I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 49: The Great Linkage of Animated Characters?

The animation continues to play, Xia Ruo asks the way, walks to the village, and then encounters the Hundred-legged Enchantress. She is chased and killed by the Hundred-legged Enchantress. Xia Ruo rolls into the rice field and travels back to modern times.

Many barrage appeared in this plot.

"I rub, what a big centipede."

"Is this a monster? Brothers put fear on the public screen."

"Fear, fear, fear."

"What is this thing refined?"

"Why did you go back again? Is the protagonist's ability to go through?"


Xia Ruo returned to modern times, and was shocked by the monster that suddenly appeared, so she drank a bottle of Coke and was shocked.

However, at this time, a plot that even Xia Ruo didn't expect occurred, and he himself forgot. After he returned to modern times, he actually said a word to himself.

"The new world is a bit dangerous, and it looks like you have to be careful next time."


Because of this sentence, the barrage is another wave of explosions.

"new world???"

"Sure enough, it can be seen from here that the protagonist's ability is to travel through the world. Maybe the last time the "Cat and Mouse" fan animation was not a simple fan, but to pave the way for the plot."

"That means I can see Tom in the new animation? The linkage between the animated characters?"

"Hi, this setting feels like the rise animation is in the next big game."

"It's a bit too scary. Will the character of "The Girl with Light Voice" appear? It is impossible to link animations with completely different worldviews together."

"Gathering characters of different dimensions to save the world? I suddenly looked forward to it. Rise is really a magical animation company, and I dare to do it."

"Are you going to be so cruel? Ambition is too big."

"There has never been an animation of the same type, because if you want to link between animations, you must at least own the copyright of the linked animation, but if Rise Animation still produces animations at this speed, it may be really possible."

"Think too much. You have to do linkage. You must have at least a dozen high-quality animation copyrights. Now you have funny animations like "Cat and Mouse" and daily animations like "Light Tone Girl" that are more popular. , What can you link up?"

"Has no one noticed a mistake in painting? Why did a bottle of Coke appear out of thin air?"

"Yes, it just happened out of thin air, it looks like a mistake in painting, but this mistake is too obvious, is it foreshadowing?"


Just a single sentence of information caused the audience to have a lively discussion. It seems that they are very interested in the linkage between animations, but many people do not believe that it will succeed.

But the good news is that the audience did not find this setting unacceptable.

A protagonist who can travel to the animation plane, although from the setting, through the animation world is outrageous, but at least in the animation, in the second dimension, the audience can still accept it.

For example, if you tell them that someone in reality can travel to the animation world, they won't believe it, but the second dimension will be fine.

After all, everything happens in the world of animation. The protagonist often travels to another world, and there are types of animated characters who travel to reality.

Then the plot began to develop again, Xia Ruo was frightened and returned home to rest, then Tom cat appeared on the scene, Xia Meng also appeared on the scene, but only a few clips.

Next is the famous scene, Xia Ruo raised Tom, touched Tom's belly, and said.

"Tom, you can't go on like this."


Xia Ruo took a rest for a day, and the next day took Tom Cat to cross into the world of Inuyasha, and let Tom explore his way.


"Ahhh, it's really Tom. I didn't expect to see Tom in animations other than "Cat and Mouse", so I rushed to this. I'm going after this animation!"

"It's the same for me."

"Me too!"

"Famous scene: Tom, you can't go on like this (touch your belly)."

"Dog stuff, it's shameless to let Tom explore the way!"

"I really didn't expect that Tom would be raised by this person in the end. Oh, I want to touch Tom's belly too."

"It's satisfying to have Tom watching me."

"No one noticed my sister? My sister is also very cute."



Can this be a wave of heat?

Xia Ruo looked at the barrage on the computer in a daze. He ignored Tom at first.The audience is really simple. Tom is really his own baby, and he can make himself hot by showing up.

Tom’s IP is easy to use. It's a tool cat, cough cough, baby cat.

Well, in the future, we must give Tom a good meal so that he can eat well, and the hard-working staff should not treat him badly.

After Tom appeared, it was obvious that the popularity of animation came up.

In the plot, Xia Ruo found the village that was attacked by the monsters and got to know the situation with the villagers. During the conversation, Xia Ruo talked about platycodon again, which made the audience more curious about platycodon, what is it like? People, watching animation names, should be important characters.

Finally, the beautiful Miko Tsubaki carried a huge monster head and appeared domineeringly.

"The monster's lair has been eradicated by me, what about the demon gold?"

With a flick of her hand, the monster's head was rolling on the ground.

End of the first episode.


"Good-looking Miko sister."

"So cool?"

"Is this the Kikyo the protagonist has been talking about just now?"

"Look forward to look forward to."

"It feels so interesting. I also want to know how the witches and monsters will unfold, and what the protagonist will do in this world."

"For the witch sister just now, I want to chase after this time."


In the first episode, there are not many bad reviews. Xia Ruo took a look at his reputation. In a short period of time, his reputation has risen by five points. This is the animation just uploaded, and there are not many clicks. "Cat and Mouse" was made by the same person, and it only rose a dozen points a day.

Sure enough, compared with the same person, a positive biography has more influence. The current evaluation is good, and Xia Ruo is very satisfied.

Xia Ruo opened the second episode afterwards. The plot was the one in which Xia Ruo gave Chun an amethyst necklace. Watching Xia Ruo flicker, a lot of barrage floated out again.

They all say that Chun was cheated, shameless modern people, Xia Ruo is too insidious and cunning.

Later, at Xia Ruo's request, the two began wandering together.

The boring plot on the road was almost fast-forwarded. When a few pictures flashed, it was night. During the period, there were Tsubaki's psychological activities in the animation of the system.

The audience also knows that Chun is not a virgin, and he won't really just go on the road with an oil bottle.

She wanted to fix Xia Ruo in the evening, so that Xia Ruo would retreat, and the audience watching also wanted to see how Xia Ruo resolves this crisis.

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