I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 78 The Bellflower in

Traveling all the way, the monsters Tsubaki was looking for still couldn't find a trace, so he could only follow the plan and solve some dangerous monsters on the way.

Otherwise, it is camping, barbecue, singing and watching the moon.

In general, after experiencing the human face fruit tree incident, nothing major happened, and the journey was fairly easy.

Xia Ruo still returns home once a week to report safety with her home, and upload the latest animation of "Banji" by the way.

Due to the change of the play order, after the story of the fog demon before "Banji", Xia Ruo got the golden finger, then practiced swordsmanship for three months, and finally Xia Ruo and Chun played against the human face fruit tree.

There are about four episodes of Human Face and Fruit Tree.

There are also four small climaxes in this plot. One is the plot of Xia Ruo. He got the practice plot of Golden Finger. This kind of plot is very popular in the bloody comics. As the protagonist becomes stronger, the audience will be Looking forward to the plot, I also want to see how the protagonist shows off his skills and shows the fruits of his practice.

The second point is Tom. Tom found his magical flying power under the cliff and showed his skills.Tom riding a broom and flying with Xia Ruo can be considered a climax. After all, this is an interaction that crosses the dimension wall. Funny anime characters show their talents in the world of monster animation.

This is what the audience likes to watch the interaction of different dimensions.

The plot develops until Xia Ruo returns to the real world, and then finds a broom for Tom. When Tom takes the broom and flies, the barrage of the display blows up directly. You can imagine how popular Tom is.

You don’t need statistics to know that Tom’s popularity is definitely the highest, and it exists like a mascot. Watching Tom’s outstanding performance, the score barrage is going up.

The third climax is Tsubaki facing the monster overturning, and then Xia Ruo goes out to save the beauty and show the fruits of practice.Although it is very similar to the routines of other hot-blooded animations, there is nothing new, but the audience still eats this set, especially the section where Xia Ruo's swordsmanship breaks through the vine blockade. The bgm and battle scenes are very good, barely qualified.

The fourth climax is the appearance of Kikyo, the most anticipated character of the audience in the animation "Kanji".

Seven or eight episodes of the animation have been released, but the protagonist Kikyo in the name of the animation has always been a mystery. The audience can only get information about Kikyo inadvertently from passersby and Tsubaki.

It may be inferred that Kikyo is a very powerful witch, and the rest are unknown, but the more the animation is like this, the more the audience expects Kikyo's appearance.

In this chapter of Human Face Fruit Tree, the mysterious Platycodon finally appeared.

The scene system in which Kikyo appeared was also given a few shots. Although not many, the image of the holy and cold maiden was immediately established in front of the audience.

In particular, the demon-breaking arrow that Kikyo emptied thousands of monsters with one arrow made the audience understand how powerful this witch is. The domineering appearance of Kikyo satisfies the audience's expectations for Kikyo, although it only showed a face, but There are indeed a lot of discussions in the barrage and comment area, and Kikyo also has many fans.

After this episode, Tsubaki's popularity is about to be overtaken.

Some people suspect that Kikyo is actually the heroine. Tsubaki is actually a transitional heroine. Maybe she will sacrifice herself to die in the future. Then Xia Ruo and Kikyo are together. This inference is actually supported by many people.

Xia Ruo just smiled after seeing this kind of comment. This kind of discussion is a good phenomenon. When there is a fight, there is heat, which is more conducive to gaining reputation.

Xia Ruo was very satisfied with watching the animation of "Platus grandiflorum" steadily rising, but after the human face and fruit tree chapter entered the daily plot, the increase in popularity slowly declined.

In this case, we can proceed to the next step. Xia Ruo silently took out the original animation of "Inuyasha" and uploaded it.

The animation of "Banji" has almost become popular, and it has provided Xia Ruo with a lot of prestige and established a world view, but this animation still has a lot of potential that has not been tapped.

But if you want to increase the popularity, there are only other ways besides the super god's plot play.

It’s a good idea to release an animated "Inuyasha" with the same world view but excellent plot.

"Inuyasha" itself is an extremely high-quality animation. The plot and content are much better than those of "Banji" that I made a fool of myself. The content of "Banji" is actually quite monotonous, that is, I and Tsubaki are wandering in the monster world. The monster water is daily, and "Inuyasha" is a real story animation based on the search for the jade of the four souls.

The two animations are combined with each other and make up for each other. Maybe they will be more famous than the previous life.

After "Inuyasha" was uploaded, Xia Ruo waited for a while, and then watched the comments and barrage slowly grow. In the middle, Xia Ruo went to eat a meal, and the barrage had been raised when she returned.

Open the animation, and above it is an overwhelming barrage.

"The rise of new animation, support and support!"

"It's too tiring to wait for the update of "Banji", watching the new animation, I don't know if it can be updated twice a day, "Banji" is too slow to update."

"Inuyasha, this name is so strange, does it have any special meaning?"


The animation of "Inuyasha" is very fast, and there is no time for the audience to send meaningless barrage. At the beginning of the plot, a group of villagers shouted Inuyasha's name, and then used various weapons to hunt down Inuyasha's plot, but Inuyasha completely ignored The villagers took the jade of the four souls all the way to the place where the jade of the four souls was enshrined.

Looking at Inuyasha's figure, the barrage increased again.

"Wow, so handsome, is this the protagonist?"

"Yes, the name of the animation is Inuyasha. The villagers also called him Inuyasha just now. This man with dog ears should be the protagonist."

"It's great. I showed us the protagonist from the beginning. It's totally different from the animation of "Kikyo".

"This protagonist doesn't look like a good person. He is robbing things. What is the jade of the Four Souls for? It feels like a very important treasure."


There is not a lot of time to send the audience these attention to Inuyasha barrage, because the next moment, the audience is thinking about familiar figures in another animation.

A beautiful witch wearing an orthodox red and white witch costume, holding a bow and arrow in her hand, aimed at the monster who had just stole the jade of the four souls.

Kikyo appeared.


Accompanied by this sound, Kikyo shot an arrow, and Inuyasha was nailed to the Goshenmu.


After Inuyasha was nailed to the Mikami, he just whispered the name of Kikyo and lost consciousness.


At this moment there is a "???" on the barrage

Did someone go to the wrong set?

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