I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 75 Someone Speaks Bad About Me Behind

Above the cliff.


Chun leaned on Xia Ruo's body and suddenly sneezed.

"What's wrong, have you caught a cold?" Xia Ruo asked with some worry, and at the same time looked at the blanket on Chun's body to see if it was not covered properly.

"No, I don't know why I sneeze inexplicably, maybe someone is saying bad things about me behind my back," Tsubaki rubbed her nose with her little hand and said.

"Nonsense, how could someone be ill of Miss Chun behind," Xia Ruo stretched out her hand, touched her forehead, and then placed it in front of Chun's forehead.

"Let me see if Miss Chun has a fever."


Chun did not move quietly, watching Xia Ruo taking his body temperature.

"Miss Chun, your forehead is really a bit hot, it seems that you have a fever, you must have just caught a cold on the stone wall, I will go get some anti-fever medicine," Xia Ruo said in a worried tone.

"Don't, just let me lean on like this, and take the medicine later."


Just as Chun was leaning against Xia Ruo, and the two of them were looking at the burning human face fruit tree on the top of the mountain, feeling the peace after the battle, an unknown voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Qua", "Qua", "Qua"...

Little black dots slowly appeared in the distance. At the last moment before the sun set, new monsters appeared.

Overwhelming corpse dancing crows flew over, about a thousand. These crows are a very common flying monster, like to devour humans, and at the same time, they will penetrate into human corpses and control humans.

Seeing so many corpse dance crows, Xia Ruo's original relaxed expression slowly disappeared, and he felt Chun approaching closer and closer to his body.

At this time Chun is the weakest time,

Why are there so many corpse dancing crows?

Is it because of the fire on the top of the mountain?It’s not like this. So many corpse dancing crows appear. It’s not normal. There must be something important. Or, they are targeting the fruit of the human face fruit tree. Some corpse dancing crows found the fruit, so all Clan dispatched to compete for fruit trees?

It's a little troublesome.

Tsubaki still has no strength in his body, and he has no good way to deal with such flying monsters. Once he is entangled by so many corpse dancing crows, he might die. Could it be said that Tsubaki can only be brought back to modern times?

"Are you afraid?" Chun suddenly raised his head and looked at Xia Ruo.

"It's okay, I won't let you have an accident," Xia Ruo smiled softly at Chun, motioning her not to worry.

"Yeah," Chun nodded.

After fighting with Human Face Fruit Tree, Xia Ruo's relationship with Chun had obviously changed.

However, just as the corpse dance crows all over the sky were about to approach, an arrow shot from nowhere, like a meteor, flew to the center of the crows.

With a mysterious light, the ordinary-looking arrow exploded among the crow monsters.

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

The dazzling light illuminates the evening sky, and the light from that huge spiritual power makes it difficult to look directly at it. In just an instant, nearly a thousand corpse dance crows were crushed into powder by that terrible demon-breaking power. Dissipated in the air.

There was no screaming.

Thousands of monsters were wiped out with an arrow.

"The arrow of the devil! It's Kikyo, and that woman is nearby too!"

Chun saw this scene, her eyes widened slightly, and subconsciously, she was a little upset, but relying on Xia Ruo, she suddenly couldn't remember why she was upset.

Did your head feel dizzy after the injury?

"It's pretty, the arrow just now looked like a firework," Xia Ruo said, looking at the demon-breaking arrow after it disappeared.


Chun's mind didn't turn around. She always felt that she and Xia Ruo's way of thinking was a little different. Is the powerful demon-breaking power that was just now just beautiful in his eyes?Just like the moon that he looks at every day, he can say that the moon is beautiful.

But if you think about it this way...

After thinking for a while, Chun also nodded in agreement.

"Well, in fact, the power of demon-breaking is a little better. The stupid woman of Kikyo, why not shoot two more arrows."

The demon-breaking arrow that appeared suddenly turned into a firework in Xia Ruo and Chun's eyes, and they even disliked only one.


When the bow was closed in the distance, Kikyo, who was about to go, suddenly sneezed.

"Sister, have you caught a cold?" Feng asked with some concern.

"It's okay."


Chun really caught a cold, and then he fainted.

The body temperature is very high.

The top of the mountain at night was too cold, and it was all the smell of smoke after the tree demon burned. Even when sleeping in the tent, Xia Ruo was worried that Tsubaki would catch a cold and aggravate her condition, not to mention that Tsubaki is weak and cannot be arranged. Enchantment.

There is no enchantment, and it is not very safe in the wild, and it is not easy to deal with it if there is a monster or beast sneak attack at night.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xia Ruo took Chun back to her room and put Chun on the bed, planning to let her rest in her room for one night.


When she arrived at a new place, although Chun had a fever on her head and her body was unable to exert any strength, she woke up and looked at the unfamiliar environment around her. Suddenly she found that Xia Ruo had brought her into an unfamiliar environment.

"Where is this place?"

The room is not big, but the furnishings of the room make Tsubaki feel novel.

"You still have a fever, take a good rest, this is my home, it's safe," Xia Ruo said, walking over slowly with a cup of hot water and two pills.

"This is a fever-reducing medicine. You did have a fever just now. After taking this medicine, you will be cured soon, here."


Although Chun had a lot of questions in her head, she still believed in Xia Ruo. Without asking, she reached out and took the medicine with the hot water.

"Lie down," Xia Ruo helped Chun to lay on the bed, then covered her with a quilt, "You can sleep here tonight, and we will go back tomorrow."

"it is good."

Today's Chun was unexpectedly obedient, and Xia Ruo listened to what she said.

In the real world, it was also at eight or nine o'clock. Xia Ruo didn't bother her family, so she stayed in the room and didn't go out. She quietly accompanied Chun, but after all, it was not time to go to bed, Xia Ruo turned off the headlights. Only a small lamp was turned on.

Tom was also locked in the room by Xia Ruo. In order to appease him, Xia Ruo gave Tom his mobile phone to play, and then Tom picked up Xia Ruo's phone to start a 5v5 battle game.

"what are you doing?"

Chun came to Xia Ruo's house suddenly, using Xia Ruo's bed and quilt, feeling the smell of Xia Ruo, even if she had a fever, Chun couldn't sleep, so she looked at Xia Ruo sitting in front of the desk and asked.

"Write homework."

"What is homework?"

"It's the task issued by the teacher, the learning aspect."


Chun turned his head so that his eyes could see the direction Xia Ruo was in.

Xia Ruo happened to have time to make up his homework, but he could always feel the feeling of being stared at, "Miss Chun, hurry up and go to bed. You have been staring at me, I can't write it."

"If you can't write it, it can only mean that you can't concentrate. As long as you concentrate, you won't be disturbed by external factors," Tsubaki replied solemnly.


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