I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 436 Ghost Women's Home Resurrection Service

Only the first day, Xia Ruo received tens of thousands of people from the ever.

For this speed, Summer is also very surprised.

I have been exhausted by the animation of myself. I have a Tom Cat to find the animated protagonist. I can't make a few hundred expectations. I didn't expect to make a game, exploited the union, actually earn so much, really a evil door It's fast, if you are old, you are doing the same person, you have a long time.

Even Xia Ruo hopes that the original twenty-four hours has been open.

However, this is also thinking about it.

It is impossible to at least internal test.

With the hotness of the players, if you really open the world's world world, it is estimated that the next day will receive countless parents' complaints. If someone is hurt at night, it will also have a cooker in the original world.

In fact, let players take a break and discuss online can also increase the Spirit.

Moreover, now the number of universities is insufficient, and the union needs to rest.

I finally had a reputation in Xia Ruo. When I thought about how to spend it, Xia Ruo suddenly felt the movement of the Fantasy British Hall, and Xia Ruo quickly perceived it, and found that some people used the mall function.

The function of the Union Mall is also built in Xia Ruo, which is the first time.

When I think about it, I can't help it in the corner of Xia Ruo.

Union Mall.

The welfare mall truly established by the Unope, which is an opportunity for all the outcomes, and how the spirit is used.

Players in the real world are players in Xia Ruo, and the intention of the intersection is that it is also a player. It is also the fantasy , then Xia Ruo's own people.


Sword field world.

Because the Royal Broken Network, the Union has naturally been sent back to the original world.

In the home of Tong people, at this moment, Tongren, Yasina, and poems are sitting around the table.

Nowadays, they are three people, the rest of the people, are found by Tong people to leave, after all, the things they talk about are very important, and they are very secure, choose their home is the safest.

Three people's expressions are somewhat serious.

After all, the three of them have just experienced a bizarre incident like ordinary people who can't get into contact, just like ordinary people enter the main gods, that is, fear, and then a silk.

The first thing to break is Ayasina.

"Say," the original "game, you think that the items in the mall are true?"

Yasa is just a "primary" as a game of some mysterious power. After entering the game, it has also fully achieved the responsibility of the union. She has protected many players under the monster. She didn't think this. Where is the content of the game, just thinking that the Unit's setting is quite strange, and the type of upgrade of the general game is completely different.

Moreover, the Royal and protected people are quite passionate, and they have been cheering for themselves, which makes she become a sense of hero.

As for the items of the mall, Yasa has not yet looked at it, and has already quit the game, there is a resurrection props in the mall, or Tong people tell her.

When I heard the items in the mall, Yasina also felt that her three views were about to collapse, so that the dead is resurrected, this is not a game, not, it should be said that it is not a scientific means.

"It is very bizarre, but I still want to try it, always feel, the game is a bit strange," Tongmen frowned, seemed to be some details in the memories.

"Not just able to use Sao and Alo backup data reasons, in that world, I have always had a strange feeling, as if" the original "is not a game, but a real world."

"Moreover," the original "is too mysterious, and the way we enter the game actually do not need the equipment. If you hear the call, you can log in. Where is the game connected to our nerve? I checked, now there is no such part of this. Empty device. "

The poem is quiet and low, she doesn't know what to say.

"The original" is really strange, the poem is also known.

But she trusted Xia Ruo, I believe that Xia Ruo will not deceive himself, I believe everything that once holds my own man, I believe everyone can get the benefits from that game, she invited partners to enter "original", for The actual information of the game, the poem is also unknowing.

It can be seen that there is more trust in the poem.

This very simple trust may be rare in the real world, but in secondary yuan, I am willing to believe that a person's girl is very common.

"" The original "is not a game, which may be some things we can't understand. It is because of this, the things in the Ulit Mountain, maybe true," Tong people said that here, looked at the poem.

"Shi, can you contact Xia Ruo? This game is he gives you, he should know what."

The poem is shaken.

"No, I didn't leave the contact information at that time, but Xia Ruo said, we should meet soon."

"And he also said that if we entered the" primary ", we can get the benefits of" the original ", I think the items in the mall should be the benefits of Xia Ruo, I believe him."

Feeling the Trust of Xia Ruo, Yasa looked back at the poem sitting quietly.

She has always thought that the poem is a boy who is called Xia Ruo is a male and female friend. After all, they look so good, and Xia Ruo is also helping to solve his own missem, but I didn't expect that there is no connection.

Even the contact information does not leave the man who is running, it feels quite like a slag male.

Yasa shakes his head and should be much more.

And these are not the focus, the focus is the resurrection props.

This kind of thing, even in SAO, no, it should be said that it is a very cherished item, but in "primary" but it can be purchased directly. If you can really use it in the real world ...

A purple hair suddenly appeared in the mind of Yasa, and there was a long sword, a strong smile.

"Accommodation ..."

Asian silk muttered.

Among the hearts of Ayasina, there are people who want to resurrect, the purple girl who played games with her, the strongest swordsman.

Absolute invincible sword, unique sword.

It is so strong that it is so strong, but finally it is under the disease. If the resurrection is true, even if you pay any price, she must resurrect the girl.

On the other hand, I think of the resurrection, and the people who don't consciously think that the soft girl who died in front of her eyes, the first love is also the pain in her heart.


The idea of ​​the Tong people and Yasa are almost, and they don't have all the price, and they are resurrected.

Poetry looked up and looked at the eyes and Yasina. I felt that their two were in a certain thought, probably understood their minds.

"If you want to know if it is true, do you know this shortly?"

The voice of Shi Nai pulled the Tong and Yasina from the memories.

"The completion of the award of the 'ghost woman in the first-class,' as long as 500 reputation, compare some game macro props, too cheap, but also don't need to have a liver, although I just played a day, but 500 reputation Not much, you should make it, it is better to buy it first, "Shi is proposed.

Tongren and Yasina are opposite each other.

"Well, I will buy one first. If you can resurrect the child, I am willing to try," Yasina stood up, although she is not the first summoned British spirit, but because of her popularity and excellent Performance, Yasa also has more than 800 reputation, buy a resurrection.

As long as you think that you can resurrect, Yasa is a bit can't wait.

"Yes, we can try it first," Tong people also expressed consent. "

Speaking of doing it.

Although Yasina has already withdrawn from the original world, because the contract has been signed with the Fantasy Inn Hall, Yasa even if there is no in the original world, it can still enter the Union Mall.

Obviously didn't wear any equipment, but I saw that I had a shopping city interface in front of myself, and Yasa was still a little panicked, but soon, Yasina was adjusted and found his goal.

'Ghost woman's resurrection'.

Seeing the goal, Yasa chose to buy.

After the purchase of purchases, Yasina saw that the value on his account decreased by 500, followed by no sign, and there was a call law in the living room of Tongren.

A summoning law appeared in front of the three people.

"This is……"

Tongren, Yasa and poetry are standing up, facing the summoning faction, two girls are afraid of a few steps, and there is such a bizarre thing in the reality, for them only playing games. Ordinary people, it is really a big impact.

Looking at the two girls under the body, the Tong people will take the call of summoning law.

This summoned party is very similar to the British summoning law, but it is not so beautiful, just slightly flashing.

But even in this way, it seems enough to be horrified, after all, this is not a game, but the three have psychological preparation, nor is it scared to turn around.

"Hey, is the store finally open?"

Along with a cloudy harsh voice, the old lady wrapped in a blue demon was summoned from the summoning array.

The old lady wearing the old clothing of the powder blue, behind a bamboo box, stepped on a huge sickle at the foot, how to see it is a normal old lady, after she appeared, the temperature in the living room fell A few degrees.

"Who, who summoned my ghost woman, hey, the dolls I made, but the perfect art."

The ghost woman appeared in the living room of the Tong people, her appearance was very thrilled, even if she recovered some youth, her wrinkle was deep, and the two eye beads convex quickly, just like a strange talk. The ghosts are the same.

Of course, she is also ghost.

Even if the pottery is not good, she is also a hundred years of monster.

Seeing the true appearance of the old lady, Yasa and poetry couldn't help but swallow a sight, it seems to be a bit scared.

"It's you, do you want to find someone who is resurrected? Hey."

The big eyes of ghost women turned into two laps and stared on the three human beings in front of him. Here, this customer should be them.

It's just that the ghost woman is somewhat surprises. Under the accreditation of Xia Ruo, she has also joined the Fantasy British Hall, even in the hearts of Xia Ruo. So she has a little understanding of the Fantasy Inn Hall. In the view of Rutao, only the powerful power can join the Elir Temple, but there is a reputation to get it, but these three human beings are completely unlike guys.

Even ... weak.

Tong people looked at the ghost women who appeared from the summoning law, finally realized that the things in the mall may be true, and this monster, it should be the ghost woman in the introduction of the item.

She is a person with resurrection.

Tong people took a breath and kept calm.

"Yes, we summon you."

Ghost women Tao stared at this young man for a few seconds. Although this human beings are very weak, they are not worthy of prestige and enter the Elir Temple, but she is coming to earn a reputation today. I don't want to do some excessive things. I just want to complete the order. Hover.

Libao only wants to earn a reputation, then restore youth, and the rest is not concerned. Although these people were weak, they did not have a background.

"Resurrection can, but you have been labeled, and the resurrection, you need to provide bodies and ashes."

The nose of the ghost woman is moving, sniffing a few times, it seems to be aware of what, the ghost woman has a horrible smile.

"You seem to have not prepared ashes," Ghost women Tao will set their eyes in the forefront of Tong.

It is stared at the horrible eyes, even if it is a cold sweat.

The horrible eyes and oppressed feelings have been reminding Tong people, here is not a game, they are talking to monsters.

"Ah - I have forgotten it, but I have been buried, how can I get her ashes," Ayena hide behind the Tong people, this old lady was scared, Yasa did not even dare to see her. s eyes.

"Hey ... Even the ashes are not ready, you will dare to summon me, do you want me to resurrect with you?"

After a few times of laughter, the voice of the ghost woman became cold, and the temperature of the living room seems to drop.


Tong people are also panicked.

I'm waiting for someone to summon bad things, it is not a game, they are all ordinary people, I can't fight against this terrible monster, it seems that I have a problem.

Sure enough, using the weird shopping mall without authorization, too much, and the Tong people regret it.

Just then, the ghost woman was awkward, but this sound seems to be soft.

"Help to find a corpse, grave grave tomb, charge 300 reputation, need?"


Tongren, Ayena also has poetry to move his eyes to the body of ghosts, always feeling a moment, this mother-in-law's temperament changed, it became not so horrible.

"300 reputation, don't you, don't go, right, have paid the reputation."


Yasina was fastened to her, she did decided before, as long as she can resurrect, no matter what they are willing, this monster mother-in-law is a little horrible, but it does have the power that can be resurrected.

" ~"

The ghost woman looked at these little guys in front of him, as if I saw three fat sheep, and my eyes were very beautiful.

I am a long walking distance.

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