I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 61: Why is there a monster behind this picture?

After crossing the passage of time and space, Xia Ruo returned to the real world.

Turning on the phone, there really were a few missed calls in it. This is normal. Even if the time ratio is 1:2, I have been away from home for a week now, and it is normal to be worried.

However, Xia Ruo said in advance that there might not be a signal where he went, so don't worry if they can't make a call.

After Xia Ruo came back, he didn't go anywhere else, but went straight back home. As soon as he walked in, he saw Xia Meng and his mother watching TV. There were still ten days before school started, and Xia Meng did not go to school either.

"I am back."

"Xiao Ruo is back, why have you been out for so long, and there is no signal to call you in the middle," Xia Ruo's mother seemed a little unhappy.

"It's only been a week, didn't I say it? My friend is on the mountain and the signal is not good," Xia Ruo explained.

"Tom, I miss you so much," Xia Meng still directly, rushed over and hugged Tom, without even looking at Xia Ruo.


Tom was helplessly rubbed again, but he was very calm. Knowing that it was a disaster, he did not resist, but enjoyed the feeling of being beaten up.

"Huh? Don't you miss your brother? Am I not as important as Tom?" Xia Ruo asked after a glance at his sister.

"Of course it is Tom that is more important, you... um..." Xia Meng gasped, "Okay, okay, although it's not as good as Tom, but I also miss your brother, what about your gift? Bring me No more."

Hearing that his sister asked for a gift, Xia Ruo suddenly felt a little grateful to Tsubaki. He had forgotten about bringing the gift a long time ago. If it weren't for Tsubaki's guard, he would really be empty-handed when he came back.

But I can't blame Xia Ruo, there is really nothing good to bring, so I can't bring a little monster back.


Xia Ruo took out the guard given by Tsubaki from his pocket and put it in Xia Meng's hand.

"What is this, phone pendant?"

Xia Meng picked up the guard and looked at it. She seems to have seen this kind of thing in Japanese TV series and movies. It should be something similar to amulets. Many Japanese like to wear this kind of thing, with delicate patterns. It was also very mysterious. When she encountered this thing, she felt her body relaxed a lot.

It's so amazing?It's kind of awesome.

"It's a Japanese amulet. It was given to me by a very powerful witch-girlfriend. It is very valuable and must be kept carefully," Xia Ruo said, and took out another one and gave it to his mother.

"Mom has it too."

Xia Ruo's mother happily took it, and after complimenting Xia Ruo, she took it with her.

"What! Miko!"

Xia Meng noticed the word Miko. She seemed very interested and her voice became louder. Xia Meng has recently studied Japanese and learned about some Japanese culture. Naturally, she knows what Miko means. In Japan, Miko is the spokesperson of the gods. Rare and mysterious profession.

"It's actually a Japanese maiden. Brother, you can even know a maiden. That's too amazing." Xia Meng really looked at her brother with an admiring look this time. Even if her brother cheated, he could deceive the maiden. This skill is not easy.

"Miko? It sounds a bit mysterious." Although Xia Ruo's mother didn't know what Miko was doing, she could guess a general idea from her name, but she didn't care about it.

"I didn't expect Xiao Ruo to go out with a girl these days. Didn't he say that he was just an ordinary friend? What about the girl who came back to our house?"

Xia Ruo's mother's smile felt a little dangerous.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xia Ruo coughed violently.

There are some things that I can’t explain to my mother, because the explanation can only become more chaotic the more you explain. This is years of experience, so Xia Ruo gave up the explanation and ran back to her room.

But what Xia Ruo didn't expect was that Xia Meng actually followed him in.

"What are you doing?" Xia Ruo asked puzzledly.

"Miko, do you have any photos of the Miko you just mentioned? I haven't seen the Miko, brother, hurry up and show Xiaomeng the photos, let me see," Xia Meng suddenly began to act like a baby. She was really curious about the witch.

"Okay, let me look for it," Xia Ruo really couldn't stand it anymore. After all, it was his sister who was acting like a baby at herself. There was no other way but to search through the phone. He remembered that he took a few photos of Tsubaki. .

"Brother, are you going to live with the witch's house these days?" Xia Meng asked suddenly curiously.

"Ahem, how could it be possible? I've been camping on the mountain with my witch girlfriend these days. If you don't believe me, I will show you the photos." Xia Ruo has already pulled out the photos of camping with Chun from her mobile phone.

"Let me see, let me see."

Xia Meng hurriedly approached, with a little excitement, and said "Let me see" twice in a row. She was staying at home these days. She didn't expect her brother to travel with the maiden. I was really envious.

Xia Ruo looked for a good photo and showed her the cell phone.

"This is a photo of us roasting on a fire on the mountain, this is a photo of me and Tom leaning on a campfire, this is..."

In fact, Xia Ruo took a lot of photos. After all, it was a trip. Some interesting scenes were taken by Xia Ruo. Of course, Tsubaki was indispensable. The clothes Tsubaki wore were the kind of clothes that were incompatible with modern times. They were very conspicuous. .

Tsubaki’s exquisite face in the moonlight or against the bonfire, even if she doesn’t have a beautiful face, her beauty can be surprised by the photos, but Tsubaki’s individual photos of Xia Ruo are not many, most of them are with Xia Ruo. Group photo.

Xia Meng couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw Chun, she was really shocked.

"It's so beautiful, and it feels so temperamental. There is a mysterious feeling. Is this a maiden? It is more temperament than I thought. Brother, you can actually know such a beautiful maiden."

"It's pretty, and I tell you, this witch is very powerful."

"What does it mean to be strong?" Xia Meng asked puzzledly.

Xia Ruo realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and immediately explained, "I was wrong. Tsubaki is a very powerful maiden, that is, the maiden has very rich professional knowledge and has done very well in activities such as worship and prayer. She is a very famous witch in the local area."

Well, the knowledge of demon and curse is also very rich, Xia Ruo did not say this point.

"Oh, that's it," Xia Meng nodded, indicating that she understood. "From the mysterious temperament, we can see that she is a very powerful witch. As expected, her name is Chun, and the name is also Good to hear."

"Eh, what's the matter with this photo? Brother, why is there a long strip of thing flying behind you, and there is a face on it, it's so scary," Xia Meng suddenly pointed to a photo and asked Xia Ruo. This picture is the photo of Xia Ruo and the monster before.

It's over, forget about it.

"Oh, this is a special attraction installation in our camping area. It is designed to help tourists take supernatural photos. The monsters inside are actually props, so it looks realistic."

"So it's like that," Xia Meng nodded looking at the photo.

"It's really realistic, it's like taking a photo with a monster."

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