I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 56 Tom's Demon Eliminating Trap

The fog outside the building is getting thicker and thicker. The heavy fog before was only moving on the periphery of the building, but slowly, even the house began to pour into white fog.

"It's coming, Tom, let's prepare together, set a trap, maybe we can kill the monster," Xia Ruo said seriously.

"Anyway, we have the means to protect our lives, and if the fog demon gets inside the house, it will use the fog method at a discount. This is also the best opportunity. If we don’t get rid of this monster, I’m afraid it will continue to find Tsubaki. Trouble."


Tom rolled his eyes, he felt that the witch must be fine, and the master must have thought too much.

"Let's start, there is almost no time, Tom, look for something that can be used to set traps. By the way, won't you set traps?"


Tom patted his chest, he is good at traps.

Just before the arrival of the monster, Tom began to arrange traps, and Xia Ruo was looking for a good place to prepare for the assassination.


Before long, the dense fog had completely entered the building, and it seemed that the monster had arrived.

Accompanied by the thick fog is a dark figure resembling a human figure, which is different from the outside. Inside the house, the thick fog is not as dense as outside, and the monster's figure can be seen clearly.

"Who the hell! Who did it!"

Accompanied by sounds full of murderous intent, the pitch-black figure walked into the house where Xia Ruo had defeated the snake monster. As soon as the monster entered the door, he saw the headless body of the monster, as well as the head that fell to the side.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Damn human beings, no matter where you go, I will chase you and kill you!"

The monster uttered a painful cry, and rushed forward to hug the fallen corpse, but the moment it rushed to the corpse, the floor behind it shattered.

A figure jumped out from the floor.


Xia Ruo used the assassination technique in his memory to hide for a long time, and finally waited for this moment, the moment when the monster was most relaxed because of grief, Xia Ruo decisively slashed towards the monster's head.

Maybe the monster didn't expect that the human being hadn't escaped yet, and it didn't react for a while. After all, no human had ever attacked it, or dared to attack it.


The monster reacted quickly and immediately blocked it with his arm. In the end, Xia Ruo's knife only slashed on its arm, cutting out a wound.

Although Xia Ruo was hiding well, that monster was not an ordinary little monster after all, but a monster with a special talent. His speed was very agile, and even at such a short distance, he could block Xia Ruo's sword with his arm.

"Human, great, you didn't run! You missed the best time to escape."

The monster licked his tongue and looked at Xia Ruo with murderous intent. He was already thinking about how to torture the human in front of him, whether to eat him in one bite, or hang him on the roof to dry.

Obviously it can run, but it still wants to stay and attack itself. This may be the stupidest human it has ever seen.

Seeing that her assassination failed, Xia Ruo quickly retracted the knife and stepped back.

"Um, I'm sorry, I said that you may not believe it. It was your wife who seduced me first, and it was also her hand that first acted."

At this time, Xia Ruo also saw the true face of the monster.

How to say it, in one word, it is ugly, there is no other adjective.

Some powerful monsters, in fact, have very high appearance values, whether male or female, even when the snake monster was transformed into a human form, it was at the level of beauty, but this monster was different.

It is a lizard monster wearing a black robe.

There was a lizard's head on his head, and the scales on his face exuded an icy cold light. There was a chilling feeling, especially the protruding eyes, which was even more disgusting.

Xia Ruo understood why that snake demon liked to seduce human men.

"Tom, your trap, do it!"

Xia Ruo suddenly opened his mouth and shouted at no one's place, which seemed to be a signal.


Tom responded, and then jumped out from the dark. The host needs him now. It knows that he should start performing, so Tom gently pulled the rope beside him.

Tom is a trap master, as well as a powerful mathematician and physicist. He can use everything available around him to make a perfect trap. It has made very good mouse traps before, but now it’s just a little improvement. That's it.

Just in a very short time, Tom went to all the other rooms, found all the available furniture, and completed a perfect trap.

The trap is working.

Xia Ruo and the lizard monster both looked curiously in Tom's direction, only to see a stick appeared where he finished pulling the rope, and then the stick knocked down a wooden barrel next to it.

Then it was like a domino that was toppled down, one after another, passing continuously. This is a chain reaction trap of more than ten processes, which lasted for more than ten seconds.

During this period, both Xia Ruo and the lizard monster focused their attention on the operation of the trap, and the lizard monster did not interrupt either.

The final process is to cut a rope with a sharp knife, and then at the end of the rope is tied with a big rock that looks at least a hundred kilograms.

The big rock hangs above the lizard monster.

When the trap was over, hundreds of kilograms of boulders were smashed against the head of the lizard monster, and it seemed that a bloody scene that was difficult for people to look at was about to happen.

However, the lizard monster raised his hand.


The boulder was smashed with one punch, and a lot of splashed rubble splashed on Xia Ruo's body.

The protruding eyes of the lizard monster glanced at the strange cat standing aside, then glanced at Xia Ruo with a bewildered look, and couldn't help but speak.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Tom, are you here to be funny!"

Xia Ruo is also speechless. This is the world of monsters, not the set of funny animation, so Tom, don't take the script of funny animation.

Sure enough, he could only take Tom to escape back to the real world first, and Xia Ruo slowly approached Tom's direction.

Just when Xia Ruo acted like this.

"I remember," the lizard monster said, staring at Xia Ruo's face with disgusting eyes, making Xia Ruo very uncomfortable, and the monster's voice also gave people a slimy feeling.

"I saw you before. You are the human who followed the Miko. At that time, the Miko saved you. I didn't expect you to show up and kill my wife. I regret why I didn't kill you at that time!"

Hearing Tsubaki's news, Xia Ruo stopped her movements and looked directly at the face of the lizard monster, "How is that witch?"

"Why, do you have a good relationship?" A cruel expression appeared on the face of the lizard monster.

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