This monster is too big. If it appears in other animations, it is estimated that Ultraman will jump out and learn from it.

With such an overwhelming body shape and a huge sense of oppression, even if Xia Ruo were to chop, he felt that he would have to chop for a day to finish.

However, Xia Ruo was not afraid.

After all, this monster looks very strong, perhaps with the strength of a big monster, but it is facing the two strongest witches of this era at the moment.

The collaboration of Kikyo and Tsubaki.

If they can't defeat this monster together, then there is probably no human being able to defeat this monster in the world.

But obviously, Yokai Hotaru didn't think of this.

Monsters are proud. They look down upon the weak power of humans at all. The same is true for Youkai Firefly. It has been chased by weak humans before, which has already made it very embarrassing. This time, it has gathered all its strengths and will take revenge here. .

"Miko, you are all going to die!"

The fifty-meter-high body of the monster Hotaru took a step forward, and there was a feeling of shaking the ground. When he opened his mouth, a black ball appeared beside his mouth.

It looked like it was accumulating a powerful shock wave.

The monsters in Inuyasha generally release this kind of attack.

Kikyo naturally couldn't watch it accumulate its power and shoot another arrow, but this time, Kikyo's arrow was blocked by the monster with the price of an arm.

But at this moment, Tsubaki smiled slightly, because when she used Shijin to bite the human-shaped firefly's neck, she also took her blood.

That clone is part of the monster, so her blood is also the blood of the monster.

The shikigami behind Tsubaki spit out a black liquid at the drop of blood, enveloping the drop of monster's blood.



A huge heartbeat came from the body of the monster Hotaru.

At the same time, the charged energy ball in the monster Firefly's mouth also dissipated. Not only was the attack interrupted by the curse, its face was full of pain.


The Yokai Hotaru's body exudes black energy. It seems that the body cannot move because of pain, but it did not die immediately, but kept wailing. It seems that the curse of Tsubaki caused it great pain, but it did not completely kill it. Ability.

Kikyo will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity.

Raising her hand to shoot an arrow, her movements are still so elegant and quiet even if she is shooting an arrow, but this time, Kikyo aimed at the monster Hotaru's mouth.

"Even if it is a powerful monster, there will be weaknesses in the body."

Kikyo said, after charging for two seconds, he shot the demon-breaking arrow in his hand, but this time the light on the demon-breaking arrow was different from the previous two arrows, this time the light of the demon-breaking power was even more dazzling.

It seems that Kikyo used all his strength this time.

The demon-breaking arrow hit the monster Firefly's screaming mouth very smoothly, and at the same time, the demon-breaking power exploded in her head.

There is no sound, only a dazzling light.

Starting from the head of the monster firefly, it was purified little by little, from the mouth, to the entire head, and then to the whole body.

As long as it is the part with demon power, it can't resist the power of the Demon Breaking Arrow.

The monster with such a huge body just now shakes the ground when it moves, and the big monster with majestic monster power is thus purified by the power of demon breaking.

Xia Ruo thought it would be a hard fight, but it seemed that it was over. It can't be said that the big monster is too weak, only that Kikyo is too strong.

Well, Tsubaki is also very strong.

But Xia Ruo did not relax, staring at the direction of the monster Firefly. This monster is different from ordinary monsters. Its abilities are too weird, it can clone, and there is that strange white air transfer method. Xia If you think it can't be so easy, it will be solved.

Xia Ruo stared carefully with her special eyes, watching the monster Firefly's body be purified little by little.

Maybe Xia Ruo's physical fitness has improved, his eyesight and dynamic capture ability have been improved, which really made him discover an abnormal place.

It was supposed to be a demon body that was all purified. A piece of meat flew out from the back. Not only was that piece of meat unpurified, it also flew away like a football being kicked.

Hmph, I guessed that you still had a hand.

"Tom, come."

Xia Ruo beckoned to Tom, who was watching the show with a cookie.



"Damn it, hate it, hate it..."

The piece of meat flying in the air kept shattering thoughts, and his tone was full of resentment and resentment. This piece of meat was the part that had just escaped from the monster Hotaru's body.

A piece of flesh without limbs and head flying in the air like this is a bit strange, but its own ability is like this. As long as the will and soul are still there, the flesh is actually just a carrier.

"I didn’t expect that Kikyo’s demon-breaking power is so strong. This time I miscalculated, but humans are humans. Just attacking my body can’t kill me. As long as my will is still there, I can regain my full strength. ."

"Wait, Kikyo, Tsubaki, and Xia Ruo. When I come back again next time, I will kill you all and let you die in pain. Next time, I will use new strategies to let you Kill each other."

"Even if it fails next time, I will have the next time. One day, I will let you die in my hands."

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly appeared beside the meat.

"Where are you going to fly?"


The piece of meat was still flying in the air at this time. At this time, an eye suddenly grew on the piece of meat that had nothing. It looked in the direction of the sound just now, and then it saw a very magical scene.

The man named Xia Ruo flew side by side with it on a small wooden stick, and there was a cat in front of the stick.


Tom waved his little paw, as if to say hello to the meat, and smiled at the meat.

To be honest, the cat doesn't look very good when smiling.

"We meet again, Ms. Ying-yue," Xia Ruo's tone and demeanor were like those of the young girl Ying-yue when the hero saved the United States at that time, without the slightest change.

"you again!"

There was a hint of hatred and fear in the voice of the meat lump. It was now the weakest posture, and it was already at the limit of being able to fly, and there was no resistance at all.

"It's me, Miss Ying, give up, you can't run away."


Xia Ruo turned Tom, and then the magic broom turned towards the meat.

Without hesitation, he cut out with a sword, and Xia Ruo directly divided the piece of meat into two.

What is divided into two is not only the meat, but also the white air that manipulates the meat inside.

"Why can you... kill me..."

This is the last voice of Firefly.

It is dead.

It’s just that it doesn’t understand until death. It’s right that ordinary human weapons are useless to its own body. Even the power of demon breaking can only destroy its own body, but why Xia Ruo’s attack can directly destroy his own soul and will, directly Kill yourself from the root.

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