I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 86: Eyes That See Through All Fantasy

"Come here," following the call from the city lord, a large number of guards rushed in from outside, and the weapons in their hands were all aimed at Chun.

Xia Ruo's hand has been placed on the knife next to him, and at the same time watching the performance of the city lord, he has determined that this is a game, a game that makes them fight themselves.

It’s not just Firefly who has a problem, but the city lord also seems to have a problem, but it’s probably because of illusion or disguise that cannot be seen through. How can we see through their true colors?

Xia Ruo pondered for a while, and after thinking about the abilities he had now, he tried to inject the'power of reality' into his eyes. The power of reality was used in attacks, which could shatter illusions. How about using it in eyes?

Just do it.

Soon, a ray of blue light flashed in Xia Ruo's eyes.

Opening his eyes again, Xia Ruo realized that this world was different. Everything that originally looked like reality has now become a two-dimensional painting style in Xia Ruo's eyes, and everyone in front of him has also become paper. The look of a film man.

Xia Ruo also took a look at Tsubaki and Kikyo, who had originally looked like real beauties, now they have become two-dimensional beautiful girls.

Very strange feeling.

It's a bit like he's directly into the world of cartoons. Xia Ruo also glanced at Tom, and suddenly found that Tom had changed from a British short kitten to a long cat in the animation.

It's amazing.

But what Xia Ruo wants to see is not this. Adding the'power of reality' to the eyes seems to be effective. What will it look like if you add more?

Xia Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, and poured all the'power of reality' he had now into his eyes.

This time, Xia Ruo discovered that the world was still a two-dimensional world, but some details were different.

For example, when Xia Ruo looks at Tsubaki, she will find that there are more characters setting tables on the top of Tsubaki’s head, such as name, gender, age, and status. However, it may be that Xia Ruo's realistic power is not enough, and she can only see the front. Some attributes will not be seen later.

Xia Ruo: "..."

This is too real, it's really a second dimension.

Xia Ruo shook his head. These are not his concerns. He looked at the direction of the city lord. At this time, the city lord has also become a bandage man with a two-dimensional painting style. The name on his head reads...

[Youkai Hotaru's clone (castle lord's shell)]


Xia Ruo turned his head and looked at the surrounding guards, and found that although they were also two-dimensional images, the name column above his head was still...

[Youkai Hotaru's clone (guard body)]

[Youkai Hotaru's clone (guard body)]


The guards of this City Lord’s Mansion are all clones of monsters, what about Hotaru's corpse?

Xia Ruo looked at Ying's body, and the headless body of the second dimension was still...

[Part of Yokai Hotaru's body]

It turned out that all the people in the City Lord's Mansion were clones of monsters, and Xia Ruo finally understood the current situation.


"Get me down this demon!"

Following the order from the city lord, the guards rushed towards Chun with their weapons, but the Shijin on Chun's body was just a flick, and the guards who were just ordinary people were all knocked out.

"Wicked girl! Wicked girl! Are you going to kill all the people in our city?" Even if all the guards were knocked down, the city lord was not afraid at all. His tone contained great anger, as if it was really because The daughter's death was angry.

At the same time, the city owner's gaze was also placed on Kikyo's body.

"This demon girl killed my daughter for no reason, and I hope Master Kikyo will help me take this demon girl. With the reputation and strength of the legendary Master Kikyo, she will definitely be able to take this demon girl all at once."

When Kikyo heard this, he frowned and glanced at Hotaru's body, then turned to look at Tsubaki, and asked.

"Tsubaki, why are you killing this person?"

"She is a monster."

Chun just said such a word indifferently.

"Nonsense, how could my daughter be a monster, she is obviously a human," the city lord said with a trace of sadness, "because my daughter fell in love with your sweetheart, so you moved to kill, you Demon girl, even if I fight this life today, I will keep you behind."

"My sweetheart?"

The city lord said so long, Chun seemed to only care about these three words, and glanced at Xia Ruo from the corner of his eyes.

Kikyo also noticed Tsubaki's small movements, a little helpless, she also wanted to protect Tsubaki, but now she really did not have any evidence to prove that the woman was a monster.

If it was before, Kikyo thought it was impossible for Tsubaki to kill people at will, but now Tsubaki is different from the Tsubaki she knows. A woman who has fallen in love, Kikyo cannot understand. Tsubaki does blind things for the sake of feelings. , It may not be impossible.

Do not know how to deal with the current situation.

"Tsubaki, you have done too much," Kikyo shook her head. She did not feel the monster in that body, and if she was a monster, she should have exposed her body after being killed, but the girl died for so long Time is still the appearance of human beings.

"Kanji, don't you believe me?" Tsubaki asked flatly while looking at the bellflower. Although it was an interrogative sentence, her tone was more like stating a fact.

"I can't find evidence that she is a monster now, or you may have made a wrong judgment," Kikyo shook his head and said, even if she is a monster, there must be evidence to kill her. Now this kind of scene is unclear. .

After hearing Kikyo's words, Tsubaki completely ignored Kikyo, she didn't want to say anything to Kikyo anymore, but Tsubaki looked back at Xia Ruo.

Unlike the indifferent tone to Kikyo just now, when Chun asked Xia Ruo, there was an inexplicable mood in her tone, "What about you? Do you believe me?"

In fact, Chun did not expect Xia Ruo's answer, because she also knew that what she had just done seemed to kill an innocent person casually, but Chun still had a slight answer to Xia Ruo. Expectation.


Xia Ruo looked at Chun, and it seemed that Chun wanted to know his answer at this time, and Xia Ruo suddenly asked a question subconsciously.

"What do you mean?"

"Humph," Chun snorted angrily. She didn't expect Xia Ruo to say such unscrupulous words at this time.

"How do I know what you think."

"I can't guess such a good guess. Of course I believe Miss Chun." Xia Ruo smiled softly at Chun, then picked up the knife set aside, walked to Chun's face, and made her stand clear.

"I don't believe that Miss Chun will kill innocent people indiscriminately. Since Miss Chun says that woman is a monster, she must be a monster!"

Chun's heart warmed when she heard Xia Ruo's words.

It's great to have someone who believes in himself wholeheartedly.

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