I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 40 Tom, you can't go on like this

To be honest, Xia Ruo was a little frightened when the hundred-legged enchantress appeared above her head.

However, perhaps it was because the system's rewarded physical attributes were doubled, and Xia Ruo's mental quality seemed to have improved a lot, and he did not experience the embarrassment of being frightened with weak legs.

But if the monster wants to be scary, it's still a little scary. Even if he retreats all over now, his heart is still beating.

"Go again next time, be steady, that monster might squat on me for a day, I'd better go home first," Xia Ruo calmed down after drinking a bottle of Coke.

The first exploration of Inuyasha's fantasy world was over before half a day. According to the ratio of the real world to the fantasy world, Xia Ruo actually did not leave for two hours.

At this time, Xia Meng was lying on the sofa at home, playing with her mobile phone while shaking her legs, and when she heard the door opening, she was still a little strange when she saw her brother come back so soon.

It’s only an hour and a half after going out. Even if I just go to my girlfriend’s house and have a cup of tea, it’s not so fast. Doesn’t it take time to go back and forth?

"Didn't you go to your friend? Why did you come back so soon?"

Xia Ruo was a little embarrassed when she heard this question, why did she come back so soon?I can't say that I was scared back by the monster.

He looked at his sister, Tom watching TV, and the familiar furnishings in the living room at home. Suddenly he felt a very strange feeling. He was clearly chased by monsters in the Warring States Period, and now he seems to be back to normal daily life. life.

"Something happened to that friend, I'm not in any mood for the time being," Xia Ruo walked to the sofa and hugged Tom watching TV, trying to soothe the fragile heart that was just scared by the monster. .

"Little Tom, you are the cutest, let the master hug~"


Tom wanted to protest. He felt like a tool cat, but he couldn't resist and was slapped by the owner.

"What's wrong, did something happen when I was looking for a friend? I think you are in a bad mood." Xia Meng keenly noticed that his brother seemed to be different, as if he was in a bad mood.

Could it be that the other party is also a netizen who used to chat online, but this time Nianji failed?

Xia Meng started brain supplementing again.

"Xia Meng, you can't guess at all. I just saw how horrible things are. Alas, it's very scary. I'm afraid I will have nightmares tonight. Forget it, you won't understand."

Xia Ruo sighed and saw a monster with a terrifying appearance. For ordinary people like himself, it was still a bit too exciting, as he could tell by saying "horror" twice.


"Puff," Xia Meng couldn't help laughing.

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

Sure enough, Mianji failed. Xia Meng felt a little funny, but looking at her brother's depressed appearance, it was also a bit dark and cool. It made you not learn well and like to look for netizens on the Internet all day.

However, she was also curious about how terrible the Japanese female netizen could make a stranger like her brother feel terrified all day long, and possibly have nightmares.

It always feels hard to imagine.

Just relying on his brother's kind of fool, can scare him, is the other party a monster?

My elder brother is really peculiar. He hasn't even seen the other person's real appearance, so he is going to live with a girl. It's okay to teach him a lesson this time.

"Since the soul has been hit, and today's brother is so pitiful, then Xiao Meng will cook it herself, add two dishes, and cook a healing dinner for my brother, so as to soothe my brother's injured mind."

Xia Meng learned that her elder brother was in a good mood after eating deflated. She lied up on the sofa flexibly and sat upright and said, although it was a healing dinner, the tone of her speech felt more celebration.

But she really wants to comfort her brother. After all, she is her brother. When she is uncomfortable, she can only comfort herself, right?

"Well, it's my sister, I don't usually feel sorry for you in vain."

"Ha ha."

Xia Meng who put on her apron chuckled, but did not refute.

Xia Ruo feels that the sister who is usually very contrived, today is like a different person, and she knows how to comfort people, which is great.

After licking the cat for a while, and the comfort of her sister, Xia Ruo felt that her mood was better.

The dinner was very delicious, Xia Meng's craftsmanship is very good, and the dishes made by Xia Meng, who is in a good mood, are definitely of a chef's level.

"It's delicious, Xia Meng, your craft has improved again."

"Huh, of course, who do you think I am."


It's better at home, with a sister, a TV, a network, and a cat.

Why go to the wilderness to hunt down the monsters?

In this way, Xia Ruo, who was afraid of being squatted by the monster, rested at home for a day, and did not go to Inuyasha World immediately.

Touching Tom in his arms, Xia Ruo was enjoying the daily warm life, but he seemed to think of something suddenly, lifted Tom in front of him with both hands, and then stared at Tom carefully.


Tom was suddenly lifted by his master, and his big eyes were filled with doubts. At this time, he still didn't know what was going to happen, and he wanted to continue watching TV.

Xia Ruo looked at Tom, the little cat at this time. As far as monsters are concerned, Tom’s abilities are not weaker than monsters. At least Tom has a bug animation setting of the immortal body. Since he has no self-protection ability for the time being. If you bring Tom across, you can solve a lot of trouble for yourself.

Thinking of this, Xia Ruo's eyes turned to Tom.


Feeling the look in his master's eyes, Tom swallowed. It already had a very vague premonition, always feeling that something bad was about to happen.


Tom yelled, wanting to be cute and see if he can pass the level.

However, Tom's cute Xia Ruo directly ignored it.

"Tom, I have been observing you for a long time. I see you staying at home these days, eating and sleeping, sleeping, watching TV in the middle, and doing nothing. I have never seen a cat like you."

"Do you know? You can't go on like this."

When Xia Ruo said this, he touched Tom's belly with one hand and felt a little bit. Well, there is no sign of obesity.

"Let's take a look, what have you become fatter, your little belly is up."

"Tom, cats who are too lazy are easy to get fat. Once they get fat, they will get sick. When the cholesterol is too high, they will suffer internal injuries and heat stroke. You must have seen it when watching TV. Experts all recommend healthy In life, even cats must exercise."

Tom's eyes became horrified.

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