I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 42-You are not a kid

Many villagers were too frightened to approach when Miko Tsubaki was so deterrent, and a few children saw the monster heads rolling on the ground and immediately cried.

Xia Ruo felt that the Tom in her arms was trembling. It was such an ordinary cat who had never seen a monster, let alone a monster with such a big head, and his expression was so hideous.

"Don't be afraid," Xia Ruo soothed Tom.


Tom was better after being comforted, but Xia Ruo's eyes remained on Chun's body.

Miko Tsubaki is a villain with many scenes, and even her curse is one of the reasons for the beginning of the plot. If such a plot character with many scenes is online, it is possible to use the system to open the plot and make an animation. .

After all, after getting in touch with the characters in the plot, what he did was the plot, and maybe he could choose the camp at that time, and he might become the villain.

Xia Ruo has already moved the mind to start the plot. At this time, Tsubaki is wandering like Kikyo, and now it has not deteriorated. In the future, he will even join hands with Kikyo to eliminate demons. Maybe there will be unexpected gains in friendship with her.

After Tsubaki Miko finished asking, the old man who had just talked to Xia Ruo immediately walked up, "Miko, our village is not very rich, and we have just been attacked by monsters. Can you..."

The old man seemed to be unable to come up with so much money for demon removal, and he was bargaining there, and Miko Chun's expression became dissatisfied.

"Obviously you all agreed before, now do you want to go back?"

There seemed to be a slight threat in her tone.

The atmosphere suddenly turned into something wrong. Xia Ruo watched this scene and immediately had an idea in his heart. This seemed like a good opportunity.

The old man in front of her was going to get rid of the demon gold, Miko Chun was in a bad mood, and suddenly a young boy's clear voice came not far away.


Accompanied by this voice, a young man who seemed to be young and dressed differently walked over slowly.

Seeing the boy who appeared suddenly, the corner of Miko Chun's mouth was taunting, "What's wrong, do you want to persuade me to give up collecting money for demonization, and do good deeds for them?"

"Of course not," Xia Ruo shook his head, "The witches also consume physical strength to kill demons. There is nothing wrong with charging some rewards."

If you really follow Chun's words, persuade Chun to give up charging the poor people in the poor village, and seem to be a good good person to come out and speak up, in fact, it is a mother who persuades others to be kind.

Xia Ruo is not that kind of person.

"Huh?" Chun had a hint of interest. "Then what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is... Since I met today, the money they owe you for removing the demon, I'm out!" Xia Ruo waved his hand like a noble son, not caring about money at all.

Hearing these words, Chun's eyes changed when looking at Xia Ruo, as if she was looking at a landlord’s stupid son. She looked up and down at the young man in front of her. Judging from her dress and delicate skin, she did not look like it. Tsubaki still stared at the cat in Xia Ruo's hands when she was short of money.

"You look rich, so take it out."

Tsubaki doesn't care who pays, as long as someone pays it.

Xia Ruo didn't have the wealth of this era, but he took out a string of amethyst necklace from his pocket. This necklace was modernly processed. With the amethyst inlaid in the middle, it looked very precious.

Japan is not the origin of amethyst, so this kind of amethyst is almost invisible. The rarer it is, the more precious it is. Of course, unlike diamonds, this kind of amethyst necklace is actually not expensive online.

"I think this amethyst necklace is very suitable for Miko. I don't know if I can satisfy Miko." Xia Ruo passed the necklace in her hand.

Tsubaki's eyes lit up when she saw the amethyst necklace. The difference between her and Kikyo is that Tsubaki cares about her looks and likes to dress up, while Kikyo doesn't care about dressing up.

The workmanship of this amethyst necklace is very delicate, completely different from ordinary jewelry, let alone the amethyst that has never been seen above.

After getting such an unexpected gain, Tsubaki was in a very good mood. At the same time, she put the necklace away, with a smile on her face, "I am very satisfied with this necklace, but I did not expect you to use such a precious necklace to help these villagers. ."

Xia Ruo was smiling, without a trace of reluctance on her face.

"Not only that, in fact, I also think that only such a beautiful amethyst can be worthy of the appearance of the Miko. After I got this necklace, I have been looking for someone to wear it. It seems that I am very lucky today. , I found it."


After hearing Xia Ruo's words, Chun felt weird. She was very talented since she was a child and learned everything quickly. Someone might praise or fear her for her strength before, but it was the first time that she was praised for her appearance.

This feeling is pretty good, and the corners of Tsubaki's mouth are slightly raised.

But this boy didn't lie, he was so pretty.

At this time, Chun Yue looked at Xia Ruo more pleasingly.

"This necklace is very precious, and it far exceeds the reward for eliminating demons. You are also a good person. If you have any requests you can ask, I will not refuse if I can help you."

Suddenly receiving such a promise was something Xia Ruo didn't expect. Things went smoother than he thought. It seemed that his favorability was good. Fortunately, it was Chun. Although it looks beautiful and cold, it actually has a stupid IQ. not tall.

If it were platycodon, a chain of necklaces would not even be able to beat splashes.

Tsubaki is different from the high-cold woman like Kikyo, who loves beauty and is jealous. Although she looks indifferent and arrogant, she is actually more like an ordinary woman, otherwise she will not be played by Naraku. in.

"If you want to ask, I actually have a small request," Xia Ruo said while looking at Chun with pure eyes.


Chun left the village.

The hidden dangers of the monsters were solved, and the rewards were received, and Tsubaki had no reason to stay in the village.

It was just different from the time when he came alone before. At this time, there was one more person behind Chun, the boy who spoke nicely.

"So, your request is to travel with me?" Chun's tone was mocking, and his face also had a playful look.

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Xia Ruo asked in a puzzled manner, "I originally came out on a trip, but I was afraid of robbers and monsters along the way, so it's okay to go with the Miko. ."

"It seems that you really don't know," Chun shook his head, her eyes sharpened, "The so-called wandering is actually asceticism, it is a kind of tempering of the will and practice of the maiden, not a child traveling."

"Along the way, it's not just about facing monsters and beasts. When you can't find a place to live, you spend most of your time eating and sleeping in the dark. It's common to be hungry."

"Oh, I see."

Xia Ruo responded without emotion, this tone is the tone that Xia Meng hates most.

Chun frowned, not knowing why, he looked at the young man in front of him still so calm and calm, very upset.

She looked at Xia Ruo's neat and clean clothes and fair skin, and said sarcastically, "You are so well-protected at home. People who have never suffered. It is estimated that when I went to the mountains to eliminate demons, it was very It will collapse soon."

"Well, you are right."

Xia Ruo glanced at the camping equipment piled up in the space and agreed.

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