I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 73 Dead Tree Spirit Wants to Kill Memories?

Xia Ruo was very painful when she was hit, her whole body ached, and her head bleeding.

Just now, his head was hit and stuck in the rock. He just felt that the pain was already very good, at least it didn't affect his movement, and his forehead was just scratched. It seemed that Reality lv2 was much stronger than before.

Xia Ruo felt that this talent was easy to use before. To put it another way, Xiaoqiang, who could not be killed, was simply a necessary talent for the protagonist.

Without this ability, it would be too embarrassing to go to the second dimension to shoot a movie, and as the protagonist, it was only seconds away by a little monster.

The face is gone, will you make your debut as a funny character?

Xia Ruo couldn't afford to lose that person.

He had imagined before that the fastest way to earn popularity and prestige is to crush with one punch. If there is no way to do it, he can only be defeated countless times like the protagonist in the blood animation, and then stand up countless times. , Roar a few times.

Even if it’s a bit badly beaten, as long as he can stand up and speak loudly, he is still a good guy, and maybe even the full screen of barrage is like "burning cry" and "tears eyes". Soaring.

The routine is old-fashioned, but useful.


The blood on his head was still flowing, but Xia Ruo didn't wipe it off. He clenched the long knife in his hand with both hands and stared directly at the tree monster in front of him. Xia Ruo knew that this should be the first battle he was facing.

The vines of the fruit tree look on the human face are constantly creeping, seeming to be suppressing, waiting for the outbreak.

"Die me, human!"

This time there are more vines, dozens of hundreds of vines flooded towards Xia Ruo, like a storm. Xia Ruo quickly defended and possessed the power of reality. Xia Ruo blessed that mysterious power in his hands. With the knife, the vines can be cut easily.

The scene of the battle at this time was the storm of vines hitting the defensive sword net formed by Xia Ruo with knives.

Continuously wielding swords, Xia Ruo's swordsmanship is also more proficient, and his power control is also becoming stronger, but there are still many vine attacks that cannot be blocked.


The vines with omissions were constantly beating on Xia Ruo's body, and blood stains were drawn on Xia Ruo's body, and the clothes he was wearing slowly became torn.


It hurts.

It's like being beaten by a teacher at school.

As soon as Xia Ruo gritted his teeth, he held it abruptly, without taking a step back because of this fierce attack. The sound of vines hitting Xia Ruo made the scene even more majestic.

Behind Xia Ruo, the Chung who was protected by Xia Ruo received no attack.

Just looking at the back that had been blocking him, Tsubaki's expressionless face, his eyes were a little red, and his teeth were on his lips.


The battle continued for a minute.

Xia Ruo couldn't hold it anymore, the opponent had attacked too much, even if his physical strength had increased a lot, there would still be times when he would run out, but if he was just defending, there would be no way to take the tree monster.

"Tom, it's up to you, take Tsubaki away!"


Tom agreed. It watched the scene for a long time. It’s not that Tom just couldn’t help. It’s just that Tom was unexpectedly smart, able to match the owner’s brainwaves. It even felt that the owner obviously didn’t need himself just now. If you help rashly, the owner might get angry.

So it is watching the play next to it while waiting for the owner's instructions.

Sure enough, the master thought of it when he couldn't hold it.

Tom rode a broom and pulled the Tsubaki away from behind Xia Ruo. It is unscientific. A little cat pulled up a human with its paws. Tom took Tsubaki to a place where the human face fruit tree could not be attacked. .

Only when Tom was taken away, Chun still looked at Xia Ruo's position worriedly.

Without Chun to take care of, Xia Ruo also let go.

After cutting off the vines, he began to charge towards the human face fruit tree. The blessing of physical fitness made Xia Ruo make a lot of superhuman actions. At this time, Xia Ruo Tonggu and Ren, Tanjiro Otomen were possessed, and they were smashed all the way. The dryad's vines could not stop him.

"Humans, taste this!"

Human Face Fruit Tree watched Xia Ruo rush towards him, without panic in the slightest.

The vines that attacked Xia Ruo grew flowers again, and dozens of flowers sprayed out poisonous fog, creating a purple poisonous fog area, which instantly enveloped Xia Ruo's body.

Chun just accidentally got hit because of this poisonous mist.

Many professional anti-monsters have professional anti-virus masks. Experienced people can also hold their breath instantly when encountering poisonous fog. However, the poisonous fog of Dryad is different. This is the trump card of its demon power against humans. It can penetrate Skin, otherwise Tsubaki won't be hit so quickly.

That human might not be able to hold it.

Da da da……

The poisonous fog enveloped Xia Ruo, but the footsteps inside still did not stop, just two seconds before Xia Ruo rushed out of the poisonous fog.


Human Face Fruit Tree unexpectedly saw that human being rushed out of the poisonous fog, and the vines all over him were trembling constantly, which seemed to be too shocking or fearful.

How is this possible, is this human skin also protected?

In fact, Xia Ruo's skin is really protected. With the protection of Xia Ruo's real talent, the weak damage of poisonous mist has not penetrated into Xia Ruo's body.

"how can that be!"

The human face fruit tree uttered a desperate roar. It occupied the pig demon's body and gained the demon power of the pig demon, but it also inherited the characteristics of its slow movement speed. It was impossible to escape. No matter how many vines were If it were cut off, it would have been powerless to stop Xia Ruo.

"Impossible, impossible, my body is invincible, my body is dozens of times the hardness of the vine, and his knife cannot hurt me..."

Human Face Fruit Tree comforted himself like this, looking at Xia Ruo who had rushed in front of him, the vines all over it turned into shields, defending his huge body.

"You can't hurt me!!"

Xia Ruo, who rushed in front of the Human Face Fruit Tree, had no expression on her face, ready for a slashing movement, aimed at the demon body of the Human Face Fruit Tree, and said softly.

"Cut off the illusion!"

"Do not!"


A knife flashed, in the horrified eyes of the human face fruit tree, its steel-like monster body was directly cut open by Xia Ruo, but with such a thick body, Xia Ruo did not cut it in half with a single knife.


With a few more strokes, Xia Ruo completely separated the demon body of the human face fruit tree, completely severing its fantasy.

"I just died...by human...killed...obviously I have been...for so many years..." Human Face Fruit Tree hasn't died yet, his tone is a bit low and unwilling.


Seeing that it was not dead, Xia Ruo made another cut.

The dead tree spirit still wants to have a memory to kill?

"You are too weak. In addition to poison, your attack, defense, and speed are completely incapable. You are just a little monster," Xia Ruo said, shaking his head.

Following Xia Ruo's words, the demon body of the human face fruit tree slowly turned into ashes, floating in the air with the wind.

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