I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 6 Speak English to Foreign Cats

From reality, you can bring things to the world of "Cat and Mouse", this is also Xia Ruo tested.

Tom was still fighting with Xiaoniao and Jerry. Xia Ruo took a look at the current situation. It seemed that Tom was already overwhelmed by Jerry and Xiaoniao.

"Now is the time for the hero to appear."

Xia Ruo patted the big fish in her hand, found a very obvious place, and then beckoned to Tom who was a little low because of another failure.

"Hey, Tom!"


Tom is hungry.

It is just a very ordinary cat, and it will feel hungry without eating.

In order to eat that bird, he chased and flew for so long, but failed, and then suffered various injuries and huge exercises. Even the energetic Tom couldn't stand it, and he hadn't eaten for a long time, and Tom's stomach began to protest.


Hearing the sound coming from his stomach, Tom looked bitter. He hadn't eaten meat for a long time. He thought he could eat a little bird and meat, but he blamed that nasty mouse for disturbing his good deeds.

It didn't believe it anymore, it couldn't handle those two little things by itself.

Although he failed many times, Tom was still unwilling to let go of those two little things like this. In order to get the meat, he needed more effort, and Tom was going to rush again.

What a poor cat.

But just when Tom was about to put on his wings and fly again, Tom felt as if someone was calling himself. Following the direction of the voice, Tom Blue-haired saw a human beckoning to him, with a gentle face on his face. Smile, looks like a nice good person.


Tom looked around curiously and confirmed it three or four times. After he was sure that the human being was calling himself, Tom cautiously leaned over.

Although it is a versatile and capable super cat, it is still a weak cat in its own right, with some natural fear of humans.

However, Tom Cat soon smelled the wonderful fishy smell coming from the person next to him. It was a smell that the cat could not refuse.

"Meow, come and eat fish."

Xia Ruo waved gently to Tom, just like calling an ordinary stray cat.

"By the way, Tom seems to be able to understand people's words. In this case... uh... ahem..."

Xia Ruo cleared her throat and made her pronunciation more standard.

"Tom, Ihaveafish, you comehere, eateat, goodfish, thisfish, verygood."

Tom: "Meow?"

Seeing Tom's eyes from dazed, slowly became thoughtful, and finally suddenly realized, Xia Ruo felt a little bit contented in her heart.

Sure enough, English is still needed to communicate with foreign cats.

Because Tom is a foreign cat, Xia Ruo did not use Chinese, but used his own half-hearted English to communicate with Tom. Although Xia Ruo's English is not good, but language is enough, as long as he can understand it, obviously it belongs to Xia Ruo. The English was good. After listening to Xia Ruo's English, Tom walked over slowly with saliva.

A British short-legged cat walking on two short legs is really funny. Just as Xia Ruo guessed, Tom was a little stupid and leaned forward unsuspectingly.

"Fish! giveyou."


Tom's saliva was about to drain.

Xia Ruo put the big fish in front of Tom, and Tom's saliva gushed out instantly, but Tom still double-checked whether the person in front of him gave the fish to himself.

"Yes, yes, giveyou."

Xia Ruo nodded. Fortunately, I didn't learn English for nothing in high school, and the first meal was to feed Tom, and I will talk about it later.

Tom understood Xia Ruo's meaning, and the whole cat jumped up and danced an unknown dance excitedly, and then disappeared in front of Xia Ruo's eyes like flying. This behavior made Xia Ruo a little strange, and he didn't eat Fish?

However, after half a minute, Xia Ruo got the answer. When Tom appeared again, he did not know where he brought a lot of cooking tools, set up the pot directly in the open space, and set the fire to start cooking.

The average cat may eat fish raw, but Tom will not, because Tom is also a cook who can read recipes and listen to food shows.

A cat suddenly started cooking. This scene is a bit too weird, but in this world, it seems to be a very common thing. It reminds Xia Ruo of a Ratatouille movie, Mouse You can cook, so cat cooking is not so exaggerated.

It's worthy of the second element, amazing.

One person and one cat squatted together like this, waiting for the fish soup to boil, unexpectedly harmonious, during the period, there were no small mice to bother, and it was smooth sailing, and the fish soup was ready.

After opening the lid, the scent is tangy, and I don’t know what seasoning Tom put in the pot. The scent floating in the fish soup makes Xia Ruo unable to hold it. It seems that this kitten’s cooking skills are quite good. .

Tom is a very cute little cat. When he found that he was the only one eating, he even took out the second tableware and handed it to Xia Ruo.

"Are you going to invite me to eat together?"

Xia Ruo didn't refuse. He was curious about Tom's cooking skills. He took the plate and tasted Tom's cooking. After the tender fish entered, a delicious taste spread on Xia Ruo's tongue.

"Good, good, verygood."

Xia Ruo praised Tom’s cooking skills in her own half-hearted English, not a lie. Tom’s cooking skills are very good. It should be the reason for listening to food broadcasts. The cooking skills are no weaker than ordinary small restaurants. Maybe it opens. A restaurant can feed itself.

Tom was also very happy after hearing Xia Ruo’s praise. Today is a very lucky day for him. Not only can he eat delicious fish, but also humans praise himself. This makes Tom very happy. He uses his body happily. Rubbing against Xia Ruo's body, just like an ordinary clingy cat.

"Good meow."

Seeing such a clingy kitten, Xia Ruo couldn't help but stretched out her hand and slid on Tom's body, gently rubbing Tom's silky hair.

Slapped the top of Tom's head.

Tucked Tom's chin.

Tucked up Tom's small neck.

During the period, Tom did not make any resistance. Even from its performance, it seemed that he enjoyed being slapped by others. There was no resistance at all. Tom let Xia Ruo put his hands on it so easily. Xia Ruo's hands kept running across Tom's body. Various parts up and down.

A legendary cat was turned into the shape Xia Ruo wanted in Xia Ruo's hands.

"Although it is a legendary cat, its habits are still the same as ordinary cats. Moreover, the cat is the same as the rumors. It can be addictive. It would be nice if you can continue to use it like this in the future."

Xia Ruo thought about it as he fluttered.


"Haha, stop it, Tom, it's too itchy..."

"Stop licking, it's itchy..."

Xia Ruo smiled and pulled Tom, the slimy blue cat, from her body. After playing with Tom today, one person and one cat were already very familiar with each other.

To be honest, Xia Ruo prefers a smart cat like Tom. Cats in reality are too stupid.

Xia Ruo once touched ordinary cats. I don’t know why. Those stupid cats know that their wise quotient is not high, and they are stupid to die. However, Xia Ruo can always clearly feel that the eyes of those cats with low IQ look at humans. Kind of slight contempt.

Being despised by stupid cats is the most angry.

Any cat who is smarter and a little self-aware would not regard himself as his master.

But with Tom, I don’t feel that way anymore. Xia Ruo can feel that Tom really likes himself, and he can be fooled by just a fish. This is a bargain.

But I couldn't keep playing. It was time to go back. After that, Xia Ruo explained to Tom in his half-hearted English for a long time before explaining to Tom that he was going home.

"I'm going home, Tom."


Tom seemed to be reluctant to walk like Xia Ruo, and looked at Xia Ruo's leaving figure pitifully. After all, there are too few human beings so good to him. The owner of the family, to be honest, is still a little rough.

Xia Ruo waved his hand at Tom and made a goodbye gesture. Looking at the reluctant Tom, Xia Ruo walked into a white whirlpool at a corner and disappeared into the world.

Xia Ruo yawned when she returned to her bedroom.

Although it's comfortable to run a cat, you still have to be restrained and not too addicted to it.

In the world of "Cat and Mouse", Tom made Xia Ruo more interested. As for mice, Xia Ruo didn't like it very much. And after playing with Tom for so long, Xia Ruo didn't have a task to trigger the system. Could the task only be Does the real world trigger?

Not sure.

Just when Xia Ruo thought that this trip back was the same as before, Xia Ruo's eyes scanned the computer screen, but found some abnormalities. Using the U disk folder that opened the world channel, after he came back, there were more Created a folder called "Cat and Mouse-New".

This is absolutely nothing before. Xia Ruo is sure that there was only one folder of "Cat and Mouse" before. What happened to the newly appeared folder? What special U disk was triggered by himself in the world of "Cat and Mouse" Mechanism?

With doubts, Xia Ruo opened the newly appeared "Cat and Mouse-New" folder. What appeared in the new folder was a video file with the file name'Video 1', which looked normal.

After Xia Ruo opened this strange video and watched it for a while, the expression on her face was a little weird.

This is an animation.

Xia Ruo couldn’t be more familiar with the content of the animation. It’s what happened today when he traveled through the past. Tom and a human were doing fish-eating together, and then he was slapped by the human. The animation seems to have been edited. The events of the afternoon are in the video. It only appeared for a few minutes, which was about the same length as the feature film of "Cat and Mouse", and the storyboarding and painting were good, and the production was exquisite.

Xia Ruo found that the second element of herself is quite handsome, 80% similar to herself, except that the style of painting is somewhat similar to that of "Cat and Mouse".

"Will the fantasy world after my own influence be recorded by this USB flash drive and then turned into a part of the animation "Cat and Mouse"?"

"The "Cat and Mouse" animation rewarded by the system will directly record everything I did in the fantasy world. No, my shopping yesterday was not recorded. This shows that at least I have to communicate with the animated characters to be recorded, or say It’s possible that what you did has the meaning of being made into an animation is recorded."

Xia Ruo checked the episode of "The Flying Cat" in the original "Cats and Mice" and found that the plot in the original work has not changed, and there is no extra self, so you can infer that the newly appeared files The clip should be produced independently and does not affect the original plot.

"It's interesting. It can't affect the original plot, so I'm not afraid that the original story will be destroyed by myself. This kind of function is good as a pastime. Maybe it's really broadcast, and I can become a big star."

Ding!Fantasy world mission released.

[Task requirements, in the fantasy world, complete an animation with the host as the protagonist, and publish it, the plot is not required, the minimum number of episodes is 12, the click breaks one million, and the time is one month.

[Unknown reward, failure reputation -5.

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