are a few people in it.

About five minutes later, there was a car on the road. Xia Ruo even found that many houses beside the road were unoccupied. It was strange, like a dead town, and Xia Ruo also found occasional rubbish pits. Stray cats all walk on their feet.

It's like the unreal world that seems to be real.

If there is no special reason, then the reason for the current situation should be the setting of the animation. After all, the protagonist in "Cat and Mouse" is an animal, and the frequency of human appearance is too low.

"It's different from the normal world. No wonder Tom is immortal. I don't know if I am injured in this world, I can recover like Tom."

"But it can probably be inferred that this is not the real United States of the last century. It is just that the buildings are similar, and the essence is still an animation world. Although it is an animation world, the settings are a bit weak, but this world is also functioning normally."

"It's funny."

Xia Ruo’s pace picked up. During the period, Xia Ruo finally met some walking pedestrians, and even some walking in groups. Interestingly, Xia Ruo discovered that those pedestrians spoke English, and they looked different and normal. Humans are no different, Xia Ruo seems to be in the United States in the last century.

"It feels like going abroad."

After walking for about an hour, Xia Ruo finally touched the boundary of this world. When she reached a position that was about to be far away from the residential area, it was difficult to go outside. Every time she took a step outside, she felt that gravity was getting heavier. It's a clearing, but it feels like being in a quagmire.

"No wonder it's a fantasy world. The real world can't have such restrictions, but judging from the plot of cats and mice, this world can't really be so small. Maybe this restriction is just for me, or else Just wait for the new plot to unfold and this restriction will be lifted."

Before I knew it, Xia Ruo had been exploring the world of "Cat and Mouse" for more than two hours. During this period, there was no more discovery, nor did I see the protagonist of this world, but the sky in this world has also darkened a bit. It's time to go back. As for finding the protagonist of this world, let's talk about it next time.

Xia Ruo really found the option of'return' in the system, and then chose to return.


With the sound of the system, a white whirlpool appeared again, and Xia Ruo was sucked in again. The next moment, Xia Ruo returned to his room, as if nothing happened just now.

"Is this crossing? It's a bit powerful."

Xia Ruo looked at her watch. It was already 8 o'clock in the evening. It was less than 6 o'clock when she first entered. It seems that the time flow of the two worlds is almost the same. After exploring for two hours, Xia Ruo is also a little tired. , It is better to explore the new world tomorrow morning.

However, Xia Ruo also made a guess about his own system.

It seems to have the ability to travel to the fantasy world, but it is still an animation work that requires a prerequisite, that is, the system rewards. However, the animation provided by the system is the animation of the previous life, and the animation of this world?

Xia Ruo thought for a while, and copied the hottest Japanese animation "Scarlet Lucia" in the world to a USB flash drive. This time, the system did not seem to be prompted to enter the animation world.

"Is it impossible to enter local animation? It's a pity. I wanted to go in and see if the animation world made by my father is really so unbearable. The characters in it were all designed by me. It's a pity not to go," Xia Ruo Showed a look of regret.

Xia Ruo fell asleep at ten thirty because of the punctual schedule, and the function of the system did not make Xia Ruo so excited that she couldn't sleep.


Early the next morning.

The sun was shining outside the window and the sky was already bright. Xia Ruo slowly opened his eyes. Fortunately, he didn't have to go to school today, otherwise, he should be late.

"Brother, get up!"

At some point, a girl with a single ponytail appeared next to Xia Ruo's bed, with a white face, wearing a white T-shirt and shorts, and her big eyes twinkling, just like a girl walking out of anime.

The only bad thing is that the voice is sweet and greasy, and there is a suspicion of malicious provocation.

Xia Ruo sat up slowly and glanced at his sister in a daze.

"Xia Meng, didn't you knock on the door when you came in? And who let you in my room?"

"Xiaomeng knocked on the door, it was loud, but my brother didn't hear it," Xia Meng said crisply, and then moved closer to Xia Ruo.

"Brother, go wash, let Xiaomeng fold the quilt, and Xiaomeng will fold it neatly."

"Xia Meng, get out!"

Xia Ruo really wanted to pick up the ponytail behind Xia Meng's head and shake it violently. How did this child become like this? A few days ago, it was obviously not like this. Is this sick again?"

"Xiao Ruo, did you bully Xiaomeng again and let her fold the quilt for you? How many times have I told you that your own quilt is folded by yourself," suddenly came the voice of his mother who asked loudly outside the door.

"I didn't," Xia Ruo responded loudly.

How could she be fooled by this kid again, let her fold the quilt, she should be sued later, and then despised by my mother, this stinky girl is very thief, always find a chance to frame herself.

"It's okay to be normal," Xia Ruo sighed helplessly.

"Huh?" Xia Meng put her index finger to her mouth, with a puzzled expression on her face, very cute.

Xia Meng looked at Xia Ruo with big pure eyes, and blinked twice, "Doesn’t your brother like this little Meng? The younger sister in the love game of "Sister x Brother x" I found in my brother’s schoolbag last time. That’s how it is said, isn’t Xiao Meng’s right?"

Did you turn out that game?No wonder this girl has something wrong these past two days, Xia Ruo feels a little dizzy, but that game is really not her own.

"That belongs to my classmate. His cousin came to live for two days and was afraid of being discovered, so all his treasures were hidden here, and I have already returned it to him."

"Do you think Xiaomeng will believe what you say?"

Xia Meng's simple face finally showed a smirk, "My stupid brother Yo, I recently fell in love with a little blue dress, more than 300 yuan, I want it, what should I do, I am really. I want it."

At this time, Xia Meng's way of speaking finally changed back to'I', which made Xia Ruo breathe a sigh of relief.

Just change back.

"What else can I do, I'll buy you."

Xia Ruo was a little speechless. In fact, if this stupid girl wants it, just tell herself no more. Is it a sense of accomplishment if she has to threaten herself with something?

After getting what she wanted, the cute expression Xia Meng had just disappeared finally, replaced by her usual arrogant and contented eyes.

"Brother fool, I quickly folded the quilt and came out to eat. Why don't you see you move for so long? I don't really think I will fold the quilt for you."

"Then can you go out first?"

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